Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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BD.org Sicko
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OK, I finally got Callie's story all in writing. It only took me hours, with many interruptions, of course.

Before you start reading, be sure that you have visited the bathroom and have a drink & food sitting next to you, because this is going to be a very long one. Ready?

A few minutes after 5 o'clock on Thursday, I walked into my bedroom to take a peek outside, to see if Callie was in the backyard. Sure enough, she was lying in her spot next to the shed, waiting for a mouse to cross her path. I turned off the flood lights (that must've confused Callie to go from darkness to blinding lights to darkness again), went into the kitchen to prepare her dinner, and walked downstairs. I had offered Zim to go outside but he chose to ignore me instead. After putting on a pair of socks, flip flops, and a jacket, I walked out onto the deck. When I reached the top of the steps, I said hello to Callie and told her to come over to the deck to eat her dinner, then reached out my left arm/hand in the "come" gesture (to which she does respond to). Callie stayed firm in her position next to the shed, but did look at me every time I spoke to her. Seeing that she wasn't going to come to me, I decided to walk down the steps to entice her to at least stand up. As soon as my foot hit the ground, she immediately sat up; I walked maybe 3 feet away from deck, placed her bowl on the ground, squatted down, and opened both arms out to her. What happened next wouldn't have even been in my wildest dreams. (are you sitting down? not currently drinking anything? aren't ready to swallow any food/drinks?) Callie stood up on all fours and went into a full run (yup, she ran again) towards me, across the entire backyard, over 50+ feet! She only slowed down when she was about 5 feet away from me.

Once Callie reached me, she immediately pushed her head into my hand for a head rub, then went straight for the bowl. She didn't even care that my body casted a shadow over the bowl and that she couldn't see what she was eating; she ate & swallowed so hardy & fast that I literally heard "gulp"s. When she was done eating, she walked away towards the woods. I slowly followed behind, trying to convince her to finish her dinner. Nope, she was not interested in food anymore, but wanted to explore and hunt. I stood on the grass and watched her walk back and forth for a few minutes, then suddenly had a eureka moment. I told her that I was going back into the house but will be right back. I hurriedly trotted upstairs, retrieved a feathered cat toy that had been sitting in the cat perch box, and went back downstairs. Of course, I was met by Zim who now decided that he wants to go outside. I had to tell him that it wasn't a good time, that I was outside with the kitty cat. When I walked back out onto the deck, I was pleased to see that Callie was still in the yard. I walked over to the side steps, about a foot away, squatted down, and told her to come up on the deck and play. For some reaon, she didn't comply; instead, she sat down and just stared at me. That was when I picked up the feathered toy and waved it at her. Oh, I wish you could've seen seen her face when she saw the pretty red feathers flying in the air. She was so intrigued that she finally decided to walk over to the steps to check it out, but still wouldn't walk up onto the deck itself. After much looking around, and me telling her the Zim was inside the house, she finally stepped foot onto the deck but stayed very close to the railings. She kept looking over to the corner where she sat in the mornings, then over to the back door. I can only wonder if her reluctance to come onto the deck was due to her last chance meeting with Zim (actually, I think that was the last time she was on the deck at all :( ).

When she finally got over her fear of being on the deck, she finally paid attention to me and the feathered toy. Her reaction to the toy was not the one I was expecting: she hunched her back and stared down at it, but never hissed. It took more than 5 minutes for Callie to be friendly to the toy and actually sniff it, then another couple of minutes for her to start playing with it. And boy did we play, and play, and play! She pounced, she rolled, she swatted, she bit (the toy, not me). She had so much fun with the toy that she purred and purred and purred. I was totally on cloud 9! I couldn't tell you how long we were playing, but it was a long time. It was also during this time that a certain furbaby was inside the house howling away, totally embarrassing himself. Luckily, Callie had wandered back down to the lawn to "hunt" for something, so I took that opportunity to let Zim out for potty before he made a mess of the house. Since he was busy on the other side of the yard going potty, I went back to Callie and asked her to come back to play with me. She sat at the edge of the yard and stared at Zim, then back at me, then back at Zim again. Then suddenly, she stood up and walked over to the side steps, while Zim was making his own way up onto the deck. To my surprise, and sheer shock, Callie not only walked up the steps, but she came onto the deck itself, despite seeing Zim walking towards her. (don't worry, the line that Zim is hooked to can only reach within 3 feet of the side of the deck, were I was sitting) Callie was ok with seeing Zim there, because I kept assuring her that he couldn't reach her, but as soon as he let out a bark, she high-tailed out of there. But she never went into hiding like she used to; instead, she stood on the grass, in plain view of him. It was as if she was testing him, to see if he would/could chase after her. As much as I was upset that he scared her off, I had to laugh at how she pretty much 'snuffed' him and his barks. Too bad that Zim didn't feel the same way ;)

I watched Callie hide in the darkness on the lawn, but in the moon light that peered through the trees, watching Zim losing his mind; I thought to myself, "Hmmm, how strange that Callie isn't walking back home. Why is she still sitting out in the cold?" I kept asking her if she wanted to go home, but she never moved. I even offered to walk her back if that was what she was waiting for, but she still didn't get up. Finally, I said, "Callie sweetie, you need to go home and get out of the cold. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Nope, still nothing. After begging her to go home for the hundredth time (not really, but you get the point), she finally stood up, but instead of walking towards the front of the house, she walked back towards me. I met her half way on the lawn and gave her lots of pets and scratches. Because Zim was now acting like someone was trying to strangle him, I had to put him back into the house before animal control showed up. After getting him all settled inside, I went back out to see if Callie was still waiting for me. Sure enough, she was. It took her nearly 10 minutes to make it from the side of my house to the street, because she kept getting distracted by who knows what. And when she did reach the corner of my driveway and the street, she suddenly came back and chased something in the brush. Not hearing anything for a minute, I decided to walk around the corner and see what was going on. As soon as I turned the corner, I saw her sitting on top of the mulch pile, and as soon as she saw me, she started to make her descent from the mulch pile. She got more love from me before walking away and towards the construction trailer. Just like the other times, she sat underneath it while I talked to her on the outside. And just like other times, I lost sight of her when she walked behind the tire. Of course, I still had to say one last "good night" to her before walking back to the house.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I think Callie gets a kick out of teasing Zim, making him go nuts. Cats are like that :lol:

I'm so glad you had a great time with her, feathers, food, just loving and playing. It was a great read. I can tell you're getting attached to each other and it's a great thing to read about!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Callie used to bolt and hide as soon as Zim make a sound or movement, but now she'd just sit and stare. Such a little stinker ;)

My next feat will be to have her sit in my lap :mrgreen:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
How adorable that she enjoyed that toy so much and purred & purred. :p She totally trusts you and if you say "it's ok", she believes you.

Thanks for sharing that story, your details help us envision it exactly which makes it even more special. :D I still think you should write a book. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
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diamc":px9w3bra said:
How adorable that she enjoyed that toy so much and purred & purred. :p She totally trusts you and if you say "it's ok", she believes you.
I do believe that she trusts me and believes me when I tell her that something is ok to do, as strange as that is to admit.

Esther19":px9w3bra said:
What a story! Thanks, Gina. :D
diamc":px9w3bra said:
Thanks for sharing that story, your details help us envision it exactly which makes it even more special. :D I still think you should write a book. :wink:
Sorry it was so long. I tried to not include as many details, but then some parts of the events wouldn't have made sense.


BD.org Addict
The details are what helps us picture what is happening! It was not too long at all. Agree with the book idea. :mrgreen:


BD.org Sicko
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Original Poster
I think I may have another "pet" who can read my mind :roll:

I didn't get to leave the office until close to 6:30pm today, then on the way home remembered that I needed to stop at CVS for my allergy medicine. By the time I made it home, it was around 7:30pm.

During the ride home, I kept thinking to myself, "Gee, I hope I'll get to see Callie tonight, even though it'll be close to 7pm by the time I get home. . . It would be so nice if I get to see her tonight. . . I know it's really windy and cold today, but it would be great if Callie was still in the backyard when I get home."

When I got close to the driveway, the car headlights illuminated something strange in front of one of the dirt mounds on the abandoned house lot. As I got ready to turn around to back up the car into the driveway, I realized that that something strange was a cat, but not just any cat, it was Callie! She was hunkered down on the ground, as if she was waiting for something, in the freezing cold. Because she couldn't tell whose car she saw, she immediately stood up and ran up the dirt mound for protection. I waved to her from inside the car, but I don't think she could see because I didn't have the interior lights on. As soon as I parked the car, I immediately walked over to her, but because I was wearing my black down coat (one she had never seen before), she got scared and started to run the other way. I kept telling her, "It's ok, it's me.", but it wasn't enough to convince her, even though she wanted to be convinced. It wasn't until I said, "Sweetie, it's ok. It's me." that she stopped and stared at me, then very cautiously made her way down the dirt mound. I kept saying "Hi sweetie" to her while she descended, and as soon as she touched the ground, she finally came running over to say hello.

Callie was so happy to see me that every time I said "sweetie", she meowed, louder and louder. She was still unsure about my black coat, but after a few minutes, her fear finally subsided and she actually rubbed against it. When my right hand started to go numb from not having a glove on to protect it (had to take it off to not scare Callie), I decided that I needed to go inside even if it's for a couple of minutes to warm up, so I asked her if she wanted to go to the backyard so I could feed her dinner. Another few minutes go by and many more beggings from me, Callie finally decided to follow me to the backyard. I told her to wait for me there because I have to go back into the house from the front, then I'll turn on the back lights and come back out to give her dinner. I retrieved my bags from the car, went inside the house, didn't even get to take off my shoes before I had to let a certain furbaby outside for potty. In a split second, I raced to the kitchen and prepared Callie's dinner, then raced back outside in hopes that Zim hadn't already scared her away. To my surprise, she was hiding in the darkness of the side yard, and I don't think Zim even knew she was there. She walked over as soon as I put her bowl down on the grass, and immediately started to eat. It took awhile for Zim to realize what was going on, and luckily, he didn't freak out and wail like he did on Thursday. He just stood on the deck staring at Callie, and she reciprocated in between bites.

When Callie was finished eating her dinner, she walked back into the darkness of the side yard and groomed herself a little, but otherwise just pretty much sat there. I stayed on the grass for a bit to see how Zim would react, and to my surprise, he only let out a mild "aroooo" then pretty much wandered on the deck while sniffing the air. Seeing that Zim was now bored, I decided to let him in the house. I then went back outside to walk Callie back home. Unfortunately, she didn't want to go home because once we got to the lot, she didn't want to walk farther. Instead, she actually turned back and walked to me for petting and scratching. I offered some love then told her that she needed to go home and get out of the cold. She did walk away twice, but both times she came back to me. I thought that perhaps she wanted me to walk her to the construction trailer, so I stood up and took a few steps. Callie looked at me as if I had lost my mind, then she came over to me and rubbed against my legs. After my two failed attempts to send her home, Callie decided to be cute and started to play with the weeds. At first I thought that she was on the hunt for a mouse or something, but she suddenly jumped up then pounced on a seed pod, then turned to see if I was paying attention. (of course I was!) When she saw me chuckling at her, she immediately did it again, and again, and again. One time she jumped as high as nearly 4 feet! She was so cute in the way how she was trying to get my attention, almost like when a mother is desperately trying to get her child to bed but all that child wants to do is play :laughing6:

Finally, after about 5 minutes of playing, I finally convinced her to go home. She quickly disappeared under the construction trailer while I walked over to the makeshift steps. I couldn't see where she was so I said, "Sweetie, where are you? I can't see you. . . Can you come out so I can say goodnight?" Well, shortly after I said that, she popped out of nowhere and up onto the cinder block steps. She looked at me, rubbed her head on the steps, looked at me again, then jumped down and under the trailer and disappeared.

I'm starting to think that it has become Callie's nightly ritual (for whenever she gets dinner) to have me walk her home


BD.org Addict
Do you suppose she wanted to play with the seed pod, or to have you get the toy out again? I'm sure she would understand if you told her it was too dark and cold. That Zim is just too funny. And of course Callie can read your mind.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
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Esther19":3hfqc63s said:
Do you suppose she wanted to play with the seed pod, or to have you get the toy out again?
Probably both. She did have so much fun playing with the toy that perhaps she wanted to play with it again. Too bad that Zim was on the deck.

sweetiepie9":3hfqc63s said:
Cats are very smart, so it wouldn't surprise me at all to think that :D
Great! Another pet that's too smart for their own good :roll:

Since daylight savings time, Callie hadn't been out past 7pm, because she'd show up in my backyard around 4:30pm and stay about 1.5 hours at the most. To have seen her last night was quite out of her normal routine.


BD.org Addict
Cats are the most interesting and unpredictable animals I have ever met. I'm not saying that other animals can be easily read, but cats are the hardest for sure. Plus, they believe that they are God thanks to the ancient Egyptians. :lol:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
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zandi202":xah9vz5y said:
Plus, they believe that they are God thanks to the ancient Egyptians. :lol:
  • :laughhard:

While I was outside cleaning up the mess that the squirrels made, while standing on the wet & cold grass picking up little kernels of corn and sunflower seeds, I suddenly saw a white/black form appear from under the deck. IT WAS CALLIE! She showed up at 3pm! Of course, I told her to follow me up onto the deck, to which she complied, then she proceeded to re-mark the deck railings by rubbing herself all over them. I gave her a lot of head rubs and scratches, then I told asked her if she wanted some yum-yums, and she meowed, so of course I took that as a "yes" ;) I had tried to get her to play with her toy, but she only pounced on it once and lost interest. That was when I decided that she'd much rather eat lunch than play.

I told her to stay on the deck and I'll be right back with her food. When I went back to the laundry room and opened the door, she was just walking to the top of the steps from the side where the birds/squirrels feed. I guess she went back for old time sake.

I was happy to see Callie dig right in to her food. Of course, she stopped eating when the leftovers were harder to pick up, and of course she looked at me, asking to be spoon fed. And of course, I complied. She ate everything but about 4 pieces of tuna. Shortly after she finished eating, she went on to marking the other side of the deck's railings, then walked off the side steps and under the deck. That was when I went back into the house to thaw out.

Since she had a late lunch, I wonder if she'll show up for dinner.
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