LG ~ The Handi-Capable Bearded Dragon

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beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
Jason, I hope you realize that LG would never have survived, much less as long as she did without you rescuing her. You did a great job with her and I could tell by the pictures you posted of her that she loved and trusted you.


So happy you're back! I haven't been rescuing for long but 7 dragons have been saved (2 were too far gone to save) thanks to you and LG serving as an inspiration. So you see, you are still helping to save dragons. I hope you save another dragon yourself some day. The only help for losing something you love is to love again. I am here to help with dragon food or supplies. (I think a lot of other people here would help too). YOU are a Good and Valuable person. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise.


Sub-Adult Member
I too am glad to see you back. If there's anything we can help with, please let us know :)
I'm a pretty good proofreader if you'd like a hand with that at all - it would be a pleasure and an honour.

As others have said, your and LG's story is inspirational - you've pushed so many of us to be better keepers than ever: we've got high standards to live to! :)


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
I am glad to see this thread still exists. It is still my goal to compile all of the posts in this thread into a journal. The dialogue we all shared through those years is worth saving to me. Still trying to figure out a way to do it and make it look like a journal rather than a bunch of adds and links. Almost all of the photos of LG on this site are found nowhere else. If this thread goes down or photobucket stops hosting them, they're gone forever...

My life has been turbulent and has changed so much since I last posted. I'm sorry I disappeared for so long. There's going to be a lot to update you guys on. Much of it was decidedly left out of my past posts due to it's intense personal nature. Now that I've gotten away from all that, I feel more able to talk about it.

I know there are younger members on this site so I need to decided what information is best left for private messages, give me a couple days, I'm trying to find the words.

P.S. It looks like things have changed around here but it feels good to post again. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Jason, so glad to hear from you and to know you're ok. I'm so glad you're wanting to put a journal together of LG, anything you need help on, just let us all know. There have been changes in all our lives, too, but we'll all catch up eventually. Hope to hear more from you, soon!

beardie parents

BD.org Sicko
I'm glad to hear you are doing better, Jason. I have never forgotten how much LG loved and trusted you and how well you took care of her.


Sub-Adult Member
I'm very glad to see you again too! :)
If you haven't already, I strongly recommend getting a GooglePlus profile - it comes with cloud storage for pictures, so you can back up all your photos safely, free of charge. That's where I keep most of my dragon pics :)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Jason! I almost drove out to your neck of the woods this past Saturday when I was in CA for vacation, because I wanted to be sure that you were ok.

I hope everything had settled down and that you're on the road towards happiness.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Thank you everyone for your kind words.

I tried typing this once already but kept putting too much information. While I'm sure some of you are curious, the majority of it just isn't something you post in a public forum for all to read.

I left my moms place last October. Things had gotten so bad I didn't even have a place to live when I moved out. She was more mad than surprised when I told her I was leaving. She even tried to "kick me out" but EVERYTHING I planned on taking was already out of the house; moved over to friends garages. The stuff I couldn't carry away was either thrown away or sold by my mother. LG's tank, as well as a 50+ year old dresser of my deceased father's were among the trashed items.

I had been looking for an apartment or room since before I moved out but everything was around 700-1000 dollars a month, not including utilities. I had no choice but to buy a tent and a sleeping bag, start camping in the hills. Was able to keep my job. My manager knew I was homeless and was willing to let me bring all my camping stuff to the back of the store for my shift. Then after I clocked out I would ride my bike across town with a 40 pound backpack and a 50 pound duffle bag over my shoulders, and the rest of my gear hanging from both handlebars. Camping is illegal so to get to my site I hiked about 1.5 miles up into the hills. I figured I was more likely to get harassed down at street level so I hiked quite a ways every night just for the solitude.

Once at my campsite I would prepare my tent. Again camping is illegal, so I would set up my tent in the moonlight. Flashlight would attract attention from helicopters so for the most part no lights once inside the tent either. The first week I couldn't afford an air mattress. I just laid on the ground with a pillow and sleeping bag. I'd wake up in the middle of the night freezing(it was November) with a wet pillow. My body heat caused condensation to form in large amounts on the walls of the tent, and if your pillow hits the wall then all that moisture goes right into it. I learned to wrap my pillow in a trash bag before putting a pillow case on but even so, I had to throw my pillow away every time it would grow mildew.

Wasn't so bad once I got a twin sized air bed. 15 bucks at Walmart, it barely fit in my two person tent: I had to get in the tent with it, blow it up(without a pump) until it filled the inside of the tent and then climb out from underneath the mattress. Even though I had a "2 person" tent and the mattress was only a twin, I had to jam the bed in the tent diagonally, to keep my head and feet from hitting the walls and getting soaked. It was ironic to wake up soaking wet but have no water to drink. I never seemed to be able to bring enough water up. It's heavy and takes so much space, I would usually bring 32oz and not much more.

It was cold and wet, but I wasn't going to light a fire. Too much risk of starting a wildfire, let alone being arrested for being homeless. I basically went up there just to make camp and sleep. People hike up there all the time so I didn't hang around much past sunrise. I usually got about 5-6 hours of sleep and didn't wake up feeling rested.

I would come down to town to get clean clothes from my sisters, do laundry and take a shower. Occasionally I would sneak into my moms house while she was at work, so I could spend time with my dog, Georgia. She was really sad and confused that I left. It was probably like when a kids parents divorce and stop talking to each other. I didn't know how long I would be living like that but I didn't have any other options. After being out of my moms house for only a month she sold the place and moved out. Threw all my stuff out in the street without me knowing and moved up to my grandpas. It's like she had been waiting for the right moment to abandon ship...

My health suffered. Got pneumonia and bronchitis. Both knees were blown out from hiking a mile uphill every night pushing a bike with 100 pounds of gear on my back. I wasn't able to make it out to L.A. County hospital to refill my seizure meds anymore so I started breaking pills and half and cutting my dosage. That caused me to have more auras and petite mal seizures.

Of course things weren't all bad up there. I got to go on a lot more night hikes than I would have and the view of downtown LA of in the distance was always nice. When it rained the wilderness smelled wonderful. They make artificial fragrances that try to recreate the smell, but you really have to be immersed in it all to really get the effect. One night I hiked up in the rain. You could see from street level that the top of the hill where I was camping was enveloped in fog. As I hiked up the hill I crossed into the mist. It was very cool and damp feeling, like a billion mini rain drops just hanging in the air. I turned on a flashlight to see better but the light could only make it about 20 feet before fading into the fog. I got the idea to do shadow puppets with my hand, it was pretty fun.

Things were still very stressful though. I didn't know how long it would take before I just quit my job and gave up on life. I still did my grandpa's yard work every Monday, only now my mom was living up there. I still got to see my dog which was nice, but then my mom was always trying to talk to me. I bought a pair of sunglasses and some cheap headphones so I could properly ignore her.

It was toward the end of December now and my depression was worsening. I had pretty much resigned myself to the idea of being homeless. No friends or family to help and no end in sight. It was one of my co-workers who offered me a room. One of his house-mates had vacated and there was a spot available. They knew about my situation and agreed to less rent if I helped out around the house. We agreed on 400+utilities, no security deposit, no first and last month's rent.

I'm still sleeping on the same air bed as when I was in the hills; I've gotten used to it for the most part. My room is pretty bare. What little belongings I have left are spread between 3 or 4 people's houses. One of them is a friend of a friend who later had a falling out. I don't know them personally so getting my stuff back has been tricky. I honestly don't even remember most of my belongings my memory is so bad. I guess that is a good thing, not to remember everything you've lost.

I'm still no longer talking to my mother, but I do yard work for my grandpa every Monday and still get to see my dog. Sadly, it has come to my attention that my dog while exploring her new home, found her way into the elderly neighbor's back yard... The coward actually went into his house and grabbed pepper-spray instead of a phone. My dogs eyes were swollen for almost a week and now a dog that never feared anyone has a reason to be defensive. Oh, didn't I mention? She has to wear a shock collar now... I wanted to buy a can of pepper-spray, knock on that guys door and spray him point blank in the face until he could no longer breathe. Instead I just have one more hateful person in my life that I have to do my best to ignore. Life is full of people who simply don't deserve it. All I can do is try to be the best person I can be. Instead of wasting my energy on hating somebody or trying to change them, I just take myself out of their life.

No reptile companions right now, except all the LG's running around in the back yard. I planted a little vegi garden which attracts bugs which attracts lizards! I do have a goldfish I saved from my moms house. I had moved it to my sisters while I was homeless but now that I have a place he's living in the garage. It's not a pet I bought with the intention of keeping; He was a feeder fish for a turtle I rescued a while back. Now he just kicks back living the easy life.

Well now you're all pretty much up to date. I did my best to filter out all the unnecessarily negative stuff, I think I did pretty good. I would love to have a BD again some day, just in a more permanent environment.

Thanks again everyone for being here for LG's and my journey. It's nice to know there are people out there who care. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm so glad to hear you have your own space to live in now and don't have to live outside anymore. I hope you've been able to get your medication, too. You've been through such a rough patch, it's great to hear things are getting better. I'm also sorry you couldn't keep alot of things you wanted to. Life can just be awful sometimes but you sure have alot of inner strength, Jason. Thanks for sharing what you've been through. Sounds as though you've turned a corner. Take care, keep in touch :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
sweetiepie9":1q3h8mpw said:
I'm so glad to hear you have your own space to live in now and don't have to live outside anymore. I hope you've been able to get your medication, too. You've been through such a rough patch, it's great to hear things are getting better. I'm also sorry you couldn't keep alot of things you wanted to. Life can just be awful sometimes but you sure have alot of inner strength, Jason. Thanks for sharing what you've been through. Sounds as though you've turned a corner. Take care, keep in touch :D

Getting my meds through new Medi-Cal program. I get them free from any pharmacy that works with LA-Care health plan. County used to give me just 30 days supply for each med. Now I'm getting 3-month supplies. you should see what they would cost me without medi-cal;

Neurontin 3mnth supply: $800
Trileptal 3mnth supply: $750
Lamictal 3mnth supply: $750
Remeron 3mnth supply: $400
total: $2700 in three months...

I literally wouldn't be able to live without medi-cal. I barely make that much money, and then I wouldn't be able to afford food.

Yup, I'm doing ok now. The more distance I put between my mother and I the better. It's more emotional distance than physical since I still have to see her on Mondays, but still. It's much better. It's a bummer I wasted my 20's with her but it is what it is. Experience, I guess...


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm just so glad you found out about Medi Cal program, great to hear you're getting what you need on a 3 mo basis. As for what happened in your 20s, it is experience. At least you were strong enough to get out of that environment and now look where you are. A much better space. And at least it's only once a week when you go to your grandfather's. Bonus, you get to see your dog. All in all, I'd say your life is much more positive that it was. I'm sorry you had to go through all that crap but am so glad you landed on your feet, have a job, a good place to say and your meds. Plus your goldfish :D One day you'll be in a position to have a dragon again, but LG is always in your heart, just as my lost dragons are always in my heart. I lost 4 last year, but was able to rescue 3 more, so I have 5 dragons again, all rescues, all in good health (so far, I have 2 8 years olds). We do what we do to survive, Jason, and I'm glad you're doing so well. :D Makes my heart feel good!

Stay in touch, k? It's so good to hear from you!


Sub-Adult Member
Bravo, sir.
You've literally taken some of the worst life has to give, and bested it. I for one am sincerely impressed, and I think you've worded your situation beautifully - it reminded me a little of Haruki Murakami's works. (He writes about every day things, mundane almost, but in a very elegant way.)

Is there anything/any way any of us can assist at all?
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