New and maybe too impulsive

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Hi, I'm new here, I don't have a beardie yet, but I've been thinking about it for a while.

Today I contacted some one about a beardie after reading a post on craigs list. The person did not seem to be taking care of the animal and as I have been considering a beardie for quite a while, I figured I would step up and make an offer for the poor creature. She says it is about a year old and 12 inches long, is that about right? I have no idea what condition the little guy might be in if I do bring him home.

Obviously I didn't/might not have a lot of time in preparing for this, especially since she says she isn't feeding him, I was hoping someone could help me in terms of emergency preparation. What should I do for housing? I have space, but not a lot of money and I am really not a handy person. He might come with a tank, but I have the horrible feeling that it is a 10 gallon. Would housing him in plastic temporarily or even permanantly be bad? I have all my snakes in tubs, so getting a large plastic tub and building a screen top wouldn't be too hard... I'm a little nervous. She has responded and said that she would consider my offer, but there is no guarantee that she will. I would like to be prepared in case she does.

Please help me out and feel free to contribute any additional information or advice you think might be useful.

Thanks a ton,



Sub-Adult Member
hi and welcome :)

well first off ... you are in the right place. :) thats for sure :)
very cool you are thinking about a beardie ... i KNOW that looking at some on Cragslist can make you want to impulsively jump right in and rescue. i cant even look at CL anymore.
here is just a little something to think about first:

IF this is going to be your first dragon, do you want one that you know is healthy, that you can see, pick up, look at and choose, whether it be a baby, juvie, or an adult ... being your first beardie, its already alot of care and time and by getting this one that is not taken care of, SUPER small for his age, and who knows what else ... you are going to have to go the extra mile on care and even possible vet bills ... im not discouraging you at ALL to rescue a beardie ... but you will more than likely have to put alot more time, money, and energy into this one. Being a first time owner, you MIGHT want the expirience of obtaining a young healthy beardie that you can tame yourself, watch them grow, and have the correct set-up so that you dont encounter the problems that this CL beardie may have. Or , purchase a healthy thriving adult if you want an adult.
Its so sad, i TOTALLY understand and your heart is TOTALLY in the right place. I would just weigh those factors in before getting the CL beardie. Im sure, whatever you do, will be a rewarding expirience, they are AMAZING animals, i just would hate your first beardie expirience to be a difficult one (ha, more difficult than it already can seem at times no matter what, they make ius worry so much!!! they crakc that whip and wefo running to them teehee) Its a wonderful thing though, it is. Yes, you can love a reptile with all your heart :mrgreen:
But you know, this is your choice :) :) :) and you will know what to do when you sit and think abotu the pros and cons.

OK! having said that....
yes, 12 inches for a "regular" year old beardie is small. Blue is 6 months old, she is 14.5 inches and growing, just to give you an idea of mine. Not that a little beardie is a bad thing, some ust are small, but just answering you question, mhm, yeah, its quite small. MOST beardies at a year would be somewhere in the 18 up to 24 inch range (thats a very random range, but just an idea of what an adult beardie can reach, even though at a year they can still grow until about 1.5 years. And, a year is sometimes considered a sub-adult still ... but 12 inches is small, which makes me wonder if this dragon has had proper UV, food, calcium supplements, vitamin powder, proper temps ... all that. and being in a 10 gallon is not going to provide a dragon with the temp. gradients they need or room to be active and thrive. you mentioned she is not even feeding it, which is REALLY scary.

I personally wouldnt permantley house any beardie is a plastic bin ... this is just my opinion, but space and lighting and temps are very important, as well as some heigth and climibing room too ....
for this guy you would want at LEAST a 40 gallon breeder.
If you got a screen top, you would want a reptisun hood ... and a reptiSUN 10.0 Uv tube, 18 inches is a great size.
you would want that to lay ontop of the screen right along side a heat source, (lightbulb) screwed into a dome on top of the screen, and that bulb can be a regular bright white household bulb ... the wattage is going to depend on your the room temperature and what not, you would have to play around with wattages until you get the correct temps.
at his age, a nice steady temp of 95 -100 would be great, no less. Some beardies (usually younger) like it at 115 .. some like it at 95 (usually adults prefer it at the 95 - 100 range)
You also want your "cool side" temps running around 80 (give or take a degree) ... again this is something that you will have to play around with, and see what you beardie is comfortable with.

What you need to measure these temps are two thermometers:
digital ones with probes. you put the the termometer in and actually stick the probe ON the actual spot that he would be laying on to bask. that is your temp reading.
another digital thermometer on the cool side, to make sure that it is not too hot and not to chilly.

The UV tube is SO important ... it is our way creating "sun rays" in a controlled environment for them. they need the UVB to process food, metabolize calcium, healthy bones, healthy everything. that is their lifeline. IF you can mount the UV tube inside the viv so the screen doesnt filter any out, that would be even better. Just make sure the hood has NO plastic or plexi glass in bewtween the bulb and the screen. no worries about the uv tube touching the screen, they put out very very very little heat.

As far as food goes, at a year he should be interested in greens or you can get him interested: collards, mustard greens, bok choy are great ones. dark leafy greens that are NOT lettuce. kale is something people DO feed their beardies, but it can bind calcium so i tend to stay away from it.
Protein is something this guy is going to need to. And if it is what is sounds like, he may be underweight or dehydrated.
Pheonix Worms, Superworms, Butter Worms, Crickets, Dubia, SIlkworms, Hornworms .... all of these can be found on the internet and shipped to your house for pretty cheap in comparison to going and buying from a pet store. Convienient too :) And they are all good staples, and you can mix and match them.

Dust the worms, crix, or roaches with calcium power for one feeding daily and a multi vitamin for one feedng about 3 times a week. Pheonix Worms dont need the calcium dusting. I also dont dust my Butterworms with calcium, but everything else gets dusted with calcium.

Hydrations is REALLY important for a bearide. The best way i think, is baths. Warm water soaks. They absorb water through the vent under theor tail. Baths also help bearides poop, and alot of them enjoy them too! Wayer bowls inside tanks is a personal choice. i chose not use one b/c they tend to poop in them, harbor bacteria, and raise the humidity levels. but some people use them and everything is just fine.

You dont want any lights on at night for your beardie. They like it dark and and a little cooler for proper sleep. no red lights or even "moonlights" ... if your temps are below 65ish at night, then you can always get a space heater for the room, or get a Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE) for the tank, that emits heat and no light.

As far as substrate for the bottom of the tank, you would want to use newspaper, paper towels, non adhesive shelf liner, or my favorite ... TILE! lowes will cut it for you. super easy to clean. you dont really want a loose substrate like walnut shells or calci-sand, they can impact a beardie and it can get really serious. beardies lick everything, so injestion of sand or a wanut shell sliver can be a very serious nedical situation. Bearides have died of impaction. Its so so so easy to avoid by using the other substrates i mentioned :) :)

Im surprised yet NOT surprised she is "considering" your offer. seem to me that she would just be happy to get it off her hands and into someones hands that can care for it. but, that is the USUAL (not all) "way of craiglist" with beardies. its not cool :(

Hope i didnt overwhelm you!!!!!!!!! lol. i was just trying to think of the important notes ....
any more questions, fire away! :) :) :)
and let us know what you decide to do .... have you been able to see pictures of this beardie? that would be a pretty important thing for you to see.
best of luck, and i hope to hear back from you!!!
i understand your impulse... i really do ... we see an animal in need and its our goo hearted nature to help. sometimes having ab ig heart can work both for you and against you, ya know? like :shock:

If you wold like to see a pic of my set-up, just let me know and i will post one, OR go to the "Enclosures" topic and view the VIV PICS THREAD, you will see ALOT of ideas in that thread. :blob5:
~Emily and Miss Blue :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Sub-Adult Member
another thought i did have:
i know i was saying that 12 inches is just not normal for a year old beardie, then i started thinking of some possibilities to justify its size.
12 inches at one year is small, however it can just be in some beardies genetics to be small. Sometimes i think my beardie seems to be a little smaller than other beardies her age at (14.5 inches at 6 months)
i know some are smaller and some are much bigger. They do grow ar different rates suring their youth.
just another thought:
There is also a "smaller" type of beardie called a Rankins Bearded Dragon.
Just guessing, more than likely, this one isnt a Rankins or she would have probably mentioned it? Improper and over-breeding and such can attribute to a small beardie, and then again, like i mentioned before, sometimes its just pre-determine genetically that a beardie is just simply going be a smal beardie.

BUT, YUP, the whole (horribly terrible!!!) "not feeding it" among other things that could be very wrong with its environment is what i would THINK would be the cause of the stunted growth. :(
unforunately, its a total guessing game when you dont know details of housing, health, and history of the dragon.
~Emily and Miss Blue


Extreme Poster
In addition to the great advice Emily gave you, I wanted ot mention that since he is only 1 yr, there's a very good chance that the beardie could grow to a more normal size with a little TLC. They don't stop growing until they are about 2 - 2 1/2 yrs, so I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being 15-16 inches. :D

My first beardie was a rescue, and as difficult as it can be, IMO it is 110% worth it in the end. This forum is AMAZING when it comes to helping new owners with their rescues, so you wouldn't be on your own with this!

Any pics of him?


Sub-Adult Member
SWEET!!! i always ?somehow? thought they pretty much stopped growing at around 1.5 years ... this is awesome news :) always learning!
remember, if you want, let us know about the beardie, the owner, and the pics if you can get them from her :)
~Emily and Miss Blue


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Thanks for the advice. I ended up taking it today, so I had to pull together a temporary setup. It really is just about a foot long, but it doesn't seem too skinny as far as I can tell. Right now I have him/her in a 105 quart sterilite tub which is just about 3' x2'. I have some ceramic tiles from home depot on one side on the floor level with a plate for feeding and on the other i have a larger tile which is raised to a few inches above the floor with a few pieces of wood. It is solid, nothing to get trapped under. On top of the large tile I have one of those plastic water catchers that you put under flower pots upside down with a hole cut in it for a hide type thing. It can either bask on top of it or hide underneath. I have two bulbs providing heat, though I am short a thermometer, I have one on the hot side that reads between 97-103 on top of the hide thing. I do have a uvb, it is zilla desert series 50, which hopefully is alright. Unfortunately I bought a faulty fixture for it, so I will have to take care of that tomorrow.

It hasn't eaten anything today. Apparently it was being fed Stop and Shop "spring mix" and a few crickets every once in a while. I am 99% sure this is not ideal food. I offered a little bit of baby spinach (what I had) mixed with some turnip greens as well as a few crickets. Nothing. But it is late and the poor thing is already stressed enough.

Tomorrow I will offer some more turnip greens and some collards. I also have acorn and butternut squash on hand. I will probably run to the store and pick up some more options, and I did get 40 or so crickets which are being gutloaded overnight on cheerios and apple.

We'll see what happens, I don't want to think of a name until things are established, but it is really cute. It tries to climb up my arm every time i put my hand in the tank. Please let me know if I missed anything at all.

Thanks again.


It is so amazing that you're doing this. That poor baby! Makes me want to punch the @#*%^# who treated him/her that way :angry5: if you're going to the store, you might try some nopales (prickly pear cactus leaves) as well. I know my beardie prefers them to leafy greens. They're super easy to prepare, just make sure you get all the excess spines out. Cilantro also works nicely. Please keep us updated! I really hope everything turns out well.



Sub-Adult Member

one thing about the zilla 50 ....
if i were you, i would not worry spending money on getting that fixed. i would get this:

and if you need a hood, get any hood that will hold a "T8" bulb/fixture. This is just an example, i have this hood that i used to use before Blue's custom viv got built:

the ReptiSUN 10.0 is the recommended linear bulb to use :)
I actually noticed a HUGE difference in Blues behavior and appetite and color when i switched from my old ReptiGlo to the RepriSUN 10.0 when she was a little baby.
50 or 5.0 is too weak of UV for a beardie, and lots of other bulb studies have shown to cause eye problems, not put out even or correct amounts of UVB rays, etc.
To be on the safe side, i'd grab up that one in the link i put up :) .... as of right now, on the US market, its the best linear UV bulb out there.

you can get the actual fixture itself at a hardware store, and mount it over his house with no hood if you can.

Yeah, its ok that he isnt eating right now, its probably re-location stress.
Like, "hey i was here one minute and now and im here .... so wait .... where am i?"
lol, that kind of thing. Hopefully he will come around into an appetite within the week or two and start to thrive :) I betcha he will rev up real soon, dont worry too much about that.

Once thing you can try this week, is a bath for hydration, even if its just one or two warm water soaks ... you can make it very shallow since it MAY be his first bath, as not to totally freak him out. He might like it :) Might not, ha. It can be a bonding expirience too, you can "burrito" them up in a towel afterwatds and hold him up to your chest ... just a cool way to get close to him :)
Thats REALLY awesome that he wants to climb you. Sounds like a friendly little dude!!!!
Cant wait to see pics and find out what his name will be :blob5:

OH! and all the feeders in mentioned in the first post, are great. i can give you links to the places to get them.

these are just some websites i use ... ummm, i will admit i had a semi panic attack when the dubia came in the mail, god imma wuss!!! ... BUT, 99% of NORMAL people can deal with them just fine, teehee. im just wierd about them. People do LOVE them and they make great feeders ... I prefer the worm route :)

anything else just ask! sounds like you are doing an amazing job right now, and things are coming along, so KUDOS to you!!!
CONGRATS AGAIN! woooohoooo! your a beardie slave! i mean ... beardie parent ... yeah, thats it. teehee.
so happy for you :)
Have a BEARDIFUL day!
~Emily and Miss Blue


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Okay, so I am at a horse show until this afternoon. The little guy seemed a little perturbed at being woken up as 6am, but ate 4 calcium dusted crickets when I wasn't looking. I left him/her with a salad mix containing spinach, turnip greens, a tiny bit of romains, and a few cut up bluberries and mango pieces. We'll see what gets eaten when I get home.

I ordered the sample size phoenix worms, cause I don't want to buy 1000 and have them not get eaten. Those will come early next week, and I have crickets in the mean time. My housemates also have a dubia colony for their tarantulas, so I can see if I can handle those.
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