Jango (pic heavy)

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Hey all.. not sure who all read my introduction link so I guess i'll start by saying hi, my name is Tammy.. I'm a 38 year old, stay at home mommy of one human, my son Nathan (7yrs) and to Jango. My hubby bought Jango for me on Feb. 29, 2012 at a well known pet store near us.."Gittlers". The lady who took care of us there told us that Jango was only a few weeks old when we got him..so if that's correct he should be about 4 months old.. or somewhere around that i'm guessing. Not sure what kind of beardie he is though. He's currently in a 20 gallon reptile tank with reptile carpet and the lights that came with the tank.. I know I need to get new lights for him asap..just need the $$. He loves his crickets (dusted w/calcium 1x day) and he gets kale and turnip greens with some carrots and cucumber.. once in awhile I give him some apple, wich he loves. his basking side stays between 99 and 105 and his shady side stays about 75.

Jango loves being out of his terrarium and looking out the window, 'specially when the sun is shining and I can have it open.. I always supervise him. I don't trust him enough yet to let him have run of the house but I do let him run around on the couch and once in awhile in my son's bedroom, we block all the holes up and keep a close eye on him, a few times he'd snuggle with my son's stuffed animals and go to sleep, he even fell asleep once on the dresser behind the CD player. I can walk around the house with him hanging onto my shirt or sitting on my shoulder, wichever he feels like doing. Once in awhile I will take him into the bedroom with all the fish... yeah.. we have lots of fish.. mostly Chiclids.. 75 gallon, 55 gallon, a few 20 gallons, 10 gallons and a 5 gallon..oh also got a 29 gallon with gold fish in it.. hubby wants to get another 55 gallon and also wants to get Jango a 40 gallon breeder tank.

On with the pictures:..

Jango when we first came home 2/29/12:

a few days later 3/8/12:

he loves lookin' out the window 3/21/12:

lookin at the gold fish 4/4/12:

Jango's home 4/4/12:

My son and Jango looking out the window 4/9/12:

enjoying the sun on a beautiful day 4/16/12:


Then and now 4/21/12:

sleeping 5/1/12:


playing with the tape measure 5/6/12:

my handsome dragon 5/8/12:

puffin' out his beard 5/9/12:



Happy Mother's Day!


Who's that handsome fella? 5/15/12:

That's it for now.. sorry for so many.. there are many more if you would like to see more you can visit this link:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He still looks great & I can see the shed starting on his head, which is good news. As for the RI, have you picked him up to check his chest? You'd hear congestion. Hopefully you can get him back to the vet soon & let them know you want his chest checked. I'm not even sure what the antibiotics are that you'd need. Keep me posted k?


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
6/26/14 Thursday 10:17pm

Hey all.. thanks for checkin' in. Got Jango to eat more of his beardie bites this morning and a bite of salad and a piece of apple. Not sure if he ate anything else during the day since I was gone.. had to work then spent some time at my mom's, he was in bed sleeping with his lights off (timer) by the time I got home. Deb, I did hold him up to my ear and listen but I didn't hear anything..so mabie that's a good thing? I was worried leaving my mom home alone..didn't want to come home but Mike needed the car to go to work. My mom hasn't been feeling well since last night she said.. it comes in spurs.. she said she gets weak and her body goes numb and she has to sit down.. said her chest aches and she gets dizzy. I told her I wanted to take her to the ER but she refused to go saying she was fine. I told her she wasn't fine that she needs to see a doctor but she still refused. I told her she better just sit or laydown and rest then. I had to come home because Mike needed the car and will get fired if he doesn't go in.. so I told her to keep her phone on her at all times and call someone if she needs help if she's able. I also called my sister since she said she'd watch Nathan for me tomorrow while I go to the doctor for my biopsy so I told her about mom as well. Now i'll probably be up all night worrying about her.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I can just imagine how worried you are about your mom. It's so hard to get them to realize that they need doctor's care when they feel ill. I hope she listens to you, it's not doing you any good to be worrying at night time when you need your sleep. Good luck!

I'm glad you couldn't hear anything, I'm thinking he's fine. I was told by a friend who's dragon had a severe RI that you can actually hear their lungs clicking & crackling when they have that infection, so fingers crossed that we're right and he's ok.

I guess Nathan is out of school soon? With you and Mike working different shifts, that means he gets to stay home, right? That'll be good for him & for you!

Take care & keep me updated on your mom.


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Original Poster
6/27/14 Friday 11:00pm

Hey all.. well went to my doctors appt. and had the biopsy done.. wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and only took mabie a half hour if that. He said he should have the results by Monday or so, but he still thinks it's a cyst.

My mom still isn't feeling well today.. but she said she felt better today than she did yesterday.. she tried to call her doctor today (I was there when she did) and she just got the recording.. she hates that doctor and wants to find a new one.. I would tell her to go to mine but my doctor is here by my house .. just down the street and she lives a half hour away from me so she wants someone closer to where she lives. Her previous doctor had her on nerve pills.. she was taking two a day but was suppose to take three.. he got sick so another doctor took his place.. he told her she was only suppose to take one and ahalf pills not three.. she told him that was what the other doctor told her to do and she was only taking two and not three.. now he won't fill her prescription and she thinks thats why she's not feeling well.. it's been a week she's been without them.

I broke down and bought Jango more superworms but he'll only get so many every other day.. they poor guy is nearly starving because he won't touch his salad much at all. I don't think Jango has RI either realy.. since I can't hear anything when I hold him to my ear.. but I was thinking of mabie changing his basking bulb wattage.. I have a 100 watt in there now..I use to have two 50 watts though so I don't know what the difference would be.. it's gets around 108..109 during the day when it's on.. but I was thinking mabie trying a 75 watt instead? see what that does for him? He gaps alot like he's too hot? But he stays on his hot side most of the time so if that was the case you'd think he'd spend more time on his cool side? I don't know.. he just has me wondering constantly about what could be wrong since he's never done that before.

Deb, Nathan's been out of school since June 6th. He goes to my mom's house when I have to work during the day and sometimes when I work nights.. depending on Mike's schedule too.. he works over nights 10pm to 6:30am again.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Tammy, 109F is way too hot for him, he should be 105 at the very highest and really, should be more like 100-102 as he's now an adult. So yes, get the 75W to see if it makes a difference. That would explain all the gaping, he's just too hot!

I'm sorry about your mom, is there are doc near by she can see?

I didn't realize Nathan had been out of school that long. Our kids don't get out of school until almost the end of June. The teachers are on strike up here, so they got out 2 weeks ago & the strike may go on into September, not sure. It's a fight between them and the gov't re: wage increase, decrease in class size, more $ for what is needed in classrooms and more Education Assistants for the handicapped kids. So may go on for awhile...I'm glad Eric is long out of school and I don't have to deal with it at all.

Hope your mom feels better soon.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
7/10/14 Thursday 10:50pm

Hey all.. Just wanted to pop in and say hello.. Jango finally shed his boo boo skin and it does look alot better.. there is still alittle spot on the top of his head that is darker than the rest.. but I'm hoping that will get better in time too. (I took pictures). I got him some bee pollen http://www.gnc.com/Y-S-ORGANIC-BEE-...538&mr:adType=pla&mr:keyword=&pla=pla_4306699.. but I could only find it in whole granules.. so what should I do with it and how do I give it to him and how much? Do I have to grind it up more to make a powder? This is the only stuff they had.. we don't have many health food stores around here.. I got it at GNC in the mall..it was around $9 so cheaper than I could get it online.

Nathan went on vacation with my mom, sister, her daughter and kids.. they left last Saturday and are coming back home this saturday.. can't wait.. I miss Nathan so much! He's never been away from home no more than a day or two and that was just sleeping over my mom's. They went to Bethany Beach in Delaware. My mom's feeling better.. or so she says.. so I hope she's telling the truth. Oh.. not sure if I told you before either.. but my biopsy came back clear.. Yay!

Well here are some pictures..

Jango in his "hideout".. everytime Nathan has his lego drawer pulled out to play and Jango's out.. he goes in here. 7/1/14:

lounging 7/2/14

Jango shed his boo boo skin today.. looks much better than what it did.. 7/10/14

He's shedding like crazy.. beard, legs, tail.. LOL.. Oh.. there is a reptile rally at Petco next saturday, Nathan wants to take Jango so I requested off work to take them.. wonder if Jango will win again :p


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's looking good Tammy & I'm so glad to hear that the biopsy was clear YEAH!!!!!!!

Loved all the pictures and I'm sure you miss Nathan, it's tough not to have your boy with you for a whole week!

Hope you have a great time at the Reptile Rally, maybe Jango will win some bugs!

As for the bee pollen, we can only get granules in Canada, so what I do is put a tbsp of granules in a small dish, add very hot water to melt the granules, once they're melted, add cool water & feel by syringe. Some people just add granules to salad, Scully a dragon on here, loves the granules as is, but I feed by a large bore syringe. You've reminded me that I have to get some more & start giving it to them again. It's got so many great properties, it's even good for humans to eat.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Hello Tammy,

Jango looks fantastic. :D
I am happy to hear he shed his head & is shedding the rest of his body too, it sounds like he is doing very good right now. Is he eating a lot also?
The granules can be ground down to a powder & just give a tiny pinch daily for him. He should love the taste of it also.
That is great news your biopsy came back clear also. :D I bet you do miss your son. How old is he?

I am glad Jango is doing wonderfully.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
7/13/14 Sunday 2:30pm

Hey all.. just popped in to say hello. Jango made me a happy camper this afternoon. He's starting to run around more in his viv and bob at his reflection again like he use to.. and come over onto his half log hide and want out more again. I sprinkled some of the bee pollen granules on his salad.. not sure if he ate any of it though. I also ground some up and tried to put on his worms but it didn't stick to well. I guess i'll have to get a syringe somewhere and mix it with some water, that way I know he's getting some. How much should he have a day? I don't want to give him too much if he isn't suppose to have much.

Nathan, my mom and the rest of them came home from vacation yesterday.. Nathan had a great time and even got me a gift.. I'll show you in the pictures..

Jango today..

and the gift Nathan brought home for me..

a plastic bearded dragon!



BD.org Addict
Jango looks really good. So handsome! I love that plastic beardie! Whoever designed it and made it did a fantastic job on it, its so life like. Happy to hear your biopsy is done and over with and that he thinks its a cyst. Sorry to hear your mom isn't feeling to well. Sometimes with some meds, it takes time to feel well once off them and some should be weaned down, she will be fine I am sure. Put up a ton of new pictures of Emily and Emmett when you have time. Take care and pet jango on the throat for me.


BD.org Addict
That's wonderful that Jango's boo boo skin came off and he looks good. What a thoughtful gift for Nathan to bring you! So lifelike!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's back to doing his regular stuff, that's such great news. That plastic dragon is so life-like, you'll have to introduce him to Jango to see what Jango does! Glad Nathan had a good time!

You can't overdo bee pollen, there isn't any such thing, so see how he likes it by syringe like I do, at least you can sprinkle it on his salad, he must take some in. Maybe that's the best way to give it to him, but by syringe is good, too, if he'll take it that way.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
7/24/14 Thursday 12:50am

Hey all, dropping by fast to say hello. It's really late and I have to work tomorrow so I need to get to bed. Jango is doing good. I got him a 75w basking bulb and he seems better with that instead of the 100w.. but he doesn't seem to move around as much again since I changed it, but he doesn't gape as much and he only breaths funny now when he eats, still not sure why that is.. he never done it before. Nathan and I took him to Petco's Reptile Rally on the 19th. There were 3 other beardies there..well 4 but the one girl didn't stay. I can't remember their names but there was another male, bigger than Jango.. he was 24 inches long and pretty fat, 4 years old.. the other was a female leatherback and she was 7 months old. We all stood and talked the entire time (3 hours) as well as talked to customers that came in and wanted to see them or ask about them..everyone seemed to like Jango the most.. he had on his orange colors and everyone thought he was amazing. While the other two just clung to their moms/dads.. Jango was restless and wanted down to sit on the floor most of the time..good thing I had his harness on. I got his picture taken too but I need to scan it yet. They didn't do prizes or anything this year. I got a few pictures of Jango with the fake beardie that Nathan got me.. he wasn't phased by it.. he licked it and just layed there by it until he seen the ceiling fan on then all he did was look up at it. Had him outside a few times.. the last two times he was fine at first then after about 20 minutes he'd start freaking out, black bearding and such so I had to bring him inside. Today he was fine the whole hour we were out.. he climbed around on Nathan's trampoline and even went inside and sat for abit, when he got tired of that he came back out.. silly dragon. Nathan can jump around on it and it doesn't phase Jango one bit.. he never minded that. It started raining so we started to head back inside.. but he wanted down on the porch so I left him down.. he kept looking up in the sky.. like he was wondering where the water was coming from LOL. Well this is turning into a long thing so I'll go to the pictures now..

I'll post Jango's Petco pic when I get it scanned..

Jango left some evidence showing he does eat his salad sometimes 7/15/14:

Jango with his fake beardie friend 7/18/14:

Had Jango outside this day and he kept wanting to run off so I brought him back inside, where he climbed into his half log hide and pouted 7/20/14:

Jango was mad at me for going to work the night before, when I got up and said hello to him he closed his eyes and wouldn't look at me, then he proceeded to puff his beard out at me and then black beard me so said fine, be that way and walked away.. after about a minute he climbed up onto his logs, arm waved at me then sat there and looked at me until I told him I loved him LOL 7/21/14:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
What a character he is, pouting, blackbeardingm then arm waving to say Sorry Mom! So sweet/ Gkad he was a hit at the Reticon, too. Love his friend, that sure is a bright orange!
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