Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

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I figured I would post some pics of Sarth...even though he hasn't been eating very well the past month he still finds every opportunity to be cute! I think I might just keep adding pics to this thread along with my blog, we will see!

The most recent ones are at the top.

I thought this was adorable...he was kind of lounging against the glass, looking at me like "what?!"

Just trying out a close-up of his's hard to get good pics during the weekdays when the sun is going down by the time I get home

Scoping out his rearranged tank

Morning stretches, as usual :)

Him looking *really* grumpy sitting in the sun on the back of our recliner. And I put his tail like that, lol

My husband took this :roll:

A rare shot of him actually eating his salad

Watching Glee with me!

He loves to explore the coffee table, not sure why

I did not put him like this, lol. I should have entered it in this months photo competition!

Him still being really mad from the vet's visit the night before. He looked so hilarious, all puffed up with the black beard. I started petting him and he deflated while managing to look confused.

Just looking cute. This was right around when he stopped eating about a month ago.


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JenFid":28vp6vu0 said:
annieoakley123":28vp6vu0 said:
is that a beardie tote you have!? I should get one of those! I remember seeing them for sale!
Yes it is! I got her last one though as she was getting rid of all her beardie stuff :( I love it, came with a little blankie thing that holds heat packs and fits in the bottom in case it gets chilly. I use it for everything now though, it's draped over his basking spot at home and when we venture to other people's homes it's what I have him sit on (you'll notice it in a lot of pics lol)

That's cool. Once my beardies get big I'd like to bring them into the real world lol. You don't worry about Sarth running away?


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SamusTheDragon":3h872yy1 said:
JenFid":3h872yy1 said:
annieoakley123":3h872yy1 said:
is that a beardie tote you have!? I should get one of those! I remember seeing them for sale!
Yes it is! I got her last one though as she was getting rid of all her beardie stuff :( I love it, came with a little blankie thing that holds heat packs and fits in the bottom in case it gets chilly. I use it for everything now though, it's draped over his basking spot at home and when we venture to other people's homes it's what I have him sit on (you'll notice it in a lot of pics lol)

That's cool. Once my beardies get big I'd like to bring them into the real world lol. You don't worry about Sarth running away?
Not very much. He is really chill and laid back and not easily frightened. Usually when he sees something he doesn't like he sucks his tummy in to try and make himself less visible, lol, and if he's on my lap or shoulder or something he will scoot sideways, but he's never actually ran away from anything.
He does love to explore though once he's sat long enough to assess where he wants to go :p I don't worry about losing him in the house but I do have a harness that I keep on him if we're going to be outside for more than a few minutes.


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JenFid":2fujmrm7 said:
SamusTheDragon":2fujmrm7 said:
JenFid":2fujmrm7 said:
annieoakley123":2fujmrm7 said:
is that a beardie tote you have!? I should get one of those! I remember seeing them for sale!
Yes it is! I got her last one though as she was getting rid of all her beardie stuff :( I love it, came with a little blankie thing that holds heat packs and fits in the bottom in case it gets chilly. I use it for everything now though, it's draped over his basking spot at home and when we venture to other people's homes it's what I have him sit on (you'll notice it in a lot of pics lol)

That's cool. Once my beardies get big I'd like to bring them into the real world lol. You don't worry about Sarth running away?
Not very much. He is really chill and laid back and not easily frightened. Usually when he sees something he doesn't like he sucks his tummy in to try and make himself less visible, lol, and if he's on my lap or shoulder or something he will scoot sideways, but he's never actually ran away from anything.
He does love to explore though once he's sat long enough to assess where he wants to go :p I don't worry about losing him in the house but I do have a harness that I keep on him if we're going to be outside for more than a few minutes.

Milo and sam are pretty small. I feel like if they wedge themselves somewhere I wont be able to find them and i do I won't be able to move what their hiding behind. I wish I was such a weakling sometimes xD. Also, does Sarth poop alot when you let him out, Milo pooped on my shirt when he was out the other day :lol: it was quite funny actually...


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When he was younger he used to poop when I took him out after a few minutes of exploring, now his poos are 90% done during his bath. He had his first poo in his new viv yesterday because I forgot to give him a bath the day before lol, so must have really had to go. I try and make sure he goes before I let him out to do any kind of running around.


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Well I got a few new pics here. Sartharion has figured out how to climb up on to his big branch that I put in so he could get close to the UVB!




He weighed in this morning at 329 grams, last time I weighed him on the 17th he was 321 grams. So it looks like the huge growth spurt of 10 grams a day is over, he is still eating heartily though. I just love the weekends when I came have him out most of the day with me.

Another first last night, I took him out around 10pm (so I woke him up of course) to show a couple of my friends who hadn't seen him since November. I set him on my friends leg, and I'm guessing he must have still been mostly asleep when I took him out, because suddenly he woke up, saw all the people, then immediately puffed up, flared his beard and opened his mouth! No hissing luckily. Then he seemed to realize where he was and deflated about 3 seconds later. Needless to say that startled everyone, lol. Once he got over his rude awakening he was perfectly fine...and happy to be put back to bed lol.


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Go Sarth! :D He is such a cutie LOL. I'm glad he figured out his branch!

Aww, he was just showing your friends what a tough, manly beardie he is. :lol:


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Jess4921":3ds57m79 said:
Go Sarth! :D He is such a cutie LOL. I'm glad he figured out his branch!

Aww, he was just showing your friends what a tough, manly beardie he is. :lol:
That's what I figured too, lol.

Poor lizard, his face which has been in pre-shed mode for about 2 weeks is finally getting going. It's on his beard/throat, spikes on the back of his head, lips and nose, but doesn't quite cover the back of his head. He is having a pretty miserable time with it I think.

He enjoyed his bath earlier and was dipping/resting his beard in the water LOL. He really wanted to get that shed off. You can kind of see halfway down his beard where the shed starts.

Hey mom look at me climb my branch!

I flaked away some of the loose bits of skin on his lips, now it looks like his face is exploding.

Now here he is about an hour later looking completely miserable. "Dilapidated" also comes to mind. He was rubbing on everything but I think he's given up for today, poor guy!


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Well Sarth finally got all the shed off of his face, his beard is so orange now, it's just gorgeous! I'll have to try and get a close-up of it. So it seems his torso will be due to shed next, no idea when that's going to happen though. I hope soon considering the weight he put on but it doesn't have that washed-out look yet even :?

Anyway we went to our favorite brew-pub again and brought Sarth along. It took him about an hour but he finally relaxed enough to not suck in his gut every time someone walked by lol. He even did a little exploring! He is quite the attention getter, not many people get to see a bearded dragon on a leash I guess :lol:

Leaving the safety of his blankie to taste test everything on the table. Notice the creamy white and orange beard!

Saying hi to one of my sisters in-law. That's dad in-law on the left, not sure who the creepy guy in the background is LOL.

Besides that, he turns 10 months on Tuesday, woo! Also heat index today of 100-105, hopefully it stays sunny so he can get a bit of that when I get home.


Extreme Poster
LMAO, I love the 2nd picture, with the guy in the background creeping on you. :lol: Made my day.
Sarth is so adorable! I'm surprised that they let you bring him to the restraunt.

I don't understand how you can be outside right now, BTW! Poor Dudley won't move from the "cool" side (which is not-so-cool right now...) or eat his veggies because of the heat. Before I was complaining it didn't feel like summer, but this is a little much... :roll:


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Well we are outside so pretty much anything goes. People bring their dogs all the time. It's a great place we are there at least once a week, haha.

I know I think it is hotter today than yesterday @_@ last time it was this hot a few weeks ago though Sarth LOVED it. I won't stay out long, I prefer the air conditioning lol.

Also now that the government is shutdown I'll be able to make it to the rep-con in August...provided they're still shutdown, since all the state parks are closed.Sarth and Dud could have a head bob contest :mrgreen:


Extreme Poster
Sounds fun!

I took Dudley out when it was in the 80s a few weeks ago too! We both started over heating at the same time though LOL. Dud has unusually low heat tolerance for a desert lizard. :roll:

Yay! I think I saw something about it in the newspaper.
Did you bring Sarth last year? I want to bring Dud, but I'm worried he might attack some of the other beardies or something. He usually does fine at pet stores, but all the reptiles are in cages there!


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Yea after being outside for about 5 minutes with him I started sweating and turning pink lol. He enjoyed it though, I got some good pics that I'll post later.

There was another repti-con in March I think which I missed. Lots of contributing factors: it was rainy, I was slightly hung over, and Sarth was a month into his 3 month "I'm only going to eat a small roach a day" :roll: But I would definitely like to go to this one if I can.

I think they'd be fine, I'd have Sarth on a leash and bring his purse too if he got too overwhelmed. Sarth has never seen another beardie since I bought him so I have no idea how he would act when he sees another lol. He doesn't even notice himself in the mirror.


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I think me and Dud thoughed it out for about a half hour. I really wanted a tan LOL.

I was on vacation for the March one, so I couldn't go. But we don't have anything planned for the end of August, so I will make sure that I can attend this one! I need new drift wood, and I remember one vendor having some awesome pieces last year. :D

Yeah, that's what I was going to do. If Dud is a spaz, he can take a time-out in his "man bag".
Dudley was only interested in attacking his relfection after he woke up from brumating, but since his hormones died down he doesn't react. He had a cage-mate in his previous home, so he is used to other beardies I guess.


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Atrax":147k3qjq said:
Last pic is called "The Day of the Creeps" LOL :D
LOL yep pretty much!

So we had a fun weekend. Sat-Mon were just beauuuuutiful here! Sunny and hot and not humid at all. I brought Sarth out several times a day every day, and he is finally getting used to the inside/outside transition, lol! Instead of freezing and being dark for the first 5-10 mins outside, after just a couple minutes he jumps off my shirt onto the table to do some exploring. I did about an hour of sunbathing on Saturday in which Sarth ran in and out of the sun several times, then started getting a little too excited about it so I had to bring him in :roll:

Sunday was a fun filled day! I drug my husband to Twin Cities Reptiles (where I bought Sarth as a little guy) hoping to get a few hornworms but they were sold out :( However I did come across these really neat wooden house things for guinea pigs/hamsters that also looked perfect for a new hide.

I think I might need to turn it sideways though so he can see the entrance better from his basking spot. I put him in there last night and he snuggled right up! Hopefully after doing that a few more times he'll figure it out himself.

My friend came over and we had a girls night before going off to fireworks with the husbands. I was grilling and in and out of the house constantly, so I grabbed a big tupperware and a couple towels so Sarth could stay outside safely. He was not pleased at first (black beard!) but then he got used to it and had happy colors the rest of the time. I had to do some adjusting with the towels so that he had shade.


Can we go in now pleeeease

So he didn't poop yesterday which is unusual as he's been pooping every day for about the last month. I came home for lunch today and figured he would need to go, so I was going to give him a bath as soon as I finished my food. He was up at the glass staring at me while I ate, then suddenly I noticed his tail lifting up :shock: And he unloaded right in front of me, lol. If only he could have waited 5 more minutes! He must have been expecting me to take him out right away :p
After that episode he decided he was feeling spry and started running around his viv and scratching at the glass. I gave him some roaming time and put him away, and he decided it was time to soak up some UV rays :lol:

That's all for now! I've got a pack of horns and silks coming. The horns he hasn't had since that was the only thing he would eat during his hunger strike, so I'm interested to see how he'll take them now :)
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