and then there were three...

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Gray-bearded Member
Crash & Xena ran out of supers, and weren't in the mood for dubia. Ok, run to store to get a couple dozen until the bulk shipment arrives. Hmmmm... they only have about 8, and they're not real healthy looking. Ok, off we go, but our eyes had to check the beardie tank before we leave (y'all know it's an addiction, Barbara says they're like Pringles) ...

They had a decent sized dragon, they said an employees' dad got a divorce and had moved, and didn't have time for beardie anymore. So of course, I had to spend a little time with it and hold it...

Well, I had to fight back tears when I picked him up.

The employees just about freaked when I asked to hold him, they said "he's unhandleable" and "he's very ticked off". I said please open the tank, I want to hold him. So they begrudgingly open the tank. I reach in and retrieve the dragon. He is about 18" long, and so skinny!!! Tears well up in my eyes, fight them back... He's soooo skinny I felt all his ribs digging into my fingers! Of course, I can't afford to pay for a dragon right now (we're fighting off an identity theft attack at the moment and it really sux). And I really shouldn't up my electric bill anyway...

So I left the store, holding back tears, because I knew this dragon needed help, but I cannot afford him (his tail has pretty nice fat stores, but he's so painfully thin his skin is baggy wrinkles around his whole midsection).

Got home, started to tell hubby about him, started balling my eyes out. All I could say was, "Hon, he's so skinny, and so scared." I did get bit while holding him, because he was hungry. They were feeding him LETTUCE. No prob, I got thru Xena's rehab without too many scars.

So after about 10 minutes of getting my composure back intact, I asked Carl to call the store, ask for the guy who I normally deal with ... could I bring up some proper beardie salad & dubia to feed this poor baby. He said no prob. So I start packin! I made a fresh plate with blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, squash, carrot tops, collard greens, and packed 6 dubia up w/apple. (I had no idea what he would like)

I arrive at the store & had an audience, but didn't care. I made his bowl. I offered it. He gave me the hairy eyeball look. I hand-offered some squash (one employee yelped, scared I'd get bit). Took my hand slowly away, and he tasted a little squash. Took about 10 minutes, but I got him to eat. Then he ate 3 dubia. Yeah!

I sat there indian style for over an hour, talking to him, feeding him, petting him, and got him ready to tuck in for the night. Made them make changes to his cage for safety, too before I left. As I'm leaving, offering the remnant plate for his breakfast & the dubia too, the manager approaches me and says, "So, do you want him?" ... "I really can't afford to buy another beardie right now" ... "No, do you want him ... just take him" ... He said they never give away animals, but he knows I would be able to nurse him back to health and give him a good home. WHAT?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? So we brought him home... do you really think I'd leave him there if he's being offered for free?!?

So into the bath he goes, looking at us like WTH are you doing to me?!?!? He soaked for 1/2 hour, and snuggled in the towel for about another 1/2 hour. Got him settled in for the night, because it was so late we had to use a huge Rubbermaid container for his first nights' home. (found a 40-breeder on craigslist that was just across town, so he's all set now, we already had logs, UVB, heat, etc)

Now, because we were very happy with our two beasts, I am going to try with every ounce of my being to not get too attached. The economy sux at the moment, so if the add'l electricity gets to be too much, we will nurse him back to health and then find him a forever home. So bear with me, I already love this little fighter. His eyes are bright, and he's so curious about everything.

He feels very dry, and his head & tail are what I would call "normal size" -- but his trunk is "baggy"... I'm thinking he was recently neglected / starved (for food & attention). We took him out into the sun Sunday morning, and he turned nearly BLACK -- all over! We watched him change before our eyes, it was hard to believe this was the orange/yello dragon that we just had in our hands! So because of his drastic color changes, we're thinking "Charmeleon" (Kharma for a nickname) -- named after the fire Pokemon my son loves so much.

Ok, before Dawn & Gina hunt me down for pix, here's our new "little" guy...

First bath -- I see happy colors, even tho he didn't know what were doing to him...


His toenails are kind of "twisted" -- not sure what substrate he used to be on, he's getting used to tiles now...

Ok, NOW what are you going to do to me next? ...


his feeble attempt at a pancake...


look how skinny ... his pelvic bone is very visible when he walks... (tears in my eyes)

Look how dark he got when we took him into the sun! Oh My! ... this color change happened all within 60 seconds! ...



Not sure if this means anything, buta lot of his spikes (side spikes as well as jowl spikes are shaped like this... they aren't smoothly shaped, they're like "sectioned"...



(look how skinny...)


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Ooooh, yummy heat...

Checkin' out his "new home" ...



see, his eyes are beautiful & bright!

kiss kiss!


Ah, to be loved...

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
blondie098":a7b57 said:
Ok, before Dawn & Gina hunt me down for pix, here's our new "little" guy...
:laughing6: I was just thinking "Hmmm, wonder if she'll have pics in this post".

First, kudos to you for making/bringing him a salad and offering dubias. How many people would do that for a beardie they're not taking home?
I think the store owner did the right thing. He knew you'd be able to give him a loving home and take good care of him (heck, if he didn't before, he did watching you feed the beardie).

How old is he?? He has the body of a juvie, and look at those skinny legs!

Wow, I'd never seen a beardie turn THAT black before! Holy cow! Guess you have alot of work in getting him used to the outdoors.
Love his "happy" colors though. He seemed happy with his enclosure and furniture.

Has Crash or Xena seen him yet? And what are you going to name him?

Thank you (and hubby) for taking him in. :p


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Goonie":fc3c5 said:
blondie098":fc3c5 said:
Ok, before Dawn & Gina hunt me down for pix, here's our new "little" guy...
:laughing6: I was just thinking "Hmmm, wonder if she'll have pics in this post".
Couldn't disappoint you, Gina! and I didn't want Dawn's Evil Twin hunting me down, either!!! :shock:

Goonie":fc3c5 said:
First, kudos to you for making/bringing him a salad and offering dubias. How many people would do that for a beardie they're not taking home?
I think the store owner did the right thing. He knew you'd be able to give him a loving home and take good care of him (heck, if he didn't before, he did watching you feed the beardie).
I had more than 1/2 the employees at the store watching me, too -- I didn't care, I just had to feed this poor little baby, I feel a sweet beardie in there somewhere! (Of course, I can't resist a challenge, either -- unhandleable? haa haa haa, let me at him!)

Goonie":fc3c5 said:
How old is he?? He has the body of a juvie, and look at those skinny legs!
He has "popeye" forearms, but his upper arms / legs almost look atrophied in person... I can't believe how active he is, with as skinny as he is. He does the that juvie shape -- but he's a little over 18" long.

Goonie":fc3c5 said:
Wow, I'd never seen a beardie turn THAT black before! Holy cow! Guess you have alot of work in getting him used to the outdoors. Love his "happy" colors though.
Isn't that a trip?!? I just had to show pics of that -- it's almost like a whole different dragon! Could that mean that he's not an Inland? I read somewhere that Easterns get black like that to absorb heat ... He nestled into Carl's hands (hubby is hot-blooded Italian/Yugoslavian/German). But he's got a lot of yellow / orange when he's happy! He did take to his new viv nicely, we actually had a creamy light belly this morning!

Xena gets fiery orange in the sun, with a "lemon twist" -- Crash only darkens a smidge in the sun (he's a white w/pastel we think, he's so light-colored but cannot trace his heritage)

Goonie":fc3c5 said:
Has Crash or Xena seen him yet? And what are you going to name him?
We have the new dragon's tank on the floor in front of the piano right now... it's close to other dragons, but he's not in a dominant position. Our two got to run around the LR, and had to go check him out... so we put their big log leaned up against noob's cage, and they crawled right up to check him out... Xena & noob were just curious about each other... but noob charged the glass after about 90 seconds of Crash, so I'm thinking he's a boy. He's too skinny to really be able to tell right now, I already peeked.

We're thinking about "Charmeleon" because he changes so drastically like a chameleon -- but he's got the firey colors under those layers of shed, so CJ suggested his favorite Pokemon name... it kinda fits tho, haven't confirmed his name yet tho. He's a spunky li'l booger! I've been bitten by the beardie bug for sure...


Sub-Adult Member
The thing that amazes me about these babies is their eyes...and how they just light up when they know they are loved and that they really do matter to somebody!! I know that precious baby must be thinking he/she has died and gone to beardie heaven to now have love and care!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking that sweetheart into your home and your heart and for giving him back his spirit and his life!!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
OMG, how hilarious -- I smelled "it" but couldn't find it -- so I started searching. Needless to say, I had to remove him from his new branch, so I could move it safely... He got mad, and watched me, to see what else in "his house" I was going to mess with... I started sifting thru everything to find the poo, and he started "stomp! stomp! snap!" chasing me! What a stinker, a li'l possessive of "his stuff" already!??! I wrapped him in a blankie & gave him to daddy just so I could find the stink!

Then, putting him back in, I offered his branch... nope, he is still wrapped up in his blankie, won't budge. I think his name needs to be li'l stinker!


Hatchling Member
Awww what a wonderful story :) I love the name I'm a huge Pokemon fan myself. Are you getting attached? Will you be keeping him? It's so sad how skinny that poor babe was. He's beautiful nonetheless.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
blondie098":4dd55 said:
OMG, how hilarious -- I smelled "it" but couldn't find it -- so I started searching. Needless to say, I had to remove him from his new branch, so I could move it safely... He got mad, and watched me, to see what else in "his house" I was going to mess with... I started sifting thru everything to find the poo, and he started "stomp! stomp! snap!" chasing me! What a stinker, a li'l possessive of "his stuff" already!??! I wrapped him in a blankie & gave him to daddy just so I could find the stink!

Then, putting him back in, I offered his branch... nope, he is still wrapped up in his blankie, won't budge. I think his name needs to be li'l stinker!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe he's already possessive of "his stuff"! How funny!
Guess this means he's settled in and made home. Yippee!!!


Sub-Adult Member
Oh, he is so adorable and you are a saint. Your story almost made me cry. Your idea of bringing food to him was so wonderful . It makes me think, hey even if I can't bring one home, maybe there is something that I can do to help a little. We have a local pet store that people bring rescues to and I have seen some seriously skinny babies there. They are really nice people, and nurse them back to health. I am going to go down there and offer to donate suppers to their rescues as they feed really great salads but have only crix for bugs. I can't bring a rescue home right now without my husband wanting to kill me because as you said times are tough, especially here where I live, our unemployment rate and housing are so depressing it is hard to watch the news without trying to find a high place to jump. :roll: It seems that pets get the worst of it being neglected and underfed because people just can't afford to take care of them. It makes my heart feel good to know that so many of my family are out there making it a better world for beardies.

fresnowitte Sicko
I think puffsmama said it very well! :D

Dawn he is a gorgeous boy an even though looking at his pelvic area sadden you at the moment I know you will have him fattened up in no time. :wink:

The spikes...that is very odd. :roll: I wonder what may have cause that...have to wonder now if that could be from someone helping to much with a shed...which by the shape he was in I can't imagine anyone spending the extra time to do that if they couldn't even feed him properly. Or might the previous owner tried to trim them at different stages of his live? That is very puzzling. :roll:

Congratulations Again!
He's a very lucky beardie to have had you find him. :D

What the world needs is more people with hearts of gold like yours.

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Oh Dawn....what a sad, but wonderful story! I will tell you what my neighbor always tells me "There is a special place in heaven just for you!"

I got a real good visual of you sitting indian-style on the floor in the petstore with the beardie :D feeding him and talking to him.
I give the store owner alot of credit for seeing the good in you and allowing you to take the beardie home. If it was only that easy all the time! Heck... most pet store owners don't even know they are not caring for a pet properly! :roll:

It would be nice in the end if you could afford to keep him. I do understand though with money being's easier said then done.

I do like the name "Charmeleon"! :D I remember when Aaron was into the Pokemon stuff( a thing of the past now, thank you).
Charmeleon is a good looking boy and has some beautiful coloring. He's probably wondering what on earth he did to deserve the royal treatment. He's got him a nice home with a loving family and any color, style, pattern, logo, shaped blankie his little heart desires. What more could a beardie want! :mrgreen:
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