All of my geckos =)

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Juvie Member
Just thought I would share a bunch of pics of all of my geckos :D Hope you like :)

My silly boy Chibi :)



Look at this Chibi belly, lol

and his girlfriend Lily :)



Here's the two of them together..


This one is my favorite..


My Tokays!

Here is Kinko :)

And Greko..

And Zoey. As you can see she is KIND OF camera shy >.>

Here is Kinko and Greko together :) They are now both quite the sweethearts. :D

Zoey and Kinko..

The three of them :D Can you spot 'em? :p

My leos...Haven't had them for a week yet!



and Missy.

Together :D


Comment! Ask! Thank you for looking, and I hope you enjoy :D:D


Juvie Member
I've been wanting to see your geckos for some time! They are so beautiful.
I love your leos and cresties. I have a place in my heart for them! Man, after seeing these guys I can't wait to adopt a few!
Between leopard and crested geckos, which one is cheaper and friendlier personality wise?
Tokays look so cool, but something about them tells me to stay away...might be the colors, I dunno.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Maybe it's Zoey's massive mouth and urge to rip my hand off? xD It just takes a lot of patience to tame them. Unless you can sit there moving your hand a millimeter a minute towards them, they are gonna want to bite the first few(many) times, lol.

For Cresties it's about 8 bucks a month for food. They eat a little nutritious smoothie you make them, and depending on if they are separated or not, you can poor half for one, half for the other, etc. If they are in the same tank, they eat from the same bowl so you don't have to split the food =P By far the easiest to take care of. 2 bucks a week for bottled water(misting + water dish), too. I don't use tap water. All they really need is an under tank heater OR a red infrared light for heat. One or the other, I don't use both(they don't need as much warmth as other reptiles). The initial cost is more expensive than a leo, but well worth it. I think they are more enjoyable than leos because they jump. The other day I opened the cage before beardie bedtime and held my hand out to her, and Lily jumped right onto my face. I heard a big *splat* before I even knew what happened, lol. Was so cute xD

The Leo smile is enough to get you though, haha. They're very curious(as are cresties) and when they're looking around while they're hunting or scouting, they make the cutest faces. xD It reminds of when a puppy will tilt its head when it hears something funny, or tilt its nose up to the sky when they smell something funny. They have so much personality :D Anyway they don't eat a lot(I mean compared to beardies) You can buy a little tub of mealworms and it will last a while(a 500ct. tub of mealies has lasted me two months so far, but i only started feeding them to leos a week ago. I've used only about 50 for them? o_O). Just keep a bowl, that they can't get out of, in their cage and they will eat when they are hungry. You can drop a few crickets in with them occasionally, too. I have to have a red light AND under tank heater for them. It's really hard to get their temps perfect. x.x Plus they need a lot of hides, while cresties need plants and things(and space) to climb. 2+ hides is recommended(one for hot side, one for cool) but more is always better. I have 4 hides in a 20gallon tank.

Both are extremely friendly..I know HOW to piss off both, but even when they are ticked they can't hurt a thing(except a fly, perhaps). Leos make angry squeaking noises when you scare them. Like a little leo growl. A ticked crestie will open its mouth, but will only bite if you tick it off even more(which is hard).

I could have a house full of cresties or a house full of leos and I would be equally as happy with either. =) I'll stick with both, though :D


Juvie Member
:lol: I have read a lot about how Tokays are considered the pit bulls of the gecko family. Bad rap, I suppose...
As for Crestie food...can you make the smoothie, or do you have to specially order it online? Dang, these guys are cheaper then I thought! :shock: Can I ask why you don't use tap water? What about filtered tap water?
I read somewhere that Cresties rarely need any heat and are fine at room temperature. Would a 10 or 20 gallon tank be a suitable space for one Crestie?
I didn't know you could house them is this possible? lol
I'm would one go about ticking off a leo or a crestie? :lol:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
IMO Tokays are just as sweet as a leo or crestie if given the time and patience to let them be. They just use biting and barking as a main defense. Just like beardies puff up, show their beard, and sometimes hiss.

You have to order the powder, or CGD. There are different mixes you can order online for like flavors and things I think. I use a one part CGD, two parts water combo that you can get from any big pet store pretty much. You just put in the water, then the CGD powder, and mix it up. Then it's good to go :D Imagine this little bottle(in the picture) but with a crestie on the front, and it saying Crested Gecko Diet. That little bottle lasts me a month. xD

A 10 gallon put on it's side to make it taller is(what I do) perfect for one crestie. I keep Chi and Lily together. As long as I know they aren't mature enough to breed yet I am not worried about anything. Once they're ready, though..the girl can get a bit too stressed without her own room =/ I have an extra 10gal for her when I need to put her in there :D Mature males of any kind usually can't get along though...While the girls can. Guys have too much competition, lol.

I've never seen Chibi upset, ever. Apart from the occasional darker coloring(stress marks) from being moved or something. When I got Lily, though...I had her on my hat and shirt and just had her hanging around on me right after I got her. I took her to Petco and got her goodies and stuff. Well when I reached to get her one time I let her walk onto my hand and I made the mistake of making an arc with my fingers over her back(don't do that with an animal that's uncomfortable with you lol) and she thought I was a predator and she opened her mouth at me. Poor thing D:
With Zekey I did the same thing...A few days after I got him I pet his lower back and he thought I was a predator and he tensed up and started screeching at me O_O I was like GEEZ SORRY. I put him back and let him calm down after that x.x


Juvie Member
I think I've seen supplements like that in Petco or Petsmart! Good to know.
I actually had the idea of tipping over a 10 gallon as soon as I replied, sounds like a good plan.
Aw thats cool, I love taking animals in public, its great you trust her enough that she won't jump away!
I think all lizards are like that...I know bearded dragons can freak out if you pet them from the top if they aren't expecting you. I wonder if all lizards have that little third eye on top of their heads...
Do you have any experience with skinks? I think they are so pretty and cool feeling.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
She was cute she liked to hide right on my shoulder a little behind my neck. She thought she was invisible. xD I love taking them in public but I don't like scaring them too much :/ I am really careful about that. I had her in with me at Petco because I had just gotten her and I didn't want her to bake in the car ._. Everyone loved her though :)

I know O_O I wish I knew a little more about their third eye. I always figured it was for UV light sensing.

They remind me of snakes. I've caught so many I can't even count. I used to keep 5 lined ones when I was a kid :D I have never had a blue tongued skink but I really do want one! At the beginning of august is a reptile expo and I plan on going to it(and looking for some skinks :D). It will be my first one ever(expo AND BTS, lol) :D I also think the flametongued(firebelly) ones that are usually at petco are gorgeous :O They're on my pretty lizards list right there next to tokays. :p


Juvie Member
Yeah, I can see new public places and people scaring them...that's why I would be cautious about bringing a beardie out to the mall. I don't even know how one goes about testing to see if they can handle something like that.
Oh I love skinks...there are tons of the neon blue tailed ones around my house. My boyfriend tells me they are viscous, so I don't try to catch em. I was actually considering a bts vs a beardie at one point, but blueys need a bit more space as far as tanks go, and they themselves are very expensive. Beardies seem to fit my personality (and budget) better anyway, so that's good. :D One day, I know I'll have one though.
Geez, it sounds like you live on your own or with people who give you a lot of freedom because my parents would never allow that many lizards in their house. :(


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Sometimes you just gotta trust your animal and just go with it =) It's easy to trust beardies, though...You know how docile they can be and they really don't even like moving a muscle when you aren't holding them xD Anything that only wants to get away and doesn't want to be held won't do that. You can't do that with a skink, , or snake O.O except maybe ball pythons..They're slooow, lol
Blue tails use biting and dropping their tails as their main defense...They're so small that you can hardly feel them bite, though. If you are careful they won't even bite at all o_O Those ones are what I mean by 5 lined skinks xD I used to catch tons of these guys.
One day we will both have a blue tongue! :D Looking forward to it ^^
Critters have been my life since I was a kid =P I live with my parents but they know they can't take 'em away from me xD I've been free to do whatever since I was like 16 though. I guess I am kinda lucky.


Juvie Member
Really? I didn't know beardies would like that...I can imagine one getting spooked and running for cover from a loud noise or a person running up to them. I guess it would just take time to see what your dragon can stand. I seriously can't wait till I can tote mine around for the world to see...beardie owner and proud! :D
My bf used to catch them all the time when he was a kid, still does lol. He says some squirm and thrash like crazy while others will bite the snot out of you. Maybe he is just rough with them... :x
I have always loved animals too, I can't go long with out having them in my life. I kinda understand why they don't want anymore -our house already contains 5 cats (one of them we are watching for the summer) 2 dogs, 1 cockatiel and the pets that I completely pay for would be 2 betta fish and the soon-to-arrive beardie. 2 of the cats are very rebellious when it comes to going in the litter is so lazy that he pees huge puddles not even a foot away from the litter box and poops where ever he pleases. This is probably why they are sick of animals, but I'm used to finding surprises on the floor. :lol: I just stepped in one last night bare footed.
One of the reasons that makes me antsy to move out would be the freedom of my number of animals. :mrgreen:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
They tolerate it, lol. You can get your beardie used to company whether it be your own or other people's. It's the same thing with the skinks, just can't let them know that you are a predator. I rarely keep anything I catch from trying to get away. Sometimes they do, but if I don't scare them by keeping them restrained sometimes they get used to me =D I still catch them, too. xD I caught a skink about a month ago. They are so rare to see around here x.x I have to hike like 8 miles before I can find bunches of them.
I know how you feel, I love my animals =) I have my own puppy named Ray and he tears up the house if he's not constantly watched. I know my parents are tired of that one, lol. I guess they know I can keep my reptiles in check because I am always with them. xD Idk.
Yeah, I can't wait to get out. Unfortunately I have to stay(well, don't have to xD) for schooling because my college is only about a half hour away and I want to move to a completely different state when I am done, lol. It's just more convenient that my parents live close to my school..Makes things easy, lol.


Juvie Member
Speaking of skinks...there is a pretty large one living right outside my slider door and my cat Cinnamon has become quite good "friends" with it. lol Every time the cute little thing crawls out from behind our grill, Cinnamon goes crazy and tries to melt through the glass door. :lol: One day I saw it run about a foot away from the door and begin to swish its bright little tail around like "ha ha, you'll never get me CAT!" :lol: :lol:
I am in the same boat. I plan to start college in about a year (I have no idea were I'm going to get the money or what I would major in). The college is also about 30 minutes away, so I was going to stay at the house rather then live in a cramped dorm room.
I don't know if I will move out of state or not...I'm used to Tennessee and I love the country side, I could never live in the city. I have no idea where I would go anyways. What are you going to major in college?
Gah, you gave me the gecko fever.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Haha. I have a little fence lizard that does that to my cat. He lives outside my window and has been around for about a month, lol.
Agh. No way would I want to live in a dorm room, either. :/ If anything I'd find a nice apartment with a manager with some kind of reptile tolerance, lol. But for now home is still the best idea.
Right now I'm just getting some classes out of the way in a community college. After a year or two I am going to jump into a nice 4 year college and get some good studying done there =) I REALLY don't even know what I want to major in yet, but I think it will be animal science or a science of some sort. =P
It only gets worse from here! Haha xD


Juvie Member
Original Poster
The two younger ones, Kinko and Greko, don't. Greko WILL if I piss her off, but Kinko won't at all. My older tokay Zoey loves to bite me. I am still trying to tame her. xD I got her a while after I got my first two.
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