Gem (and MoMo): I'm gonna be a big sister (again) and news

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Hello, everyone! Some of you know my Gem from her ER thread, but if you don't, you will soon. :D

Gematria was a rescue (I definitely consider her one) that I found on Craigslist. After e-mailing the owner, I got an (obviously out-of-date) photograph of a healthy-looking but obviously annoyed dragon.

So, we went to meet the owner. After examining the dragon, I couldn't see anything that couldn't be fixed immediately. But, after interrogating the owner (who, mind you, thought she was in perfect health) we learned that she'd been put on sand and eating bugs from OUTSIDE. I knew that I had to take her home, so I paid the guy the $100 for her and all her stuff.

Upon arriving home, I did a quick inventory.

- 1 55 gallon tank, complete with poo and sand. Nice.
- 1 heat rock (threw that away....)
- 1 water dish, complete with algae! and a water pump to make it bubble. (That thing was caked with algae)
- 1 food dish, complete with dried poo and carrots (yummy)
- 1 hide, which was way too small
- 1 light fixture with a blown bulb (useful)
- 2 UVB fixtures, with the glass still over the bulb, and a bulb that put out 2% UVB (also useful)
- 2 thermometers, one a stick-on that doesn't work, the other so caked with sand and dirt that I had to throw it away because the buttons wouldn't push and it was trying to tell me my room was 34*F

Then there's the dragon herself. Obviously female, but she'd never been handled or bathed, and had obvious MBD. After removing some yellow scab substance from her mouth, I found two sores on the inside of her lip. I knew that she had to have parasites, considering her conditions. She definitely wasn't underweight, at least. I also found a large lump on her right ankle which we haven't identified yet.




We made her a vet appointment (for 3:00 today) and tried to treat what we could. I put Hibiclens (which is like Betadine) on her mouth sores, got some babyfood into her, and wrapped her in a towel.

She was vicious, gaping at everything and anything, hissing, trying to bite, bearding, the whole 9 yards. However, as I type, two days after buying her, she sits in my lap in her 'security towel' (she freaks if she's completely exposed to the air). She has learned to tolerate me after I talked and read to her (yes, read to her).

Since she had no name before, I decided to call her Gematria, or Gem. Her head is simply beautiful, yellow with orange and red in the beard, with golden eyes. The rest of her is grey, but that will change in time, I'm sure.


Soon, we'll be headed out for the vet.
I will definitely post updates on that.


Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Oh Jacqui, I'm sorry to hear that MoMo is not doing well and that you'd been having "bad" days.
I can understand your reluctance to rehome her, even if it's on a temporary basis. Only you know what your girls need and what's best for them from this point forward.

If you DO decide to inevitably rehome MoMo for a short time, until your financial situation gets better, feel free to give me a buzz. {{{hugs}}}


Sub-Adult Member
Jacqui - I haven't been around much lately, but I just read about your situation. I can't imagine being on the verge of having to give up my beardie. It must be a very trying time for you. The reason I'm posting this is because I have a thriving colony of dubia roaches that are breeding faster than my Dewey is eating. I actually just contacted a local reptile store to see if they'd take some from me, but after reading your story I would be more than happy to donate some to you. I know your mother said roaches are forbidden so I don't know if this will work for you or not, but if it will I'd be glad to help. I'd just need to know where to send them, what size you need, and I'd also have to do a bit of research to find out how to ship them out safely. Let me know if you're interested.


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I'm already feeling guilty about even THINKING about rehoming MoMo temporarily or permanently. Unfortunately, MoMo has come up with a health problem. :banghead: Check out my ER thread for details.... she appears to be twitching in all four of her limbs. :shock:

I used to babysit for a couple people, but apparently, the other neighborhood girls already have their reputations, and most of the families hire them. I used to babysit very bratty twins and their creepy 9-year-old brother, until they told their mother I was 'boring' (I guess because I couldn't give piggyback rides to 3 kids at one time or let them jump on their mom's bed), and I never heard from them again. :roll: Then I found their mom in my school's office asking if any of the girls in my grade had good babysitting skills. :lol: But I'm not the only one. A couple of the girls also know the infamous Jenna, Julia, and Jack, babysitted them, and were unceremoniously shoved aside.
Needless to say, babysitting isn't much of an option.
I'm trying, though. I wish I could cut lawns or something, but that's covered, too. :lol: Maybe I should walk dogs. In another year, I can work up at the mall.... if it's still there, in this economy. We have NOTHING up there. Maybe when I start high school they'll have something in the guidance office about jobs I can take up?

But, listen to me ramble!

Anyway, I think I've got this figured out for now. Thanks for all the support and advice! I hope I find an ultimate solution to all of this.


EDIT: Beardie.... I'm going to have that talk with my mom, and I'll definitely let you know! Thanks for the offer. :D


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Jacqui,

I hope you are able to solve MoMo's health issues quickly. It may be early MBD, as I know the Solar Glo's are Mercury Vapor bulbs, but I think the Sun Glo's are just another expensive but basically useless bulb, with no UVB. Can you get her out in direct sunlight for at least 15 minutes every day? This might help.

jacqui778":2nfbnzcc said:
I used to babysit for a couple people, but apparently, the other neighborhood girls already have their reputations, and most of the families hire them. I used to babysit very bratty twins and their creepy 9-year-old brother, until they told their mother I was 'boring' (I guess because I couldn't give piggyback rides to 3 kids at one time or let them jump on their mom's bed), and I never heard from them again. :roll: Then I found their mom in my school's office asking if any of the girls in my grade had good babysitting skills. :lol: But I'm not the only one. A couple of the girls also know the infamous Jenna, Julia, and Jack, babysitted them, and were unceremoniously shoved aside.
Needless to say, babysitting isn't much of an option.
While there are kids like this, and I watched a few of them, :roll: most are a lot better behaved. :laughing6: Sounds like the trio's mom isn't going to find anyone who measures up. That's all right. I started getting a couple of families that I sat for regularly with really good kids, then when the difficult ones would call, I could tell them I was already booked. Sometimes, too, the parents are worse than their kids. Don't let them get you down. By the way, there are no stupid kids, they learn it from their parents! :laughing6: I stuck with it, learned a LOT of patience and compassion in doing so, and helped raise some really nice people, but I know it is definitely not for everyone. My sister had NO patience at all, and she knew it, didn't want to waste her time. At fourteen, there aren't many work options, as there are very strict child labor laws, but at sixteen, a lot more jobs will open up for you. Even if that one family didn't work out, there may be others nearby, and I bet there are several adults on this site who would be willing to give you very good character references! :wink: Your work with your dragons, intelligence, willingness to learn and ability to communicate are all in evidence in the time you have spent on this site. Good luck with whatever jobs you find. You have a lot on your plate, but you show grace under pressure, and many adults don't handle it as well.

:love5: & Hugs,


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
I appreciate the advice. Hopefully something will work out. I would say more but I am typing from my phone and its not that easy :lol:

Also, I just realized I have been referring to the SolarGlo as a SunGlo. Sorry. I can be a tad ignorant sometimes. :roll:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Jacqui,

There is nothing ignorant about you at all. You are one smart cookie a far as I'm concerned. I know we don't know each other that well, but I've read your posts and I've really never come across a 14 yr old that takes as good care of your beardies as you have done.

As for Momo, our Issy had the same problem when she was small, but that was because she was under a Reptiglo tube. We knew better, but misread the packaging. Luckily we were able to get a Power Sun and Issy was better in a few days. So if you're able to get Momo out under real sunlight, that may solve the problem. Even 15 minutes/day will be a great help, as MaryAnn stated. Give that a try.

I'm sorry things aren't working out so well financially. Would it help with babysitting if you put some signs up at the mall? Or at your local grocery store? Just to get the word out that you're available for babysitting? I'll wish you luck with your search for work.

I'm crossing my fingers that things work out so you can keep your babies with you. Could your dad help you out financially a bit?

Good luck & big hugs


Sub-Adult Member
I have read your thread from time to time, and just saw about the finacial thing. I dont know how old you are (I'm 14) But last year I walked a dog in my neighbor hood, I walked one dog for an hour and got $10, 5 times a week. So I used that 50 to get everything for Elvis! Worked out great. Plus, I usually got a "bonus" on holidays. Right now, I babysit my 4 year old brother and in exchange get crickets. I also get 20 bucks a week cleaning my uncles apartment. (It started at 5 to get him to agree, then I casually went up and up :wink: )

Just thought I'd share some ideas!



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Kaitlyn.... I'm 14 as well :D
I would totally walk dogs.... if I didn't live in one of those rich, snobby neighborhoods where everyone owns an expensive, professionally groomed dog and has to walk them everyday to show them off. :roll: Lucky you, having a family member pay you to do stuff for them! I babysit my 5-year-old sister, and get allowance (which I never actually receive, my mother just buys things I need and calls it equal), but getting money from your uncle must be nice. We're really not close to much of our family.... other than my grandmothers and my one uncle in Pittsburgh. My mother and her sister don't get along, which is a shame, because my aunt totally needs me to come help her clean :lol:
There I go rambling. To sum it up, you're lucky! Me, not so much.

Anyway, I'm going to be getting a prepaid Visa again. Only this one will be reloadable. So any money I earn can go to my mom, who will transfer it to the Visa. Hopefully this will be helpful....

I was planning on having pictures for you. But my phone is going haywire and won't turn on. It should be fixed soon, though, so I will probably have pictures for you all sometime in the future.

Six more days until high school. I don't know if I'm excited or terrified. Probably terrified. :lol:



Sub-Adult Member
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Just wanted to post and say that my little sister, Zofia Mae Metcalf, has entered the world. :D
My stepmother went in at 5am today (6am my time) to have her. :mrgreen:

Welcome little Zofia :blob8:

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Congrats on the new baby sister Jacqui. :D What a pretty name.. Zofia.
So, you are starting high school next week, huh?! Are you taking any fun elective classes?
Will you be in the drama class this year?
I miss seeing you around here. :(

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Jacqui, if you lived closer to me, I'd pay you to walk my dog/turtle/beardies. Hey, wanna move in??? :wink:

Congrats on your little sister!

High school?! Wow, those were the days! Don't sweat it, you'll have a blast.


Sub-Adult Member
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Dawn... I know, isn't it a pretty name? It's Polish, since my stepmother's mom is very Polish. High school shouldn't be too awful (I'm hoping), as there's a wider variety of kids there, not just the snobby upper-class teenagers like there were at my previous school. I'm taking all Honors classes and I'm the only girl taking German as my language (what's so spectacular about Spanish? :? ), if that counts. I'll be picking clubs and other fun stuff once I get there. :wink: No drama though. I may have done very well with Shakespeare, but I'm no actress. I'll stick to Art and Archery, tyvm. :mrgreen:

I need to do some forum browsing. I've been out of the loop too long, only checking on threads I've subscribed to.

Gina.... what a sight that would be, me walking a gigantic turtle down the sidewalk, like nothing was out of place! :lol: If I did that here, I'd be the new topic of interest (and not in a good way, people already question my sanity for walking around with lizards on my head, so that they can capture the best rays of natural sunlight).

Even now, I'm sitting in a lawn chair outside (hacking into someone's WiFi :lol: ) with a lizard on each armrest.

Oh, and we're SO back on track with calcium. I ordered some Raspberry flavored liquid calcium from Tracie, and it is marvelous. They lap it up, no force feeding required! MoMo even tried to eat the syringe! It's miracle juice. :lol: But seriously, I'm very happy with it, and it should make giving the girls their calcium so much easier. :mrgreen: They're absorbing some natural UVB now, since the ReptiSuns are still en-route, and they're loving every minute of it!

I did get my phone reset yesterday (lost all my data though :x ) so as soon as I get it all 'set up' again, I'll get those pics. Promise. :D



Sub-Adult Member
Hi Jacqui,

It sounds so good, sitting out in the sun with your babies! Congrats on your little sister, and Zofia is a wonderful name! :love5: Your dad better make sure you get plenty of pics, and hopefully some good big sis time with her, as well! :laughing6:

High school? I took German and Spanish as well. German? I learned far more about the structure of the English language than I expected. It actually helped in my English classes. It was also some help when I was taking voice classes, and learning some Lieder. Spanish? I felt the same way about it as you when i was 14! While I haven't spoken it the way I'd like to, it has been a constant help in dealing with customers or neighbors who know very little or no English. I know enough to be able to find out what someone is looking for and help them find it. The best thing to do is visit somewhere where you have to use that language, and rely on it to communicate. It make the knowledge live!

(By the way, a couple I know have learned German and talked about their trip to Germany. They were talking together in German while seated in a restaurant. Another American came in, was seated, and was very rude, very loud, and wanted everything explained in English. :roll: My friends decided to finish their conversation in German, and quietly left the restaurant.)

Don't worry about fitting in in high school. You already fit in here, and you will find plenty of other places along the way where people will care about you, and you will be appreciated for who you are. Be you, because you are wonderful! :laughing6: If you are enjoying being yourself, taking your beardies (or gigantic turtles :lol: ) for walks, some small minds will never get it, but it will turn on a light in other kids, and they will be lucky to call you friend. In the long run, high school and the people there will be a small fraction of your life. Try to do as well in classes as you can, as this is setting a foundation for the rest of your education, but you are already a lifetime learner and will always be reaching beyond the limits of the classroom.

Honestly, high school was not that great for me because I was trying to fit in somehow. I kept trying to be what different friends thought I ought to be, and was uncomfortable most of the time trying to be someone I wasn't. I like who I am now, but I made it a rough road getting here.

And back to dragons, I'm glad Gem and MoMo are enjoying the flavored calcium from Tracie :-D (when I run out, I think I have to get some from her :laughing6: ) and I am looking forward to the pictures of your sweeties! :love5: :love5: :love5: :love5: :love5:


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lizardgrrl":33xw8dbb said:
Hi Jacqui,

It sounds so good, sitting out in the sun with your babies! Congrats on your little sister, and Zofia is a wonderful name! :love5: Your dad better make sure you get plenty of pics, and hopefully some good big sis time with her, as well! :laughing6:

High school? I took German and Spanish as well. German? I learned far more about the structure of the English language than I expected. It actually helped in my English classes. It was also some help when I was taking voice classes, and learning some Lieder. Spanish? I felt the same way about it as you when i was 14! While I haven't spoken it the way I'd like to, it has been a constant help in dealing with customers or neighbors who know very little or no English. I know enough to be able to find out what someone is looking for and help them find it. The best thing to do is visit somewhere where you have to use that language, and rely on it to communicate. It make the knowledge live!

(By the way, a couple I know have learned German and talked about their trip to Germany. They were talking together in German while seated in a restaurant. Another American came in, was seated, and was very rude, very loud, and wanted everything explained in English. :roll: My friends decided to finish their conversation in German, and quietly left the restaurant.)

Don't worry about fitting in in high school. You already fit in here, and you will find plenty of other places along the way where people will care about you, and you will be appreciated for who you are. Be you, because you are wonderful! :laughing6: If you are enjoying being yourself, taking your beardies (or gigantic turtles :lol: ) for walks, some small minds will never get it, but it will turn on a light in other kids, and they will be lucky to call you friend. In the long run, high school and the people there will be a small fraction of your life. Try to do as well in classes as you can, as this is setting a foundation for the rest of your education, but you are already a lifetime learner and will always be reaching beyond the limits of the classroom.

Honestly, high school was not that great for me because I was trying to fit in somehow. I kept trying to be what different friends thought I ought to be, and was uncomfortable most of the time trying to be someone I wasn't. I like who I am now, but I made it a rough road getting here.

And back to dragons, I'm glad Gem and MoMo are enjoying the flavored calcium from Tracie :-D (when I run out, I think I have to get some from her :laughing6: ) and I am looking forward to the pictures of your sweeties! :love5: :love5: :love5: :love5: :love5:

This is the first little sibling that I've actually felt sad over. For Helena and Fredrick (my other siblings in TX), I was too young to feel sad about not being able to show them the ropes. Kasey and Gabrielle here in PA kind of rely on each other. Not to mention, Nicole (stepmom) posted pics on FaceBook, and everyone is saying about how Helena will have to be a good big sister. It makes me sad knowing I've been replaced for the big sister role. :( Sometimes belonging to two different families is tough, especially because I only belong partially to each.

I am not sure if I want to learn Spanish. On one hand, it's useful. On the other, I loathe it. I prefer exotic languages, I suppose. I have roots in Germany, Austria, and France, so I guess I'm more inclined to those languages. Call me the modern Tolkien. :mrgreen: I love languages.

The fact that I don't try to fit in is why I DON'T fit in, I think. Hopefully I'll be able to pull together my own little group in high school of people who aren't trying to be cool. :wink: It can't be any worse than public school was *shudder*. I'm glad I went back to private!

Gem had a good romp outside, even if she did insist on eating some grass. :banghead: MoMo tried to follow, but there's no way I'm letting her go. She's too small and quick. I made it up to her by letting her run around my rooms to her heart's content, and now she's crashed on the dog's fleece bed. :lol: I wuv my babies.

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