Grendel's Lair

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UPDATE: Page2- Grendel's Lair 9/12/13

Part 1- Grendel's Story

My husband and I are the slaves to Yoshi and Aurora. Never in a million years would we have thought we would have 3 beardies at the same time. But we do :D So as you can tell from the title, we have chosen the name Grendel. This name was chosen because of his size, but not because of his personality. He is a big dragon, but has such a sweet personality. Ok, well, unless you wake him up that is. lol So here is the story about this sweet beardie came into our lives.
On day, at the end of May, my husband was coming home from work and had to stop at the local pet store to get crickets. When he came home, he told me that the coming weekend, he wanted to show me a beardie that was there. So that Saturday, which was June 2nd, we had to stop in for more crickets and he showed me the beardie. My first reaction was that he was huge! The pet store owner said that they got him from a breeder in Florida. He was going through some major relocation stress because of flying. They had him in a 30g tank and he could barely move around. They said they tried feeding him some lettuce, crickets and mealworms. Which my husband and I promptly told them that the mealies weren't good for beardies. My husband decided to ask if he could hold him the beardie just sat calm on his shoulder and snuggled into him. It almost looks like he's telling my husband, "Please take me home."

So after that day, we went on with things. But one day we started talking about, "If he was here we would give him a good home." And discussed everything. June 7th rolled around and we decided to go visit this beardie. My husband asked the woman if there was some way we could make a deal to lower his price or get the cage with him, which basically we would have only saved a bout $20. So we went home and started trying to figure out how we could get the things for this beardie, and somehow the fates were on our side. So on June 9th, we went in and asked the lady if they could hold him until June 15th. They said that they normally don't put holds, but they would for us. They said it seems like we are really interested in this beardie. The next day, June 10th, was the day of the reptile expo which we were going to. We went there and ended up getting some good deals on the viv, dishes, heat light, dome, crickets and some feeders. We had the thermometers already. While we were at the reptile show, we decided that we could not wait until the 15th to get him. So on our way to the pet store we went. When we got there, to our shock his cage was empty! We panicked at first, but one of the women there told us that her dad had borrowed Grendel for a party and that he would be bringing him back. So after about half an hour someone brought Grendel back and we brought him home.
The only things that we didn't have for him was a cave and his Reptisun, which he only had a few days without either of those. His eating is slowly improving and now that he got his uvb, he's definitely more active. This past Thursday we gave him a bath and he actually drank from his bath water.
We don't know his exact age or his morph, just that he's male. He has as sweet calm personality, but does not like to be woken up.
Since Grendel's story was a bit long, I'm going to post his pics in the next post and then after that, please feel free to comment. We look forward sharing as Grendel's story progresses. :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Part 2 Pictures

Ok here are a bunch of pic that I've taken over the past few days. I hope that you all enjoy. :)

Here is Grendel's set up

These pics are just some of Grendel trying to show is size even though the pics don't do him justice.








Checking things out around his viv






First bath we've given him so far






One thing I forgot to put in my first post is that we measured him after his bath and he is around 17inches from nose to tail and close to 4inches body width.

Hanging out with Daddy







Last night we brought him into the living room for the first time. Yoshi and Aurora's vivs are out there and Grendel's viv is in our bedroom. We have not actually shown him to the other beardies just yet. We went to make sure he's all settled and calm before we do a safe distance introduction. I just wonder if they all sense that there are other dragons in the house.


Juvie Member
Oh, he is so big and beautiful!!! I am so glad that you rescued him from the pet store. He deserves a good home, and it looks like he definetly found it!! :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thank you scm133 :)

We are just so thankful that things worked out so that we were able to bring him home.


Gray-bearded Member
Just looking at his face you can tell how sweet he is. He's a big boy, 17 inches doesn't sound that big but he looks massive. I'm so happy for you that you were able to give him a good home. We have 3 beardies too, and our third came to us in a similar way as Grendel came to you. It's almost like they know you're going to love them forever and they love you just as much in return right away.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks Kaleen. :)

That's what got us amazed, not so much his length but more so the size of his body. He definitely is a sweet boy, well, except the night we came in late and turned our bedroom light on about 1am after he'd been sleeping for a few hours. Unlike Yoshi and Aurora who may give you the eye, Grendel will actually puff his beard and slightly open his mouth of woken up.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
So yesterday we've had Grendel for a week. His appetite really hasn't gotten better, just stabilized with eating maybe 2-3 crickets and a bit or two of greens. I realize that the relocation stress could take up to 2 weeks, but the odd thing is that he's not even acting stressed. He's been becoming very active and has a nice creamy belly. Our other two beardies started eating well about 2-3 days after we got each of them. But I realize that every dragon is different and I shouldn't compare Grendel to the others. Plus he been through a lot of traveling in the past month or so. He was in Florida. Then he came here to PA and was in the Pet store for about 2 weeks and then we got him. So I'm sure the poor guys is probably wondering where he's gonna be next. So I told my husband that we just gotta be patient with him and eventually he will completely trust us and feel at home. If there is anything else we can do to make him feel comfortable so he knows he is with us, please feel free to share. It's confusing that he's so active and playful but doesn't want to eat more than what I listed above.

Anyway, here are 2 pics that I took this morning that I just had to share. :)

Grendel's gapey smile <3

I guess he must think his food dish is a comfy place to chill. lol


Juvie Member
Original Poster
So yesterday was the 2 week mark for Grendel being with us. Up to that point, he had only eaten a few crickets and some veggies. But his eating wasn't outstanding or anything. My husband and I decided to go back to the pet store where we got him to see if we could find out info about the breeder from whom they bought Grendel from so that we could ask them some things like Grendel's age and what they fed him. Well, the lady who we could have gotten that info from wasn't in, but a few others said that his diet was mainly meal worms, and lettuce. Since Grendel hasn't eaten that much since we got him and mind you, we've tried crickets, reptiworms and wax worms and he did not take any of those really, we had to try something. We know the mealies aren't good for the beardies nutrition wise, but because of someone else's lack of education and if that was what Grendel was used to, we had to go against what we know to try something for him. So we went to Petsmart and got a container of mealies and a container of supers. When we got home, we tried giving him a super (which he will only get 1 a week) and he seemed to like that. The next day, which was yesterday we tried giving him 3 mealies in the morning and he ate 2 of them. in the afternoon we gave him 3 more and he seemed to go to his dish himself to eat them. Since we know mealies aren't good nutritionally, we do want to wean him off of those. We just gotta figure out how to do this without him starving.
So that's basically what's going on with Grendel right now. Here are a few pics. :)

Dis is mah thermometer

He actually looks rather annoyed

Sittin on top of the world

Showin off the belly


It looks like he's having a big belly laugh. LOL

Imma big handsome beardie and I know it


Juvie Member
Original Poster
We've had Grendel for a little over a month now. He seems to have settled in pretty good. He eats well, and for being a bigger dragon, you'd think he's an itty bitty for how active he is. lol He's such a loveable big boy too. He has been doing a shedding spree over the past few days shedding his head, beard and legs.

Here are a few pics that I've taken. Hope you enjoy. :)

I see somethin funny....hahahahahaha

Why hello mommy...

More wormies please???

Cheesin for a pic

C'mon...can you really deny this face some more worms?


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I don't have any pics to share right now, but I have a bit of a funny story that I wanted to share. It could be taken as a bit gross, but those of us with beardies know that they can do some umm...shall wwe say interesting things.

The other day, I was holding Grendel up and he was looking at Aurora's viv and his behind was facing me. I heard a little toot and then I saw what was coming.
Then, just the other day, we gave Grendel a bath and he was tooting bubbles in the water. lol

The reason I thought this was funny because we have 2 other dragons that have never made beardie toots. Grendel is our biggest dragon, at 18inches. So I'm not sure if this just happens as they get bigger or what.

On another note, we found out that he actually likes the large reptiworms. When we first got him, we tried giving him the mediums, but he didn't seem interested. We weren't sure if it was just that he was still getting used to his surroundings or if there is something different about the mediums and larges (other than size) But it's good that he has some more variety.

Since he's in our bedroom, we leave the TV on for him, so he has some background noise for when we aren't in there. I leave it on Nickelodeon during the day for him thinking that even though he doesn't really understand what's going on, he might like to watch the bright colors on the screen because at that time alot of the kid shows are on. Well, I've noticed that he does seem to like looking at the direction of the TV when Spongebob is on. LOL


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I can't believe we've had Grendel for about 2 months already. How the time flies. Grendel is such a sweet big boy. But one thing we've learned is that just because he's big doesn't mean he can move fast. lol His size does not slow him down one bit. He's very active and persistant. When he wants to get somewhere, he will keep trying. He has gone through some shedding in the time we've had him. We are beginning to think that our beardies are in a shedding competition. lol When we first got Grendel he did some shedding, then Yoshi, then Grendel, then Yoshi and now Aurora is going to be shedding. It's like Grendel is saying, "I'm not letting you two get as big as me."

Now here are some pics of our big boy. <3

I think I will partially lay under my platform for this pic


Chillin on his cave

Mommy...get out of the say! I'm tryin to watch TV



Chillin on my pillow

Ummmm...Who are you???

What's that thing on the wall?

I'm a proud beardie!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Grendel is doing well. He's still his cuddly loveable self. It is really amazing that for a big dragon, he's still pretty active and enjoys exploring in the living room The breeder who had him before us fed him mealworms and we have finally got him off of those and eating reptiworms like the other beardies. Recently I had my mp3 player attached to a small speaker playing in the bedroom where we keep Grendel. He seems to enjoy some of the music on it such as the Amazon Rain Forest suite, which is a relaxation piece. It has soothing music as well as crickets, water and other sounds of the forest.

Enjoying some worms

Those were yummy!

He looks really bright in the next 3 pics



I'm hiding

Lounging around


He loves sitting by his cave

Hanging out on the couch



Juvie Member
Original Poster
It's been over a month since I've updated Grendel's thread, so I figured now would be a good time to do that. Like Yoshi, Grendel may be showing signs of possible Brumation. But we are keeping an eye on things. Sometimes when we think we have things figured out, the these beardies do a a change. We think it's a conspiracy and they just like to mess with our minds at times. LOL Grendel is our chubby cuddly sweet boy. But he and Yoshi are trying to decide who is king. lol He is also realizing the joys of being spoiled. Lately, instead of just going to his worms all the time and just eating on his own, he will only eat if my husband feeds them to him with the tongs or I have to pick the worms up, drop them or just move them around the bowl. Then he goes after them. And here's an odd one for you...he seems to get really active in his viv right before he is going to leave a "present" lol He is in our bedroom with our fancy rats and lately I've noticed that he likes to sit on the side of his viv and stare out towards their cage. I told my husband he's probably thinking they are noms. lol
As of 9/28/12 Grendel is 17in and 458grams.
Anyway, here are some pics.




He likes to chill on Daddy's PS3. We think it's because of the warmth.


Hi Mommy

This dish is comfy.

Chillin on top of the cave.

Grendel trying to be scary but still looks cute. lol


A little toasty mommy

Showin the thermometer some luv


Action shot...not sure what he's doing. lol

Chillin on the end of the bed

Snuggled up after a bath

Hmmm what movie should I watch?
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