Jace, Zy, Vess, Ava, Nissa, Koth, & Phoenix -->R.I.P. Sorin

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My name is Liz. Some of you may have seen my past thread and recent posts on here lately. I'm 23 years old and I'm currently living with my grandparents. My boyfriend, who still lives at home as well, Paul, helps me care for and love these adorable terrors. I'm finishing up my last semester of school, my graduation date being somewhere in March. I work at the USPS as a letter carrier full time, I continue to do so after I graduate as well. Now, onto the more interesting features in my life and that ones everyone really wants to hear about, my reptiles.

Technically, Jace was not my first bearded dragon. Originally I had Kamajii, named after the boiler man from Spirited Away. Unfortunately, he suffered from epileptic seizures and I had to return him. I was very new to the reptile world and I wasn't ready to make that kind of commitment just yet for my first time. He and the other beardie that suffered from epileptic seizures were eventually adopted out to a really nice family who knew what they were doing. That, however, left me with Jace. He was a feisty bugger right from the start, pretty sure I bought him right before he hit puberty. After a lot of working with him, however, he is now my love bug and adores me, or at least he makes me think he does. He's two years old and has just gotten over his URI. Currently he is 19" and 490g.










Zy was my second beardie, but not my second reptile, actually she was my third if I remember correctly. She's a leatherback and was a Valentine's Day gift from Paul. Currently she is18.5"", 492g, and just turned two. The biggest problem I have with her is that she refuses to poop anywhere except on my carpet. And she will only poop on my carpet if I'm present. If it's just Paul, nope, nothing. If it's just me or both of us, she goes to town laying the biggest poops. She's always been very sweet. She hasn't black bearded ever, only puffs out to stretch her beard. And the only time she's ever bitten was from my hand feeding her greens. She's all mouth when it comes to eating.






R.I.P. Sorin
Sorin was my third bearded dragon who unfortunately had to be put to sleep. Here's the link to his memorial page that tells his story: https://www.beardeddragon.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=212505. We miss him so much and today I picked up his ashes. I forgot to ask about the plaster paw print, if they were able to get one from him. I'll have to call and ask about it tomorrow. I spent the ride back, talking to him, telling him of all the things I've missed about him, of the good times, of the new baby and asking for his blessing. I love you, Sor-Bor. He was a whopping 20" and 569g.












She's our newest member, we just picked her up tonight, actually. She's from Paul's coworker who has four bearded dragons but do to financial reasons, had to rehome two of them. Less was bought from an online breeder: Rainbow Bearded Dragons. He's a year and two months old and still a baby. He had her in a 10g viv and fed her only enough to not starve, but not enough to grow so she has a lot of catching up to do and looks so small in the 40g viv. We're hoping with a lot of food and proper care, she'll get right back onto growing and be as big as she was supposed to be. Will have to weigh and measure her tomorrow.






Ava was our first leopard gecko and her birthday will actually be in a couple of days. She'll be two years old. She's special needs, there's a chance she might have the enigma syndrome. Here's a link to a report on it if anyone is curious as to what the enigma syndrome is: http://www.freewebs.com/grinninggecko/enigmasyndromestudy.htm. Unfortunately it's rather sad. Other than, she seems to be doing well enough. She doesn't grow or gain much weight, but she is always, ALWAYS shedding.








Nissa was our first baby to choose us. I was walking in Petco, very dangerous, I know, and for the first time ever, a leopard gecko was glass dancing at me. I've never seen one ever pay me any attention before as Ava became Paul's. I knew then I had to get her so the next day I came home with Nissa. She's such a doll and gets into so much mischief. She'll be two years old in March.










Koth was our second and last baby to choose us. He was in a small, overcrowded cage at Petco (the same one that Sorin came from). Originally we were looking at rescuing a different one, but he woke up, crawled on top of all of the sleep leos and walked right up to us as if to say: "I'm your only choice." Of course, when he got home, he looked everywhere for the first week for the other leos. He couldn't believe that he had a place of his own and he is such a champ.










He was probably the worst off from any of our rescues. He came from a different pet store chain entirely, the one that is the bane of my existence, Dave's Soda and Pet Food City. How I loathe that man, let me count the ways. I would rather work at Petco and follow their rules than even be in a mile radius of this store. It. Is. Disgusting. And when I tried to report it, nothing happened. Phoenix is a true fire skink and was horribly miscalled for to put it mildly. When I saw him, I honestly thought he was told and told one of the employees. They woke him up to prove to me he wasn't. My response? That's good, I'll take him. Honestly, that first week we brought him home, we weren't sure if he was going to make it. The night we bought him we went to Petco to buy supplies and one of the employees there was APPALLED by his appearance. Anyways, we've now nursed him back to health. He's guess to be a year and three months old. And he is such a sweet and gentle soul, so fun to be around.










That's it for now.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Loved all of the Christmas photos! Everyone looked quite relaxed sitting with the snowman.

Sorin's memorial book is wonderful. The photos captured just happy he was being with you, and all of the love that emulated from him.
I can only imagine how difficult this was for you to do, looking back at his healthy photos and wanting so much more for him. But remember this: You gave him the life that he probably wouldn't have gotten if he didn't go home with you that fateful day.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Yes, he will. There is no escaping from my love for him.

They were a little too relaxed and climbed all over them instead of posing.

That's what people keep telling me and it's what I continue to try and remember. The sick pictures were the worst.


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
He stopped making the URI sounds so Dr. Kenna said to just keep an ear open when I'm with him and if he starts again, to call and she'll have antibiotics ordered to be made up without even seeing him.

The vet appointment went well enough. She was fat the last time she went in and weighs even more now. According to Dr. Kenna, her belly fat pads are HUGE. She does have URI and was given the first shot. Paul and I are going to give her the rest. Why waiting at the front desk to pay, Zy was kind enough to poop - mostly liquid with a little rate seeing as she took a big poop earlier.

My favorite picture:

Other pictures from today:


Such a pretty color:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Maybe Jace was just getting over the previous one, so good that he's not getting shots yet.

As for Zy, glad you got her in, now she can get rid of the RI. She's always been plump. And all dragons are different. No matter how little I feel Leo, he's always plump but he gained alot of weight in the last 2 months before he went into brumation and I only feed him a few roaches twice a week and some bok choy. He was up to 610g! From 550! for no apparent reason. He's not even eating supers anymore, not for a year now. So it's a puzzle alright for both of them.

Vess is just the cutest thing and I can see how much she's grown already. Have you weighed & measured her lately? I love the wide open smiles :love5:


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
I'm not going to hold my breath with Jace. I'm willing to bet it'll come back because that's too convent a timing - to stop right before a vet appointment.

The same with Zy. No matter how much exercise she gets and how little supers she gets, she just keeps on gaining and the vet confirmed that there are no eggs. We'll just have to keep giving her more out time to exercise, I suppose.

Vess hasn't grown in length since we took her home - still 10.5" long. She has gained weight - up to 47g now. I still would like to see quite a bit more weight on her as you can still see her hip bones and her tail and legs are scrawny. I have a feeling she probably won't grow too much length wise.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
You never know about length wise, we'll see in a year where she's at. She is just adorable, though :D


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Jace could be one of those difficult children who would miraculously be healed just before a doctor's visit, then start getting sick again the day after.
I hope he won't get the URI again.

How long does Zy have to be on meds? Is she fussy about taking it?

I absolutely love Vess' pics! She is such a little cutie pie!


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
When we gave Sorin the shots, he was either really good or really bad. With Jace he was always bad. I wasn't in the room when they gave Zy the shot, so I won't know until Sunday how good or bad she is.I'm praying that she's good about it. Jace was just an a$$ about the whole thing and made it so difficult. And yes, I'm sure he would be a faker. :roll:


BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Work is insane. I'm exhausted, but I guess that's good. I need to be tired. My other jobs left me with too much energy. Now I sleep a lot easier and nicer and I'm not as restless. My feet do hurt on the daily basis though. Thankfully Paul gives amazing foot messages. He promised to give me one tonight so I took care of the babies for when he gets home from work. I wanted him to have some r and r time with his new laptop I bought him today. I have work tomorrow for 8am and work on Monday for 6am. I have two take home exams and one paper left. Almost done.

He started making the URI noises again this morning. Called the vet's office and mine and Paul's work time conflicted with the time they could have the medicine ready. Won't be able to pick it up until Monday after I get out. Monday should be a short day as will tomorrow.

Giving her her first shot tomorrow. Wish Paul and I luck!

Still eating and popping well. She's full of energy all the time. I don't think she's knows what it means to be tired.

I ordered some hornworms for everyone for Christmas. I hope they like them... Well, I know Zy and Jace do. Everyone else I'm uncertain about because it's either been a long time or I've never offered it to them before. Here's hoping I can get Nissa and Ava off of waxies.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh Jace, why must you worry your mommy so.

Good luck with Zy's first shot.
Who gets to hold her down and who gets to administer the actual shot?

I so wish my babies could eat hornworms. They all love them, but then they'd have diarrhea for days, even from the little hornworms.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
That reminds me I have to pick up a few, too. Last time I got some only Didi and Rubio would eat them, even Gabriel stared at the worm, then me as if I was absolutely crazy, make me laugh :lol: But then Gabriel is always good for a laugh.

Sorry to hear they give your crew diarrhea, that's a drag.

Wonder how Vess will deal with hornworms, they'll do her good. So she's an energizer bunny, eh? That's so good!

At least your job is tiring you out so you're sleeping well and so glad to hear that Paul give you great foot massages, you deserve them. And so close to finishing school :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:

Jace, you little brat, he did just what you said he'd do, Liz. Sorry he's sick again, but RIs can be hard to get rid of. Hopefully the one full dosages for Zy will set her right.



BD.org Addict
Original Poster
Because he's my baby boy and he knows how I love him dearly. I'm sure Pookie has done the same to you. :roll: :lol: Bums, all of them.

Zy was all right with her first shot. It's easier holding her down because being a leatherback, her spikes don't hurt nearly as much, though I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to spike people. I get to hold her and Paul does the shots. Needles make me queasy, so I can't look.

That's a bummer. I'm lucky, no diarrhea, just really moist poo. :puke:

I think beardies reaction to hornworms is the most amazing thing ever. Will have to get Vess's reaction since this will be her first time. She has too much energy.

I have a feeling it will take Zy longer since she has a more mucus than Jace did and he's still having trouble. They're such butts.

So good news. Vess went from 47 grams to 53.5g which is a gain of 6.5g. Those dubia are really helping her gain. I still want to see her hit 61g while this length - I don't want to see any more hip bones and he needs bigger fat pads on her head since her third eye looks like a bump on her head instead of natural.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Yeah for Jess reaching 53.5g, glad she's gaining so well.

And yes, they can be butt heads. I'm so glad, though, that Zy is taking the shots well, hopefully if not this time around, the next time knocks it out completely.

Wonder if Jess will gain in length, too? Well, I guess only time will tell.

Got my new boy, posted pics on my thread. He's a really good boy :D Just really hungry, which is good!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Congrats on your first successful shot administering session! How did Zy react when Paul inserted the needle?

Yippee on 6.5 grams of weight gain on Vess! It's great that she likes the dubias, and they're helping her gain weight and put the fat pads back on her head/hips.
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