Come on down to Devlyn Town everyone, let's go!

Welcome to Devlyn Town everyone! We're a welcoming place.

Devlyn joined our household on February 9th, 2019 at 6 months old. I don't know her birthday, and she wouldn't tell me, so my best guess is August 1st, 2018.
Devlyn was bought from a pet shop that went out of business. Came from an unnamed wholesale vender. The original owner did a lot to take care of Devlyn. A baby dragon who had parasites and a respiratory infection from the pet store. There were some hiccups with coil UVB bulbs but that was corrected after a vet visit in October 2018 to UVB fluorescent tubing and proper heat control and a bigger enclosure. The original owner sold Devlyn to me because Devlyn is a very picky eater (aka non-eater)(and as of 2/09/2020 Devlyn still can be a picky eater, she needs a lot of care to eat well) and the lady's life was very busy with other pets, kids, and a failed marriage. Devlyn went from whatever shadey pet place she was born, to a cheap pet store, to a loving first owner who only gave her up so Devlyn could get more attention and care and the cost of her ongoing care. My husband and I have given her a good home now! This is Devlyn town, she is the mayor, we do her bidding.
See pic above for her enclosure she has had since late 2018. About 45" by 17" by 19.2". New bulbs added after the move FYI. Devlyn likes color so I am currently going insane by creating more furniture, buying decorations and making decorative elements for her. Stay tuned for more episodes of Devlyn town!

Update 1/10/2021
Awoken from brumation#2. 119 days.


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Devlyn finally got to walk past the big window she has been trying to break through since she first was adopted by me. Her old home didn't have a windowview. She has loved her window view from her enclosure and loves looking out the window on her own feet. Now she is out! Real out!

We sorta skipped spring. Today it is 85°F, mostly sun but my deck has a tree growing up through it.
Now that she is outside for real she is not so sure of all this space. It is also windy, I'm at the top of The Great Plains, a steady gentle breeze is usual. All the trees moving in the wind really capture her attention. I'm glad her eyesight appears well to see everything moving around.

Got off work early today, ate lunch at home outside with Devlyn. I have a kiddie pool she will be able to hang out in outside but I didn't make a top for it yet. I have sand and a hide for it too (cardboard box, lol).

She got to lick her herbs outside! Just a lick. She was not prepared to need to bit and pull. The leaves will live another day. She is very stimulated by the real world... obviously


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Found a happy basking spot. In front of some mint she really likes eating from the garden


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Outside adventures Devlyn had today:
  • Ant crawls up tail, don't care. Ant crawls up back, don't care. Ant crawls on head, closes eyes until ant crawls off head, down arm, back to ground.
  • Any birds in sight get terrible stink eye. If looks could kill!
  • Kitty Greysie makes good bird repellant. Less birds flying around. Devlyn continues to ignore kitty just like inside of house. Kitty still has no interest in lizard. Hooman feels lucky because the hooman could never make this happen, it is what it is
  • Sun goes behind cloud, massive stink eye at sun until it comes back! Get back here big hot light! I'm not done with you yet
  • "WHAT IS THAT?!", Devlyn. Vrooooom sound in sky. "It's a plane. Hoomans make the-". "I HATE IT!!!!" "I'm sorry girl, want some fresh mint?"

I had been thinking about converting a kiddie pool into an outdoor enclosure playspace. I've changed my mind. First, that blue plastic gets hot! I guess that makes sense to heat up water for human use, but it gets hot quick by itself.

Also after seeing Devlyn get along well in the psuedo herb garden I have up next to the house, all I need is a bit of dragon proof fencing. Tall sides and a top would do it. I could probably get away with just sides because I have zero plans of leaving her alone out. That won't happen. I say pseudo her garden because it has been neglected for years. Has ferns and other not herbs growing in there


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Devlyn loves her outside time! She gets a bit mad and sulky after coming back inside. I'm creating an outside loving monster
She loves outside so much, even though planes are the enemy and they all need to have their wings pulled off. The look she gives the planes. As if trying to take down those evil evil evil planes with laser beam eyes. No pics, but maybe in the future if I can find a good way to do it. I've been covering her pancake with my hands, that seems to help her feel safe from those evil planes
She gets to find plants and dirt to dig!
Plant Ninja
Last pic, I love her belly. It's like scaley mashed potatoes :love10: :love10: :love10:


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I'm not even that pale for a white person, but I am as white as I can get right now. My roots are 1/2 Polish, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 English in ancestry. I hate tanning, so boring. I'm going to get so tan with a bearded dragon pal. I never took my dragon outside as a kid. He did have a great window view, and it's probably good I didn't take him out and he got hurt or lost. However, this outside dragon time is awesome in and of itself.


Juvie Member
That's funny about the planes. Mine hates them too, but for some reason doesn't freak out when the big magpies I have near me (who could actually hurt him) fly low across his field of vision. Go figure :dontknow:


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Aaradimian":bzjlb6o9 said:
That's funny about the planes. Mine hates them too, but for some reason doesn't freak out when the big magpies I have near me (who could actually hurt him) fly low across his field of vision. Go figure :dontknow:
There are regular crows that live around my neighborhood I see frequently. No magpies. Also birds of prey like hawks, eagles, and owls nest nearby. I haven't seen those in my yard yet, I've lived here just under a year. Normal chikadees, robins, and other normal birds she will look at a little, but not much.

Airport is only 25 miles from my house. To me the hooman it does not seem like many planes. Dragon disagrees. Too many evil planes. I did not anticipate beardies to reaction so strong to planes. I hope if there was a more dangerous bird about she reacts as strong as quickly to them as she does to planes. She either dashes into the plants (good move) or she will stay still if I cover her body with my hands...I figure it is like a quick cave


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Devlyn got to destroy pottery!
Look at her. She is so pleased with herself
The pot was already cracked, you can see I should have repotted that plant a year ago due to the roots rounding the pot, maybe even adding pressure from the inside. However Devlyn had fun digging in her indoor playground and the pot broke beneath her powerful claws
Above, obviously this is the only way to crawl into bed and be super comfy. She stayed all night like that
Also a super comfy sleeping position. I asked her what the log felt like, she told me it felt like log


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Almost forgot to mention, Devlyn ate a piece of strawberry!

I've had her for 4 months now and she has never eaten fruit. I put in part of a sliced strawberry into her enclosure. She looked at. She sniffed. She licked. Then nothing for over 6 hours. Sunday is a treat food day and she got superworms. She was a good girl and crawled up to her hotspot basking zone after getting a few worms.

I put a single peice of strawberry in front of her face

She was already cracked up on supers in a good mood

She licked

She licked again, she tossed the strawberry piece about, then glared at me

Devlyn usually likes privacy eating her vegetables, which is the opposite for bugs because she will not eat bugs unless I watch her (providing emotional support maybe?)

Anyway, I stepped to the side out of sight, then I peeked, she was chewing, that whole piece of strawberry engolfed in her maw! I'm so proud Devlyn


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A little record I was working on for Devlyn eating her greens:

0-1 month old – At breeder or pet shop, probably not good conditions
1-2 month old – First owner, 40 gallon tank, heat/coil UVB combo hood
2-3 month old – First owner, 1st vet visit, this vet diagnosed pneumonia and parasites, instructed first owner to upgrade enclosure and lighting. New 90 gallon tank, heat bulbs, Arcadia 12% UVB tube light with reflector. Instructed first owner to switch from crickets only diet to dubia and greens daily
3-6 months old – First owner, never went back to check if parasite Tx worked, feeding dubia daily, only offer collard greens and parsley without any routine
6 months old – I adopt Devlyn! New vet visit, contacted former vet via phone to transfer records to my vet, has a high count of parasites. She has problems eating in general. Must be hand fed bugs individually, she cannot hunt or chase food. My speculation is that she had/was developing an eversion to eating, since eating was feeding the parasites it must have hurt her belly. She also had a bad habit of crawling into her hide after eating, again, I think she felt bad in her belly and wanted to hide. I would move her to basking after eating, even if she didn’t eat I still made her bask at that time of day to retrain her bad habit. Call me helicopter dragon mom controlling my scale child for her own good. (She does become good at eating bugs consistently and basking before she ate greens consistently, that’s why I included this info.)
I started offering her leafy greens twice a day. White ceramic dish, same spot in enclosure, torn or cut into bit sized pieces. She didn’t eat them, I still offered
AM, cut up leafy greens, add calcium dust, leave on cool side of enclosure.
PM, I’m home from work, change out greens so they are fresh, same as AM.
I already had to force feed her medicine and be very persistent with bugs.
7 & 8 months old – I’m offering the greens twice a day, she doesn’t eat them hardly ever. Eating bugs drastically improves, Devlyn gets a clear fecal sample so the parasite treatment worked. I did try the mix some BSFL or dubia into the greens, she ate around the greens, or sometimes she ate greens/bug mix but it was inconsistent. I worried it would be a bad habit so I decided to stop mixing at 8/9 months old.
9-11 months old – Devlyn becomes a good greens eater starting at 9 months old! Eating her greens at least 5/6 days of the week. I did a typical offer a wide variety of vegetables to see which she would like. I even tried things I thought would not work. Capsulated organic bee pollen, and eventually fresh flowers once spring came. I sprinkled bee pollen with the calcium dust, she could smell it. She would lift her head in the air, come over, taste/smell with tongue at the bee pollen. Once I could give her flowers she loved it. She is motivated to eat greens when they smell like something fresh. I know this sounds like “this one weird trick” but it works for her. I add some herb to almost every dish like chives, mint, or cilantro are her top 3. I also add flowers when I have them. I have figured out through trial and error which greens she is more likely to eat, she hates squash and carrots for instance but likes arugula and alfalfa. I fed the dubia vegetables she doesn’t like to eat, like carrots.
I still worry. She will skip a day eating at times. I panic then remind myself she is nearing 12 months, it is probably okay to slow down on eating and growth. She is steadily gaining weight, slowly. Nowadays I only put out a PM serving of greens if she doesn’t eat her AM greens. Took 3 months very solid effort before she changed her tune. I still put in that effort, keep up the routine. I hope I’m not jinxing anything by posting this now. Nearly 2 months of greens almost every day.


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Devlyn likes to sit like this. I need to take more pics of her doing this


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Devlyn is shedding, got some good pics
This face shed has been white for a week. Her face shed always seems to take forever to come off. I've given some light scrubs with a soft toothbrush and water a few times, Devlyn just shuts her eyes and let me scrub her face. It's not even loose at the edges. Poor Devlyn. I see her yawning and puffing her beard. She wants this off. The rest of her body sheds easy
Got your knee!
She looks so freaked seeing her shed, ha ha
Proof her tail sheds. Every now and then sharing pics people ask me if she has tail rot. Her tail is like a dipstick, it's darker on the end. Believe me I was also very concerned about the tail when I first got her. Her tail sheds, and yes the last centimeter of her tail is slightly crooked, it's all fine

Claudiusx Sicko
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Wow just looking at the last page it looks like Devlin has grown and changed so much! I love all the outdoor pics. The breaking the flower pot is pretty awesome too haha!



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Thank you both!

The pottery breaking was so funny. I was on my phone not watching, then I heard pottery noises. Pottery should not make pottery noises, :laughing6: , go over and see she had kicked off cracked pot side

Devlyn is also 340 grams. She is growing up huge. I tell her to grow up into big huge dragon

I do like giving her adventures but she also had plenty of time to lay on a log all day long and not move. Weekends she almost always gets outside time. During my 5 day work week (I'm a regular 8 to 4:30 daytime hooman) she gets out 2 or 3 days a week out in the house or outside. Today she stayed in her enclosure all day, she looked comfortable on her hammock so why move her. She put herself in her hide to start sleeping early at 7pm. Lights go on at 7am...I've been lengthening her day to get to 14 hours for summer and I think she objects to 9pm lights out. She likes her sleep

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I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣
Mirage came out of brumation on April 26. He was doing great. On May 2 he started acting funny. We just redid his tank, and he keeps going into one of his hides. He just lays there. He shows no intrest in food. HELP!
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Day 3 of brumation. It's a struggle. I really miss my little guy. 😔
Mirage entered brumation yesterday, I'm gonna miss hanging out with my little guy.

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