Spay on stunted rescue.


Hi guys,
I recently made a post about my girl bee needing to be spayed,she had the spay and is doing very good.
I’m not sure if I have bad luck or if it’s just due to the fact it’s becoming more of an issue but my other rescue honey is now due to be spayed as well.She’s been acting very off the past week or two but still eating like a piggy.She has been glass surfing a lot recently and trying her best to dig(she didn’t ever have a uvb in pervious home and has deformed arms.She walks on her fore arms/elbows and she also has a deformed tail/ back,is bent to one side and is a bit like the letter s shape).She still gets around well and has a tank set up that has been sorted to fit her needs,she lives on blankies and has one rock/slate that she basks on.She is around 2-3 years old and is a leatherback.She went to the vets this morning and they took an ultrasound and could see a few eggs but said there was some concern that her uterus lining was very thick.She suggested spaying her and has booked her in for Thursday to be spayed,I was unable to see my usual (preferred) vet Zoe but have an appointment booked with her on Monday as she will be the one performing surgery on honey and was the one who also spayed bee.

Unfortunately due to honeys previous home she’s stunted and small,she eats very well and does get around well but it’s more of an army crawl and can’t fully straighten her front arms back legs are completely normal.
I would like to add she has never had a black beard before today expect once when she held water in her beard and aspirated it but that has been sorted and she was ok thankfully.Her beard and her tail have been black today,very bad this morning before vet visit but she has had some metacam earlier (prescribed by her vet)and seems to be feeling less stressed.At the moment she’s still accepting food happily and hasn’t got a black beard or tail but it does come and go.
I know about the actual spay and process but wanted to ask if anyone had any knowledge about the thickening on the lining of her uterus? I also wanted to ask if anyone has any knowledge or experience on if the fact she’s “disabled” it would be more of a risk for surgery. Any help would be very appreciated,feel like I’m back in the same situation I was a month ago😞thank you again for any help.Just to add on I’ve had honey for around a year and a half,she’s improved so much! When I first brought her home the only way she moved was by dragging herself around by her chin,so even though she doesn’t walk properly she still is able to get around without pain.Sorry for the length of post!
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Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Can you ask them for a diagnosis? And why is the lining being thick a concern?

When Clyde needed to be spayed the vet said they usually give the beardie 2 weeks to see if they will lay on their own, but Clyde had been showing gravid signs for over a month with no progress in egg development (preovulatory stasis) so we went through with the spay only a week later. Anyways, how long has she been gravid for? Have you set up a lay box for her? I know she is disabled but just thinking she is digging could her her instincts probably.

My beardie stopped eating on their own for at least 2 weeks which is also why we went through with surgery. Its only normal for them to stop eating right before laying and Clyde hadn't even developed the eggs yet so it was a bad sign (potential discomfort or infection).

I have no idea what the thick lining thing is but I think you should ask your vet to explain why it would be an issue so you can have a better idea of the risk she is at if she doesn't get the surgery. Eating is a really good sign for her though :)


Original Poster
That's a tough call, I'd personally not do it but it's up to you. Can you post a few pics of Honey ?
I can tomorrow,she’s just really squished up if that makes sense.She’s small about 300g and half the size of bee.It’s really hard to know what to do,she’s seeing her regular vet Monday so we should know a bit more.The pain meds have helped a lot,she’s still eating just hoping the vet on Monday will be able to help as she is a lot more experienced.The only reason she went vets was because she was going mental and had a black beard and tail.

Can you ask them for a diagnosis? And why is the lining being thick a concern?

When Clyde needed to be spayed the vet said they usually give the beardie 2 weeks to see if they will lay on their own, but Clyde had been showing gravid signs for over a month with no progress in egg development (preovulatory stasis) so we went through with the spay only a week later. Anyways, how long has she been gravid for? Have you set up a lay box for her? I know she is disabled but just thinking she is digging could her her instincts probably.

My beardie stopped eating on their own for at least 2 weeks which is also why we went through with surgery. Its only normal for them to stop eating right before laying and Clyde hadn't even developed the eggs yet so it was a bad sign (potential discomfort or infection).

I have no idea what the thick lining thing is but I think you should ask your vet to explain why it would be an issue so you can have a better idea of the risk she is at if she doesn't get the surgery. Eating is a really good sign for her though :)
She’s only got a few eggs inside her,we could see a couple on her ultrasound.The lining looked thick and built up,not sure if it’s undeveloped eggs or if it’s because she didn’t have the proper set up growing up and hasn’t been able to fully develop inside.She’s still eating but it’s the pain that was the reason for vet visit,she’s been getting chunky for a few weeks so thought she might be getting ready to lay.
I’m not 100% sure she’s Gravid I think it’s more the fact that her reproductive organs haven’t formed correctly and it is causing some problem.So I’m unsure of if she’ll even be able to lay her eggs,from what I could see she only has a few in there but the lining looks very thick.She doesn’t have a dig box right now as she can’t safely get in and out of it but am willing to try if anyone has recommendations for a disable friendly dig box.She has only dug twice,it’s mainly the glass surfing and black beard and tail.

She’s been such a champ since she’s came to live with me,didn’t think she’d make it past the first night in all honesty.I’m happy to do surgery if it’s the only option but feel as though it’s more of a serious concern due to the lining issue.I’m keeping a close eye on her and have transport sorted if she needs to go back to vets today.

Thank you both for the replies! I will be talking to my vet Monday to try to get a better understanding of what’s actually wrong with her.Bee I completely understood she was full of eggs and wasn’t showing any signs of laying but honey is in a different situation due to her health/past.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Definitely post some pictures of Honey, she sounds very sweet. I agree, that is a hard call. Since
she has had some trouble I would definitely talk to the vet more. I am not sure surgery/spaying is
needed, but if she can't lay them for some reason that is another story.
Let us know how she is doing.



Original Poster

Definitely post some pictures of Honey, she sounds very sweet. I agree, that is a hard call. Since
she has had some trouble I would definitely talk to the vet more. I am not sure surgery/spaying is
needed, but if she can't lay them for some reason that is another story.
Let us know how she is doing.

Thank you,she’s as sweet as honey🐝! I would much rather try to get her to lay than spay but am willing to if vets thinks it is her only option. Today she has been a bit worse she had a black beard and tail tip for a few hours,she’s had shredded rocket and has calmed down and basking.Her tail and beard have subsided at the moment but come and go darker through out the day.She’s having some spurts of glass surfing and goes very dark,it took a while to calm her down this morning a lot longer than yesterday :(
It’s very stressful to see,she’s looking plumper than yesterday not even sure if that’s possible but her belly definitely looks bigger/rounder.
The vet mentioned her uterus lining looked quite thick and deformed have you got any experience with this? She’s booked in Monday to see vet again so hopefully we’ll know more then.
Thank you for the reply! You’ve been such a big help to me and my babies and I am so very grateful 💞
Wanted to add that she is still happily accepting food,even trying to climb out to get to her greens as Im prepping them.She struggles to eat without assistance and has an underbite,she gets about 2-3 leaves shredded each feeding,how much should I offer her? She will eat all of what she’s offered just don’t want to make anything worse with adding food on.
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Original Poster
Greens are good for her so let her chomp away on as many as she wants. :) What type of greens is she getting ?
Thank you for the replies! Means a lot to both me and honey,she’s getting rocket,cucumber and kale at the moment.She will eat anything given so am happy to try any suggestions.She won’t eat slurries,that’s the only things she will run from.When I first got her she couldn’t eat because her jaw was bendy so she only had slurries but now she’s stronger she gets greens and some live food,I’ve stopped live food for now until we know what’s up.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is great she is eating very well then, so she must be feeling pretty good. It sounds like she has
come a long way! It would be nice if she could lay on her own, you never know.
Keep us posted on her!



Original Poster

That is great she is eating very well then, so she must be feeling pretty good. It sounds like she has
come a long way! It would be nice if she could lay on her own, you never know.
Keep us posted on her!

Does anyone know what the best type of honey is for them? I’ve heard about Manuka honey but it’s quite expensive at around £40,I’ve found some for £18 so am happy to pay that but am also happy to get something cheaper as long as it works! She’s been shedding her mouth area and now has caused a slight cut/abrasion from smacking off the glass and glass surfing.She’s just has some shredded rocket and her painkillers from vets,was going to try cucumber but I gave some to my other lad Terry and he bit my finger really hard trying to get it so now I’m bandaged up but will try tomorrow or later.Normally I don’t offer cucumber,but thought it would be a good way to keep everyone hydrated but Terry is a little piranha.

I really do hope she can lay on her on,she’s had an awful start to life and deserves to stay here and enjoy what she has now.Although I am preparing for any outcome,she’s not in the best physical condition but it’s healthy otherwise! Thank you for all of the help,rescues are a heart breaking and really stressful process but none the less I’m very grateful to have her and be able to show her love. You’re always so positive about any situation,I genuinely wish I could be the same,my brain goes straight to the worst possible outcome!

AHBD Sicko
Any raw, unpasteurized honey will have antimicrobial properties. You can get it from a beekeeper [ the best place, right from the source ] or a reliable health food store. Some farmer's markets might carry it but you have to watch because there are unscrupulous people selling honey that is not unpasteurized as if it is.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Every time i read a post about a beardie that is suffering it tears me up. I have a rehab myself and although she was not as bad as honey it gives me a little insight into how challenging it can be. There really are angels among us, they are the ones who rescue these lil guys and give them the love they deserve. Your babies will be in my prayers and so will you.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The regular raw honey is very good also. So you don't have to get the manuka honey if you can
find a good local raw honey that will work also.
It is stressful when they are not 100% but we are all pulling for her! Please let us know how things
are going for her.



Original Poster
Any raw, unpasteurized honey will have antimicrobial properties. You can get it from a beekeeper [ the best place, right from the source ] or a reliable health food store. Some farmer's markets might carry it but you have to watch because there are unscrupulous people selling honey that is not unpasteurized as if it is.
Thank you! I am thinking of going Holland and Barrett which is a reputable health store,her lip actually looks a lot better but will still get some of the honey.I did read about some places selling it under false pretences,when it’s not actually unpasteurised! Will have a look into any local beekeepers!
Every time i read a post about a beardie that is suffering it tears me up. I have a rehab myself and although she was not as bad as honey it gives me a little insight into how challenging it can be. There really are angels among us, they are the ones who rescue these lil guys and give them the love they deserve. Your babies will be in my prayers and so will you.
Thank you so much! Im an emotional wreck atm so that’s just made me cry AGAIN!! I really do appreciate the kind words,they all mean the world to me and it’s very distressing to see any of them in pain or upset.She’s only a small little thing,very deformed my vet said earlier she’s one of the worst she’s seen! But said she’s doing really well considering the condition she came to me in.They really do rescue us,I would do anything for my little ones they deserve the world.💞


Original Poster

The regular raw honey is very good also. So you don't have to get the manuka honey if you can
find a good local raw honey that will work also.
It is stressful when they are not 100% but we are all pulling for her! Please let us know how things
are going for her.

Thank you! Money is tight right now after bees surgery as well so don’t mind something cheaper than manuka! Luckily,my vet has said we can do a payment scheme with this surgery so it’s not going to be a lump sum which helps with other expenses and vet visits.

Honey went vets this morning,zoe her vet couldn’t see any follicles or eggs!! But unfortunately she thinks honey has endometriosis,her uterus is extremely thick and inflamed.She’s been put on different pain meds and antibiotics.We’ve cancelled surgery for this Thursday and rebooked for next Thursday to give her some time to get the antibiotics working.
She said it’s a riskier operation with honey as she hasn’t developed properly and her organs maybe in different places as her ribs haven’t developed fully and have fused.But then also did say there’s a good chance she’ll be ok.I feel a lot better about everything knowing that she hasn’t got eggs that may burst or follicles,she actually said she’s not sure if honey can even make eggs due to how she was brought up.
I’m not sure if anyone has any experience with endometriosis in beardies or humans(any thing helps!)but any help would really be great.I am happy to do surgery if it means it will fully stop the problem but would rather hold off surgery.My vet said she recommends spaying as if maybe an ongoing/reoccurring issue.
Any thoughts/opinions are very welcomed,thank you again for all the replies guys! Such an amazing community and people,don’t know what I’d do with out this website!

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