**Mega Ray Issues** / Megaray RECALL

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I would be interested to see how you re-do your enclosure! I also had mine set up specifically for the megaray and I'm struggling now to get it warm enough and get Gizmo close enough to the reptisun strip.


Hi everyone, I am new here. Don't have a bearded dragon yet, but am planning to obtain one in the coming months. I'm working on the cage at the moment, was thinking of using the Megaray EB bulb, but then I read about the problems that happened last year...just wondering if it is safe now to order these bulbs? I do notice quite some negative comments, are they pointing to the customer service, slow shipping/replacement, or the quality of these new bulbs? thanks.


Hatchling Member
For me personally, it's been the customer service and super slow shipping of the packages. In the old days, it would be at your door within a couple days of ordering. Now, it takes a month. :angry5:
Whenever this blasted thing shows up, I can attest to their new quality. The last one we ordered (almost a year ago) blew out after using it for about two months.

As such, I would definitely NOT advise using these for your new setup, and instead recommend ReptiSun 10.0s which fit into a long strip fixture.
The only reason I've been trying so desperately to hang onto what used to be an amazing bulb/company is because I'm not a handyman and I didn't think it was really possible to reconfigure Razual's cage to fit a strip fixture UVB source... But you gotta do what you gotta do, I've been forced to accept. Or, rather, you've gotta force your boyfriend to do what's gotta be done. One of the two. :|


Drache613":2o1ewcmb said:

I will try to update a little bit.
The current Megarays that are being sold on his site are only temporary lights, & not from his original design. However, they are safe & have been tested by Frances. From what I understand, his new lights should be out hopefully by the first of the year.
I am not at liberty to say any more, sorry. It is being worked on.
I wish things did not go so slowly, but, that is how it is right now. I am pretty sure though, that the new Megarays should be ready around the first of the year, at rough estimates.

If I find out any other information, I will try to let you know.


Hi, just wondering if there are any updates? Are the bulbs being sold now still the temporary ones with spray-coating remedy? Or are they now the new designs? Thanks.


Hatchling Member
Well, I feel like I need to put my two-cents worth in. I ordered two MVB's sometime in November and finally received them Dec. 16th. I replaced Spike's light (he has a MVB and has had no trouble) on the morning of the 17th. When I came home from work that day, the light had gone out. I tried to e-mail ReptileUV but never got a response. I finally wrote a letter with my phone number and e-mail address and returned the bulb. Still have not heard anything. I put the second bulb in Spike's tank and this weekend IT WENT OUT! Barley a month later! I noticed the switch to the light seemed to be warm. When the light went out and I put the very old bulb back in it was not warm. I looked on the bulb and there are NO markings except it said 130 watt!!! I ordered a 100 watt bulb!! I am going to call Bob Mac tomorrow and explain what has happened. If I get any good info, I will let you know.


Gray-bearded Member
I ordered a mega ray on Jan 23rd before reading all the issues. I have not received it, I have called and emailed and received no answer.. I'm sure they are overwhelmed by calls. I did end up ordering the reptisun 10.0 in the meantime, but I don't even know if they are going to be sending out the mega rays anymore or if I should just cancel my order? I have a trex active uvb in my other beardies tank, and he is doing awesome with it... so I would recommend that highly if anyone wants to continue with a MVB.


Well I have read this all through and I can say that I am upset that I bought a MegaRay!

I had already researched that an MVB is the best way to go and had bought a PowerSun before I got on here and knew of the potential problems they could cause. Unfortunately my Beardie suffered some problems from the PowerSun and I returned it.

On Dec 3, 2010 I called Bob personally about my beardie as he was problems from the PowerSun as well as other issues that were there from the day I got him. He gave me advice on how to get my Beardie through the issues until my MegaRay got to me. I had read another thread on here that suggested that T-Rex and MegaRay were the best lights to use with your Beardie and . I ordered mine on Dec 3, 2010 but when I ordered it I did not get an ETA so on Dec 7, 2010 I emailed to ask when it would arrive. This is a copy and paste of the automated response I got, the only response I got!

reptileuv.com Contact Request
reptileuv.com <[email protected]>
Add to Contacts
To: [email protected]
Thank you for your email.

Here at REPTILE UV we receive an unusually high volume of email. We try to answer all emails in an expeditious manner. But before we do, we are asking you to consider a few of these concerns first.

If you just have general questions about how to return products please visit our products page and follow the written direction listed there. You no longer need RA#'s.

For questions pertaining to technical lighting requirements, please refer to our questions answered page (http://www.reptileuv.com/mega-ray-product-questions.php) and the video page (http://www.reptileuv.com/reptile-video.php) before calling. If you still have questions after thoroughly reading the questions answered page and viewing the videos, please call 252-241-4584 between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday, eastern standard time. This will save a lot of time on the phone. Bob does not believe he is in anyway as entertaining as Steve Irwin, but the information is excellent. For customer service, questions pertaining to orders and general product information please call Jimmy our sales manager at 757-818-8692 between the hours of 9am and 4pm EST Mon-Friday.

If you have a sick animal and you or your vet need additional direction feel free to call Bob's personal number at 252.240.9088, any time day or night.

On rare occasion, we do experience back orders on some products. Please understand that the MegaRay design that I worked so hard to achieve is a very difficult item to manufacture. Because of this we need to give the people that manufacture this lamp for us some leeway in demanding product. The end result is well worth it.

Thank you for choosing the MegaRay lamps.

Best regards,

Bob MacCargar

I waited a few days for an actual response with an answer as to when I would receive my bulb and Rep-Cal that were ordered together and then I called the number on the website for Jimmy the person listed to contact regarding orders, customer service etc. Jimmy did not seem to have any way to look me or my order up just by knowing my name and needed me to go back into my PayPal history and give him the date, transaction ID# and what was ordered. Then Jimmy assured me that they had finally gotten the new bulbs through customs and had gotten almost all of the back orders sent out and that on the weekend they would get through the rest and mine would be shipped out early the following week. That meant it should have been in the mail early the week of Dec 13, 2010. He figured it should only take about a week to get to me.

Some where between Dec 27, 2010 and Jan 5, 2011 I called again as my order still had not shown up. Jimmy's number had was out of order, in fact I got a message saying something about "this magic jack customer being unreachable" or something to that effect. I had to call another number on the website. At that number I got a female who said that Jimmy was temporarily unavailable as he was dealing with a family emergency, which had taken him away from the office, so that was why I could not reach him and why his phone was unavailable. I had to give her the PayPal history info of the date, transaction ID# and what was ordered. She assured me the items would be shipped out that day and gave me a USPS tracking number. The following day I tried to check it and did so for a week, each day I got a message stating that the tracking number was to an item that was registered to be shipped via US Postal Service but as there was no information it had not been received yet. Unfortunately, I do not have the email copy of that to show you anymore because when I got the second (will get to that shortly) I did not want to confuse them and deleted the no good one, as well I was still giving Reptile UV the benefit of the doubt and hoping I was not getting scammed.

By mid Jan 2011 the order still had not arrived. I called again and yet another person answered. This time a young adult male, who again needed all of the PayPal info to be able to help me out. He stated that he would check into it and if it had already gone out then I would not receive a new tracking number and if for some reason it had not gone out he would send me a new tracking number.

Jan 21, 2010 (Friday) still nothing is here. I call Bob on his personal number and leave a message stating: my name, that the call is not about a sick animal but about an order that was made on Dec 3, 2010 and has never arrived. Bob calls me back and asks me what he can do for me I start to tell him and try to give him the PayPal info that everyone else kept saying they had to have to find my order and he stops me and says he is driving back from the doctors and will call me back when he gets to the office. I received no call back, but I did get a new USPS tracking number via click and ship. I checked this number daily and finally on Jan 25, 2011 the tracking message says it has been picked up. Jan 31, 2011 it has cleared international customs in Canada and it gets to my door on Feb 3, 2011.

I open the shipping box to find that there is no Rep-Cal and only a bulb! But that is not the worst of it, the bulb appears as though it is not what it has been advertised to be. First of all I was expecting a more professional box, I have no problem with keeping costs low but I would have thought that some effort to place the company logo on the box straight and fully adhere it would have be made. What I received just made it look like a cheap knock off or someone trying to run a scam. You will also see that the large front sticker says please read instructions before use, well there were no instructions! (see the following 3 pictures)



Then I also notice a sticker on the box that says the bulb inside is a 130 watt bulb, I ordered a 100 watt bulb, so I immediately check the bulb and it is a 130 watt bulb! (see the following pictures)


I also notice that the bulb has something sprayed on it (I know, I read that was a temporary fix they were doing for a bit but I was assured I was receiving one of the newly constructed bulbs, in fact Jimmy rambled on to me for over an hour all about it) and if that was not bad enough the spay coating was not completely covering the entire clear portion of the bulb, it had scratched spots with no coating and areas that looked as though it once had a coating which had come off and then had been reapplied over top!! (see the following pics)



Finally, the bulb has a black spot on the side of it that looks like melted plastic (see leaf looking shape in following pic).

Since opening the package on Thursday I have called 5 times. Two times I have left a message on Jimmy's number as apparently it is his again or at least that is what the message says, no return call to either of them. Twice I did not leave a message as I got that message again and thought I would keep trying to get a live person. The last time (today) I got a message saying the mail box for Jimmy is full. On the web site the same number is listed twice, once for if you are calling regarding: For questions pertaining to technical lighting requirements, please refer to our questions answered page and the video page before calling. If you still have questions after thoroughly reading the questions answered page and viewing the videos and once for if you are calling regarding: For customer service, questions pertaining to orders and general product information please call Jimmy our sales manager at 252-241-4584. The other number is apparently Bob's direct number if you have a sick animal which I have tried to respect and have only called the one time.

I have sent a second email to the company earlier today, I have had no response not even the automated response I quickly got the last time. Can any of you who have bought these bulbs in the past tell me if this is what they looked like, what the packaging looked like? Does anyone know if I dare use this thing with the "coating" not complete all the way over the clear glass? If it is safe to use, what distance should it be used at? Have they ever sold a 130 watt bulb before and if so does anyone know the safe distance for it? How many other people are having these kind of problems with these people? All I want is the best for my Beardie and to get what I paid for


Gray-bearded Member
OH MY GOD... That is ridiculous. I used the 'bill me later' on my paypal, and so I can't even see the transaction on my paypal account. All I can think is they never accepted the payment?? I don't want my bulb anymore. I got a Powersun at the petstore because that's all they had for MVB, which I may add was $84!!!! I needed a bulb ASAP. My other dragon THRIVES on his TRex Active MVB. I should have ordered that again, but I was in desperate need for a bulb, and so giving Powersun a try... I don't think my lil dragon is doing as good as mine on the Trex. But I also have a Repti Sun 10.0 coming in, so I will try that instead of the Powersun. I hope Mega ray doesn't send me a bulb now..!! I can't even cancel the order because I can't find it.. I don't ever get a live person, I have left 2 messages, and sent 2 emails. I am done!


Well looks like my gmail account was a little slow at receiving Reptile UV's automatic email response, it was sent out almost immediately after I emailed them according to the time stamp but I only just received it now! So once again, this is what I have gotten back today sent out at 2:53pm (lots of time in a business day to send a real reply).

Thank you for your email.

Here at REPTILE UV we receive an unusually high volume of email. We try to answer all emails in an expeditious manner. But before we do, we are asking you to consider a few of these concerns first.

If you just have general questions about how to return products please visit our products page and follow the written direction listed there. You no longer need RA#'s.

For questions pertaining to technical lighting requirements, please refer to our questions answered page (http://www.reptileuv.com/mega-ray-product-questions.php) and the video page (http://www.reptileuv.com/reptile-video.php) before calling. If you still have questions after thoroughly reading the questions answered page and viewing the videos, please call 252-241-4584 between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday, eastern standard time. This will save a lot of time on the phone. Bob does not believe he is in anyway as entertaining as Steve Irwin, but the information is excellent. For customer service, questions pertaining to orders and general product information please call Jimmy our sales manager at 252-241-4584 between the hours of 9am and 4pm EST Mon-Friday.

If you have a sick animal and you or your vet need additional direction feel free to call Bob's personal number at 252.240.9088, any time day or night.

On rare occasion, we do experience back orders on some products. Please understand that the MegaRay design that I worked so hard to achieve is a very difficult item to manufacture. Because of this we need to give the people that manufacture this lamp for us some leeway in demanding product. The end result is well worth it.

Thank you for choosing the MegaRay lamps.

Best regards,

Bob MacCargar


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Everyone,

I am going to see if I can get Frances to chime in on this thread.
Please do not use any new bulbs sent out by Megaray right now. The latest ones that have been sent out were from China and are hazardous.
So, if you do have one and are having problems, then you will have to stop using the bulb and try to get hold of someone from the company.



Just called there again (just prior to lunch here) and now Jimmy's mail box is no longer full, yet I have not received a call from them. I left another message with my phone number twice as requested, as well I advised I was not happy as I did not receive my full order and that I felt the bulb was not adequate. As well that I was not happy because this was my 6th call, 2 which I left messages and got no response to, 2 which I did not leave messages for , 1 which I could not leave a message a the mailbox was full and the one now. As well as the email I had sent.

Guess we will see if that gets any response.


Well today is Wed Feb 9, 2010 and I just called for the 6th time. Again I got a voice mail that says it belongs to Jimmy, I left a message telling them that if I did not receive a call back by Friday Feb 11, 2010 I would be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Let's see if that gets any response. I have also called the number that is supposed to be Bob's personal number and left the same message there.


Gray-bearded Member
I just got a notification that after a month after I ordered my bulb, it is being shipped today. Do I dare trust it?? Has anyone else got a notification of their bulb being shipped?


Hi everyone. I ordered a Mega-Ray 160 watt self ballasted on 2/6/11 and now its 2/10/11 and Lelu ( my bearded dragon) has her new Mega-Ray Solar Raptor in her tank. My last Mega-Ray lasted about a year and I hope her new and improved one does as well. I was expecting the same bulb as I have always received but got their Solar Raptor bulb instead. It comes in a nice box and is well packed in foam inside the box. The bad -no instructions in the box, wide beam bulb(rechecking temps needed). The good - I got the bulb in 4 days.

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Keep us posted on how your dragon does with this Mega Ray. I would like to know, overall, if they are a better bulb than they were in late 09 and early 10.
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