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Hi everyone,
Somehow having 3 threads going at the same time, bogged me down from posting faithfully, I don't know why it would :?: , but I thought I'd consolidate the 3 together to make this one topic. I'm going to post some original info from each thread to update anyone who doesn't know my clan, then I'll have some new pics at the end.


Well, on craig's list someone posted a 2 yr old "handicapped" girl......... aggressive (this may have been d/t improper lighting and food)............. so not a good pet for children, and would be asking for a rehoming fee.
Long story short.......the lister couldn't take care of her........... he was interested in other pets and was moving on, and when I saw a picture of her, I knew she was suppose to be mine. Many people called for her, and he said that if I came down to pick her up, he would not charge me for her. Sooooooooo...........off I went, with much anticipation and knowing it was going to be a long day trip.
When I saw her, she was in a dirty viv, sand substrate, urate smelling drift wood, and she was very small with poop smears on her. She had a household light bulb only......... with a black light for night time......... no food or vitamins on hand.......... with everything in much need of a good cleaning. In the owners defense......... he said he wanted her to go to a good home............. so someone could take care of her. When I saw her.......... I instantly fell in love.
I brought her some butterworms, to see if she would eat them in her enviroment before I scooped her up to take her away d/t the possibility that she'd have relocation stress and not eat. She goobled them up..........I was so happy!
When I picked her up, she was very tense, bearding without darkening, and trying to bite me x2........ but I was persistent, and rubbed the top of her head, so she settled down quickly. So tiny........I asked the owner, are you sure she's 2 yr's old? He said yes, and told me how she lost her feet, etc. Apparently she was a runt, and the other babies attacked her leaving her with her right front foot missing at the ankle, back left missing from the ankle down, back right missing right below the knee down, and half her tail. She has the front left limb completely, but the fingers are crooked, the limbs are very skinny, and mushy/soft, significant of MBD, also her jaw is a little off alignment, another sign of MBD too.
I wrapped her snuggly in a soft towel, and she went home on my friends chest, cozy and sleeping. I brought hand warmers with me so they were within the towel......... she was toasty warm and appeared very content. It was a long day, and the only time she moved, was when she did a poop........ much to my delight........... because of the sand substrate housing. I had brought another towel, just in case that happened.
I have named her "BELLA"...............for she is truely "beautiful".......... she has some orange/red on her face/beard and back, not too much, just enough. Her eyes are the perfect color with the golden color outlining the dark iris, she has a short nose, 9" long, from nose to tail end, and weighs 140 gm. She looks like a baby not a 2 yr. old.
When she woke up in the AM, she had a nice salad then I gave her some phoenix worms......... she's very alert and study's everything, including me. She pooped again, which was wonderful, formed but smelly, so I'll be testing her soon for parasites. Bath time was cute, I held her and took a soft toothbrush and removed the dried poop from her........ I think she thought she died and went to heaven.
I am using what I have........... I have cleaned and baked her things, I couldn't salvage one piece of driftwood, because the urate smell wouldn't come out.
I have a very low hammock for her, a hide, and a low log......... she manages well with walking........ but woobles d/t the MBD and her legs being unevenly amputated.
All I can say is............ she is precious, and I love her........... plus I want to give her the best home that she deserves, especially with her past. Meet Miss Bella Graham. (All my beardies have middle names)

He was my first beardie, I picked him out from a tank filled with at least 50 babies, didn't know a thing about beardies or their care. I soon found this site and quickly learned how to set up the viv, etc., and had a stool sample examined only to find out that he had AV. I hand fed him for over 2 years, plus he had pneumonia, so it was 14 days of injections, nebulizer treatments and medicines, but he is now eating on his own, still fussy about the greens at times, but appears stable. Meet Oliver "Ollie" Spike.

He is a snow morph, and was abandoned at a reptile expo. I saw him on the information table, tiny and under a cool breeze, so I went to the MC and said it was nice they were using a baby beardie as their mascot, but he would freeze to death all day with the air conditioning blowing on him. He wasn't a mascot,............ and someone left him, :?: :?: so I waited all day for someone to claim him, no one did, and low and behold, I was driving home with a new baby. :D Meet Pyrex Ricco.

From "NEW BABIES AND PICS, Meet Gabby, Lincoln, and Scarlett!!" Thread
So.............they have a Reptile expo in Co. 4x a yr. and yesterday was my first introduction to the western expo's. Of course, I was only going to buy some supplies, really............ but couldn't help my self to look at the babies, I should have never gone near the tables. One vendor had some beautiful morphs and I fell in love with a 4 month male, with a tail nip. He comes from a red sandfire/het/hypo/blood line, I held him of course, put him back and spent the day chatting with vendors and buying supplies, but when I went back, much to my amazement, he was still there................he made an offer I couldn't refuse.................but here's the unbelievable part.............I already had a little girl under my shirt (to keep her warm) that I purchased for $10.00. She was under another vendors table and while looking at their beautiful tiger/red babies, the vendor said, I have a baby that's been nipped on her foot/tail, would you like to see her? I should have said "no thank-you, I have to leave", but of course I said yes........... if you've been following Bella's thread, you know I rescue beardies, and I couldn't put her down.......the vendor said, "I want her to go to a good home", and that was it, paid the money and...........off I went to the ladies room, put her under my shirt, and she never moved the rest of the day. The vendor said she was a normal, but when she warmed up, her head became neon yellow, along with her shoulder blades, and when she was a baby, she had a diamond pattern going down her tail, thus, her name.......... So this is Lincoln Mosaic and Miss Gabby Diamond.

She came to my home during part of my (pringle) addiction, one of my few beardies that does not have any infirmities; she's still growing and quick as ever, she keeps me on my toes and is getting her own little personality. Meet Scarlett Emerson.

From "MY NEW (PRINGLE) MICA" thread
Well, as some of you know, I've always wanted a "white" beardie, so I've kept my eyes open for the right one. It's difficult to know what a 6" baby will grow up to be, color-wise, even if the parents are leucistic, etc, so I've been hesitant in getting such a small tyke....................
Well........................., I found a 11 month old light colored male, hypo pastel, that I just loved when I saw him, and knew he'd me mine. To my surprise, he was very skinny and lethagic, but friendly and lovable. I really felt that he came to me as a rescue,........ just for me to nurture and love. Meet the one and only, Mica Jackson. :D

So there's the synopsis of each baby, and here are a few pics for an update.



























So I hope you enjoyed the new pics, sorry for the long intro, but I hope you'll leave a note so you can continue to follow my special family and their updates. That's my one fear about closing my other threads, that I'll lose all my contacts, :( so please check in.

Bugs and hugs to all, :love5:

beardie osk

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fresnowitte":26cbiv7x said:
Thank-you Christine for the nice update on Bella. It's good to hear that she's doing much better after this episode than last time. :D

Prayers & Many Warm Hugs & Snuggles!
sweetiepie9":26cbiv7x said:
Hi Christine, how's Bella doing? I'm so glad she got over this episode more quickly than the last time. You're always in my thoughts & prayers, hope to hear from you soon,

Thanks ladies,
Bella seems like herself, but like all the rest of my beardies, no one is really eating.......There seems to be some springtime like activiy going on in some viv's along with being a little sleepy, if that makes any sense. :roll:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'd call it semi-sping fever :mrgreen: Leo & Didi are the same way, sort of spring fever but without the manic energy :mrgreen: I'm so glad Bella is feeling better :D

beardie osk

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Hi folks, Thanks for checking in, Bella seems to be back to herself completely, she ate about 7 supers yesterday, but not interested in salad.......others are starting to nibble on salad finally. The boys are glass dancing and black bearding, looking for the girls, Gabby and Bella could care less, but Scarlett is racing all over her viv. Everyones viv's are stackable and on the same wall so no one sees each other, but the boys certainly know the girls are only a viv wall away. Spring fever is in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
It makes me very happy to read that Bella's doing well. Hope she won't ever have another scary bath event ever again.

beardie osk

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Goonie":2g7eyx54 said:
It makes me very happy to read that Bella's doing well. Hope she won't ever have another scary bath event ever again.

Thanks Gina, I agree, she already has had 2 episodes and I thought she was going to have another. Yesterday, she was having her bath (I never leave her) and she was having a long drink,.............. as she was drinking, she seemed liked she was going into a trance and her head went slowly, lower, and lower till her nostrils were under water. Of course she was swooped up before she knew what hit her, and snapped right out of it. You just can't take your eyes her for a second. Last time, it happened during her BM, so I never know, but as you said, lets hope it doesn't happen again.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Yes Christine, let's hope, 2 were more than enough for you! So your crew is starting to spring fever? Only Didi & Leo are still up over here, Leo is being his fat lazy self, he gets himself on the bottom of his viv & watches cartoons all day. Didi gets out & under the power sun at the top of the ramp & watches with Leo. They bob & blackbeard each other without much enthusiasm, then settle down to watch the next show. They especially like a show called "Secret Gardens" as it's full of bugs :mrgreen: Otherwise, not much going on. Rubio & Lonzo are still sleeping away. I'll be getting them up this weekend to drink. Last time I woke Rubio up a couple of weeks ago, he gave me the biggest & longest stink eye I've ever seen. I let him warm up a bit after he drank some water & then he was back in bed, covered by his flame coloured blanket (not too spoiled!)

I'll be glad to have everyone up, even if it's just for 1 day. I have Friday off, with only a physio appointment, so looking forward to having them all to myself for a day. Here's to spring fever, black bearding & bobbing all the day long!

beardie osk

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Hi Deb,
I think it's so cute that your babies watch TV cartoon's, my Ollie used to be afraid of TV, but now the television is on the same wall as the viv's, so no one sees it, just the noise of it. Thanks for checking in!


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
It's funny how they react to TV. Right now Leo's watching "The Dinasaur Train", it's one of their favourites, so I'll put Didi on the ramp so he can watch, too. I leave for work at 10:30, so Didi gets annoyed with me when I put him back into his tank. I know he spends his day trying to jump out, but hasn't been successful yet :mrgreen: Talk to you later, I have to get ready for work.
Wow! They are all so beautiful. You are a very special person and all your beardies are so very lucky...and happy, I'm sure.

Beastiesmommy (aka Annie)

beardie osk

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beastiesmommy":3nxz1r0y said:
Wow! They are all so beautiful. You are a very special person and all your beardies are so very lucky...and happy, I'm sure.

Beastiesmommy (aka Annie)

Thank-you Annie, for such a nice compliment about my babies, they are all very special to me, for sure. Everyone is beginning to wake up a little, so I'm hoping to get some new photo's of them soon.

And welcome, to BD.org, :wave: I think you'll love it here and there's a wealth of info, if needed, we are all family! Thanks for checking in............
You are very welcome! I have spent a pleasant afternoon here in Toronto Canada reading the convos between you and your friends. Very moving, sad, funny, informative, and full of caring thoughts and a sense of real family despite the miles that separate us all. One thing I'm going crazy with is how to post pics ion my posts!!! Can anyone made it stupid simple for me?...I am not that computer savvy (lol).
:oops: :banghead:

beardie osk

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Well spring has really sprung around here, Scarlett laid one egg, so I prepared a lay box, had her in there for 3 days, and she barely moved the whole time. When I put her back in her viv, she began racing around, digging in the corner, but no eggs. :banghead: Deb, you'll have to chime in and give me some advice. I can't imagine she doesn't have anymore eggs, have you ever heard of only laying one egg??? :dontknow:

Also, Lincoln has been "loving" his girlfriend "Tary" the turtle. Those of you that have been here for a while will remember last year when he did the same thing, I have a video, but photobucket won't let me post pics or videos today. :banghead:

Everyone else is up and running as well, the boys are black bearding and head bobbing, the girls are glass dancing, mind you, no one can see each other because all of them are on the same wall, but Spring is in the air with our high 50's to almost 70's temps we've been having. Wow, that's warm for this time of the year here on the East coast. I only have a few who are interested in supers and greens, so I've had to syringe weekly to make sure everyone gets what they need.

I'll post pics, etc when that crazy site straightens out......bugs and hugs to all, <>< (did you find a site to post pics, Annie)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Christine,

Good to hear from you and hope all is going well for you. Are you still going to be able to stay at the lake? I hope so.

To answer your question yes, Sweetie has done that before, laid an egg in her tank, then one in her bath, then 3 days later laying the rest of them in her laybox. Used to drive Roger crazy, but nothing you can do but wait. You still have to put her in the laybox every morning and afternoon & hopefully she'll get the hint. I've never known Sweetie to only lay 1 egg in all the years she was laying, but she would take her time to finish the job. Hope that helps.

So you do have Spring Fever happening at your place? Not here, at least not yet. Our temps have been very cold for this time of year, we had a mini snowstorm, then hail, then snow again, took up most of this morning, but was all melted by the afternoon. It's about 40F when I wake up in the morning, we're normally in the 60s by now, so no-one is very pleased. My dragons seem to be the least amused. They're all up now, but not a whole lot of posturing, except for Lonzo, but he's always like that. Rubio has been very subdued, for him, so he & Lonzo went in for their annual check up & the vet couldn't find anything wrong with Rubio, it wasn't helpful that I couldn't get a sample out of him to take to get tested. Got one from Lonzo, he's free & clear of parasites, so just have to get some weight on him.

So I'm kind of envious of your crew, as that's what spring fever is supposed to be all about. I wonder if it's because Sweetie isn't in the house anymore, so it's just the four males? Or because it's still so cold here. Only time will tell.

Let me know how it goes with Scarlett, I'm just hoping she doesn't get eggbound. You may need a vet visit to make sure, but wait a few more days, she's new at this yet. I was so hoping you wouldn't have to put up with eggs, hopefully it's a one off & she doesn't have any more. It's hard to tell if they're carrying in-fertile eggs, as they're so much smaller than fertilized eggs. I could only tell by weighing Sweetie, so if you have a pre-egg weight for Scarlett you might want to try that. Keep putting her in her laybox daily anyway, morning & afternoon for an hour each time, she should just start digging & then lay them for you.
Hugs to all of you,
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I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣
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