Jango (pic heavy)

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Hey all.. not sure who all read my introduction link so I guess i'll start by saying hi, my name is Tammy.. I'm a 38 year old, stay at home mommy of one human, my son Nathan (7yrs) and to Jango. My hubby bought Jango for me on Feb. 29, 2012 at a well known pet store near us.."Gittlers". The lady who took care of us there told us that Jango was only a few weeks old when we got him..so if that's correct he should be about 4 months old.. or somewhere around that i'm guessing. Not sure what kind of beardie he is though. He's currently in a 20 gallon reptile tank with reptile carpet and the lights that came with the tank.. I know I need to get new lights for him asap..just need the $$. He loves his crickets (dusted w/calcium 1x day) and he gets kale and turnip greens with some carrots and cucumber.. once in awhile I give him some apple, wich he loves. his basking side stays between 99 and 105 and his shady side stays about 75.

Jango loves being out of his terrarium and looking out the window, 'specially when the sun is shining and I can have it open.. I always supervise him. I don't trust him enough yet to let him have run of the house but I do let him run around on the couch and once in awhile in my son's bedroom, we block all the holes up and keep a close eye on him, a few times he'd snuggle with my son's stuffed animals and go to sleep, he even fell asleep once on the dresser behind the CD player. I can walk around the house with him hanging onto my shirt or sitting on my shoulder, wichever he feels like doing. Once in awhile I will take him into the bedroom with all the fish... yeah.. we have lots of fish.. mostly Chiclids.. 75 gallon, 55 gallon, a few 20 gallons, 10 gallons and a 5 gallon..oh also got a 29 gallon with gold fish in it.. hubby wants to get another 55 gallon and also wants to get Jango a 40 gallon breeder tank.

On with the pictures:..

Jango when we first came home 2/29/12:

a few days later 3/8/12:

he loves lookin' out the window 3/21/12:

lookin at the gold fish 4/4/12:

Jango's home 4/4/12:

My son and Jango looking out the window 4/9/12:

enjoying the sun on a beautiful day 4/16/12:


Then and now 4/21/12:

sleeping 5/1/12:


playing with the tape measure 5/6/12:

my handsome dragon 5/8/12:

puffin' out his beard 5/9/12:



Happy Mother's Day!


Who's that handsome fella? 5/15/12:

That's it for now.. sorry for so many.. there are many more if you would like to see more you can visit this link:


BD.org Addict
Aw, little sleepy bum! :D I use to take Myah to the bus stop, it didn't ever go well :roll: Myah was great but none of the other parents were on board. I got a lot of rolled eyes and sneers. Not only is this a one horse town, it's a pretentious town. The other wives stay home as their hubby's make extreme money. They do their hair, make up and have the most fashion forward clothes. And... I showed up in work clothes with a lizard in hand! :lol: Oh well. I wouldn't have traded those moments with Myah for the world :wink:
-I hope your mother recovers well and between you and me, I love Walmart! :D :lol:


BD.org Addict
As for you pictures, I love the 3rd one of the first set of pictures. It has no reflection in it and no washed out areas and its a beautiful picture of Jango. I love the last two of the 2nd set as they really pop with color and the detail in Jango's scales really shows up and his positions are picture perfect. No pun intended! On the 3rd set I love 6,7,8 and the very last picture for the same reason, his position and his color pops out with the scale detail. If it were me for the calander those would be the ones I would choose from.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hope your mom gets her surgery soon so her eyes will be clear again.

That is great that Jango is such a hit and everyone you met wanted to know about him. He's such a handsome boy. Loved the pic of him sleeping curled up, noticed he was still kind of peeking, maybe to see if anyone had noticed him :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
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9/30/13 Monday 10:42pm

Hey all.. not much to say as usual.. just thought i'd stop in and say hello. Last night i didn't sleep well at all.. woke up at 1:30am and couldn't go back to sleep.. got up out of bed at 2:30am to go potty and looked out the window and seen the skunk that's digging up our yard.. we have a flood light out there because mike read that they don't like bright light.. well he/she stayed out of the bright light and was in the dim lighted area..wish we knew where it's den was.. hope it's not in our yard. It was out there until atleast 3:30am..that's when I lost track of it. I went back to bed around 4am and still couldn't sleep.. it was after 6am when I fell asleep and had to get up at 6:50am to get Nathan up, ready, breakfast and off to the bus. Needless to say i went back to bed after i got him on the bus and slept until 12:30pm. Jango never got out of bed either.. when I got back up, he was in the same spot that he was in when I went back to bed :lol: I guess because i told him he could stay in bed if he wanted to because I was going to. Jango makes me laugh alot lately.. he never wants in his viv.. he always wants out to run around or sit on the windowsill in the sun.. if I put him in his viv he will go to his corner where he sleeps most of the time, put his head under his logs and pout. Mike thinks I should change the timer on his lights to go out at 7pm now instead of 8pm because jango always seems to be ready to go to sleep around 5 or 6pm.. his lights come on alittle before 7am.. would that time frame be ok for him? 7am to 7pm? i think i had it like that last year but I can't remember. Jango really hates collard greens.. he refuses to eat them.. the only time he will eat any at all is if I hand feed them to him and even then he will just eat one or two bites and spit most of it out.. today he didn't eat anything.. he just wanted to lay around and be lazy.. I even offered him a bite of banana.. his favorite fruit and he refused it. Oh well. i'll try again tomorrow.. he hasn't even wanted to eat his superworms lately. Oh well.. I gonna get going.. talk to ya'll later.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
The 7a-7p timing will be fine during the winter, even 10 hours would be fine for him if you want him up later in the am, so 9a-7p would work, too.

As for the eating, it's the winter slow down, it's affecting all of my dragons; I got home at 4p today, hip problems, and Didi was already asleep under his light (he's not out of his tank for the day anymore because he hides 1st thing) and the others were the same. So it's that time of year, like it or not. When it's a first dragon for the winter thing, it's hard to know what to do. As long as he's got nothing in his digestive system, he's ok. Hope that helps. It's the time of the year that really drives us nuts on how to handle our babies.

Sorry to hear about the not sleeping, but at least you did make some of it up. I also think it's that time of year for that, too, have you tried to take Melatonin? It's supposed to help.


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10/3/13 Thursday 10:30pm

Hey all.. Hope everyone is doing well. Today's my birthday.. the big 40 :shock: Mike got me some chocolate cupcakes and a card with $20 in it..I don't like chocolate cake (which he should know after 13 years), but I ate some anyways. My mom called and sang Happy Birthday to me and my oldest brother Steve, texted me Happy Birthday. It was an ok day. Jango ate today.. 8 superworms and all of his salad, I got him his favorite greens, Endive.. so tomorrow is bath day and hopefully he poo's.

For the past threee years I've been friends with this lady who's son is in school with Nathan.. same grade..he's even been in the same class as Nathan two years so they are friends and his mom and I were friends.. well.. since this school year started his friend started wanting Nathan to play with him every time they go out for recess and he wouldn't take no for an answer and Nathan had to play whatever his friend wanted to play.. if Nathan wanted to play with his other friends and this friend didn't want to he would go off and pout, then when the other kids would ask him what was wrong he'd tell them that Nathan was being mean to him so the other kids would go tell the teachers that Nathan was being mean to him and then they would pick at Nathan saying he was a meanie and such. Well the other day Nathan came home telling me this again and I've had enough of it (the other times I just told him to ignore his friend and play with who he wants) so I messaged his mother on Facebook and told her what was going on and said how it was a form of bullying, that if it didn't stop I will go to the school about it and she got mad at me saying how this is the first she heard of this and how dare I call and label her son as a bully etc. etc. etc.. So now she's not talking to me or anything.. I don't really care.. she wasn't a very good friend anyways.. all she wanted was someone to watch her kids. Every school event we went to and she was there that's all i heard from her.. "will you watch so and so while i go over there for a minute".. She has four kid and none of them have any manners. Oh well.. I don't really care as I said.. just makes me mad that she gets mad at me when its her kid that's being mean to my kid. :banghead:

Our house smells like pee.. I have no idea why.. it just started recently.. not sure if we have an animal in our crawl space under the house or something is peeing along side our house outside or what.. not sure if it is even pee.. could be something else that just smells like it..don't think it would be the sewage backing up.. that would smell worse I think.. I don't know how to get rid of it.. it's so gross.. I don't want anyone coming over to visit either. :bleick: :puke:

Oh well.. don't know what else to say.. hope you all are doing well and have a great night.. day.. whatever it is wherever you are :lol:


BD.org Addict
Happy 40th birthday! I loved turning 40! It was so liberating. All the worrying about what others thought started to slip away. I became so much more secure in myself and my knowledge of who I was and what I wanted. I learned to say no. I stopped fighting the curly hair I had tried to straighten daily all my life and just went to wash and wear hair. I could go on. I hope this landmark birthday marks a whole new wonderful chapter of your life. And my house smells like pee, too. I've got a dog that pees in the living room a few times a week. No matter what I spray or how often I get out the shampooer, the smell remains. You are not alone. Happy Birthday again!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Happy Birthday Tammy, hope you had a good day (and Mike should know you're taste by now, you need to tell him no more chocolate!!!)

Sorry to hear about Nathan's issues, but it is something that needs to be brought before the principal if you can. That kid's mom sounds like a real you-know-what user and how the kids are brought up is how they act out in public. Eric was bullied at one point, Roger called the parents and said if it didn't stop immediately, he would take it to the school & the police (the kids were actually beating him up) and it stopped right away. But in Nathan's case it's more insidious, poor Nathan to have to put up with that nonsense and it is bullying. Hope you do take it to the principal, no-one should be treated like that. Good luck with that!

As for the pee smell, it's not anything from inside, so can you call Animal Control and have them check the crawl space? Do they do that? Might be a way to find out what's happening outside of your house. Not sure what you can use to get rid of the smell. If there's no animal in the crawl space, maybe bleach around the foundation? I've never come across this before so not sure what would work. Hope you find a solution to it all.

And so glad Jango ate for you today, good boy. It's such a pain, this winter slow down they go through. Didi and Leo are in full brumation, Didi has his head in his hide :lol: Guess he doesn't fit :lol: Leo is right in his hide, all curled up. Rubio can't decide what he wants to do, but he was awake in his hide, so he gets pulled out & put on his basking log and stayed up all day. He ate 4 supers at the same time & choked, silly boy. Did the upside down thing, which helped, gave him a bit of acidophilus and that helped, too, then he ate some collard greens, so I guess he got that worm unstuck. So not offering more than one worm at a time going forward, I'm done with choking beardies :mrgreen: Gabriel is still awake every day & so is Titan & Lonzo, so have some company!


Sub-Adult Member
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10/14/13 Monday 5:13pm

Hey everyone.. hope you all are doing good. Not much going on here as usual, it's been cold and rainy the past few days. Saturday we went to my brother's house (use to be our cottage) out in Bedford.. almost an hour away. It was nice to be out there again.. it was to be a family place to gather and be at in the summer.. then my brother and his family moved out there and is living there now.. which my mom (and the rest of us) isn't too happy about. Sunday was just a lazy day, Nathan and I just sat around and did pretty much nothing, well I did clean Jango's viv. Today i got Nathan off to school and helped Mike put the cover on the pool, then came back inside fed Jango and went back to bed since Nathan kept me up all night by kneeing and elbowing me all night. When I got up at 12pm, I went to see how Jango was.. turns out he must of been mad and had a fit because he wanted out.. he had his small half log pushed across his tank, his salad scattered everywhere and he pooped on his blanket.. not alot just alittle (he does that when he's really mad). So I had to clean his viv up again and i got him out and left him sit on the windowsill for awhile. Oh.. i always want to ask but always forget.. Is there anything I can bath Jango with that I don't have to buy online? Do you wash your beardies food bowls with dish soap or just water? I just always used really hot water but was thinking of trying to use dish soap since it's starting to stain, just don't want to get him sick. Can I wrap his half hide logs in aluminun and bake them in the oven? Seems there might be little bugs starting to live in them. Well that's about it.. for now.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I only know of one soap that is safe to wash beardies with, but it's online at www.beardeddragon.co. Other soaps would be too harsh on him. I have never used a soap, just a toothbrush in hotter than warm water.

I know you can bake logs at 200F for 1/2 hr but don't use aluminium, just put the log in the oven, it will just bake out any bugs.

Jango is so funny to do that when he gets mad. He has such a great personality, guess he wanted OUT?

I use dish soap to wash out their bowls, just rinse in very hot water like you do until all the soap is gone, that won't hurt Jango at all, has never hurt my crew.


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sweetiepie9":20dinkt4 said:
I only know of one soap that is safe to wash beardies with, but it's online at http://www.beardeddragon.co. Other soaps would be too harsh on him. I have never used a soap, just a toothbrush in hotter than warm water.

I know you can bake logs at 200F for 1/2 hr but don't use aluminium, just put the log in the oven, it will just bake out any bugs.

Jango is so funny to do that when he gets mad. He has such a great personality, guess he wanted OUT?

I use dish soap to wash out their bowls, just rinse in very hot water like you do until all the soap is gone, that won't hurt Jango at all, has never hurt my crew.

Thanks Deb.. for the info :) the logs won't catch fire without anything around them? they are the half hide logs with bark on them.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
No, not at that little of heat. I've never done this but I know others have. 15 min would prob be enough for those little logs. And then disinfect his tank after you take the logs out, if there are bugs in there.


Sub-Adult Member
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10/24/13 Thursday 3:00pm

Hey all... hope you all are doing well. Sorry i haven't been around for awhile...just been busy doing other things. The past few days have been pretty cold here.. we even got snow.. not enough to lay on the ground yet.. but it's still snow.. the stuff I don't care for. We have a skunk that lives under our shed and have been trying to figure out how to get rid of it.. we called a few places that said about skunk removal and they either said they don't do that or want too much money.. the cheapest we found said they'd do it for $70 to trap and another $70 to take it away. So we bought a trail cam and caught it on video yesterday.. gonna try again tonight.. trying to see exactly where it comes from .. we also bought a trap so we can try to trap it ourselves.. the guy said that's fine and he'll just charge us $70 to come get it.. wanted to charge us another $70 to bring the trap back.. we said he could have the trap or we'll go pick it up if we want it back. We think it's a male since females usually stay together in a den, where the males are solitary and stay alone until mating season.

Jango has been doing good.. he's sleepy most of the day but still wants out and eats.. I take him in and give him a bath every day too see if he'll poo.. but usually he's been pooin every three or four days. Well it's late and I have to get Nathan off the bus.. so I better get going. Gonna go to the Halloween parade downtown tonight.. then gonna have a birthday thing for Nathan on Saturday here at home... nothing big. Sunday is Trick or Treat here at home and then Trick or Treat at my mom's on the 31st.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sounds like you've been busy. And yes, Haloween is just around the corner, crazy.

Sorry to hear about the snow and the skunk, hopefully you figure out where it is & get it trapped, just be careful of the stink :lol:

So Jango's like mine, too, very tired by mid afternoon but still eating and pooping, just not as often. They all get baths today, just waiting for a call from work 1st, then baths & food. Titan is doing good so far, the meds seem to be working, hope this whole YF is cured as I hate to see him like he is, stuck in his tank all the time.
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