Adventures of (: *UPDATE - help? - pictures!*

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This is the thread about my two favorite little Beardie, Fiz :D And his brother KD
"Your hand is nice and cozy... I think I like you!"

He's giving me the stinkeye "Get that camera out of my face before I eat it AND you"

He's such a sweetheart! I love him a lot & I love Bearded Dragons now!


That's really cool that Fiz uses a bed! We tried to give Nibbler a blanket "nest" during his shut-down, but he avoided that side of his Viv completely as soon as we put it in! It seems like he hates everything that is soft...he prefers his bricks and rocks I guess :? Can't wait to see some more pics... :D


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Odiwan: KD is like that. He prefers to sleep on rock-hard, cold ground rather than a fuzzy, warm, padded blanket. I guess they all have their own preferences :D

Dangit12: Oh, the stores were only very crowded because it was Super Bowl Sunday. Usually the crowdedness is at a tolerable level, it's just on holidays or special occasions it's just SO crowded in all of the stores.

Okay so I finally got around to taking & uploading some pictures of Fiz in his bed that you all wanted to see :D

He's so cute when he sleeps. He looks very cozy!

I pulled back his blanket just to show you how cute and adorable he is! Don't worry, I covered him back up after I took a couple pictures :wink:

"Please! Just 5 more minutes!"

See him giving me that stink eye?! "You better give me extra worms for breakfast for doing this to me!"

Edit: I went to Target today. I was in the car section for some reason, and I saw these car thermometers, clocks, etc. There was one thermometer that was little, and it had a little probe on it! It's meant to attach to the dashboard of a car and then you put the probe on the front windshield or something for temperature readings. The best part was, it was on sale! It was originally about 11 dollars, and I got it for 3 dollars! I was so happy! It's very accurate too. Did I mention that it's a two location one and it takes time? I think I got my money's worth from it. It's great! The screen is also backlit with a blue tint. I really love it! The cord is also slimmer than the one I have. The one I have now has a big, fat, bulky base and thick, cheap wire. This one has a sleeker cord and a much more petite base. It's AWESOME! It's taking readings in Fiz's tank!

Well, the reading was 115 F. I know, it's a little high, so I move it over so half of the focus-point of the light was on the ledge and then the other half on the ground, and now the temperatures on the ledge are at 105 F and the floor is 100 F. It's nice!


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Fiz has been bursting with energy lately, but I'm sad that I can't say the same for KD.

KD's been really... skittish. He comes out when the lights go on for a few hours, then crawls into his cave and sleeps. He chows down his salad and eats all his buggies but there's nothing he'd rather to than hide in his little cave. It's worrying me, because he's definitely under 6 months and he shouldn't be in any stage of brumation. I created a thread and am currently getting help from Tracie there, but I still can't help but worry. Yesterday he let out a big poop, and by big I mean HUGE. So big that after he did it, he squeezed behind his cave and the only thing that you could see was one little KD eye from behind like "ALIEN INVADERS ARE IN MY TANK!". I cleaned it up though, even though it's my brother's job.

Anyway, to lighten up the day, I figure I'd upload a bunch of pictures of Fiz!

First up, Bath time!!!


"I'm not finding this amusing. I WILL eat you"

"Okay, Okay just one beauty shot of my good side"

"Can you leave? This is Fiz time. Now shoo"

"I AM KING FIZ!" *He had his beard all puffed up yesterday morning and I had to take a picture*

"You're at cricket-level! Ha! BOW DOWN TO ME!"

"A king needs his beauty sleep" I found him sleeping like this and I had to take a picture. He's so cute*

The other day I was doing something and my dad came downstairs and he was like "Fiz is going crazy. He's running up and down the glass and banging on it" and I was like "Did he poop on his basking spot?" And my dad was like "Yeah" and I was like "Oh, he hates poop. When he poops there he gets mad and wants me to take it out". So then I went upstairs and cleaned up the big mess Fiz made. I know my Fizzy so well :D


Fiz your awesome, seems like he tries to get outta the bath, Nibbler does alot of that to! we bath him in the tub now so he cant escape, he he! As for KD i wouldn't worry to much, some Dragons love to hide when there little and some don't. And his activity level may pick up again, Nibblers weird like that to, some days he's crazy, some days he just wants to sit in the heat and bask all day!


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He always tries to escape. He likes the water, but doesn't like being confined I guess. He usually hangs on the edge like that while I use a toothbrush to get him wet and scrubbed. He doesn't usually hop all of the way out. Quite a few times he has managed to jump directly out of the tub and onto my shirt, getting me all wet. Usually by then I give up (once successful jump = Fiz jumping again and again and again. Just one lucky shot and he's determined to get out!) and then he crawls up my shirt, onto my shoulder, and I empty the container. lol. He's crazy! I want to give him a bath in the tub but I'd have to clean it with cleaners to be safe first and I don't know if the fumes or chemicals would bother him.

KD could be acting lazy, but he's been this way for awhile now. He's hardly ever active. The only things that spark his interest are a fresh plate of food or a worm or cricket.


Well if KD is still interested in food thats good! He may just be lazy, sometimes Nibbs is and most times he's outta his mind running and exploring! I bath Nibbler in the tub after we clean it, just make sure to rinse it out real good, if u cant smell the cleaner than he'll be ok. May want to wait till he's full grown though, and the white in the tub freaks them out, he he!


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I just wanted to be able to give Fiz the room to run and swim in a wide space in the bath tub. He hates being confined to the tiny plastic tub that's an inch or two shorter than him. I don't have any other containers that would work for him so he & KD have been using that. I'm planning on buying a newer, deeper, longer tub soon so hopefully they'll like that better.

Oh yeah, he's never been more interested in food in his entire life! He's crazy, Odiwan, I'll tell you. LOL! He just loves to drive me nuts...

Well anyways, quick update!

We've recently gotten some new changes to Fiz & KD's lifestyle. At first, I bought that really nice thermometer with a probe from Target on sale for 3 dollars. Like I previously said, it was meant for cars but works phenomenal in Fiz's tank. I get SUPER accurate readings now! I just love it!

Well my mom came home with 'large' crickets from PetSmart the other day, despite everything I said against the idea. I'm not too comfortable feeding them to Fiz and KD, but what can I do? They need to eat & their worms are all gone, & they can't just have a bland diet of salad until they get bigger. My Dad gets a good laugh at watching Fiz and KD eat. They're hysterical because they just leap around and chase these crickets like crazy lizards! Fiz and KD are quite the character. Hopefully they'll be okay eating these larger-style crickets...

Fiz needs a bath, but I have a lot of homework to do and it's an hour before their bedtime so I don't think it's a good idea to give him one. He's got this nasty little stain on his belly, probably from poop. But It'll have to wait until tomorrow. KD's also in need of a good scrubbing so he'll get one tomorrow also!

Oh yeah & HAPPY LATE VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! I meant to say it yesterday but I didn't get the chance.
if you need someone to buy you feeders online and the credit card is the only issue, i don't mind helping you out as long as you just mail me the cash. I'd hate to see Fiz or KD get impacted on large crix. Also, you said that you were going away camping this summer. How far out of NYC do you live?


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That is very nice of you! I really appreciate the kind thoughts & generous offers.

I don't want to be a bother, really. You don't have to do all that for me, although I really do appreciate the offer :D I live about 2 hours from NYC.

My birthday is coming up in May so I'm going to ask that one of my presents be that I can order crickets online & in large quantities. Along with One Direction concert tickets. :wink:


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Update :lol:

Fiz and KD are doing good. KD's still been driving me nuts with the whole "I want to sleep in my cave all day" behavior. Fiz has never been happier. He's been very happy and alert lately. I think he feels good being in his new viv. Fiz has always been a really shy little dude, until I moved him into his new viv. I think he feels more secure in his three solid walls instead of clear all around. He's also much warmer. I always had problems heating my 40 gallon breeder. And overall, I think he feels a lot better being away from that pest, KD. :lol:

Anyway, cute story..

A few hours ago I found one last little unopened container of applesauce in the back of our pantry. So I cleaned out the little guys' syringe and then filled it halfway with applesauce, thinking that Fiz would only eat a little bit. I went and I opened up the viv and I depressed the syringe a little so that there was a teeny bit of applesauce on the tip. Well, whenever Fiz likes something his pupils dilate. It's really weird. Well anyways, he takes a quick lick. Then his pupils began to dilate. So then he realized he loved the applesauce (he hasn't had it for a week or two) he chomped onto the little tip of the syringe. He would not let go. So I just depressed the syringe some. He got a good mouthful, released the syringe, then swallowed. So I held it back up to him and he did the same thing! He never gets that excited about food! He ate two and a half syringes full of applesauce before he realized that his stomach actually did have a certain capacity and then backed off the applesauce. It was very cute.

I was excited to give KD some to see if he did the same thing, until I soon discovered he was asleep in his cave and my brother had shut off the lights for him :cry: I don't know what I'm going to do if in a year or two, they both decide to brumate. My lizards and my dog are basically my entertainment when I'm bored. So with two of them unavailable, I'll probably die of boredom. Let's hope they don't brumate at the same times when they get older!

Fiz hasn't pooped... for a week. Should I be concerned? :oops:


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That bed is absolutely amazing! Great job. I'm gonna have to say that we need more pics of Fiz lol he's probably growing very quickly !

You could try adding a drop or two mineral/ olive oil to some babyfood applesauce it may help him pass the large crickets lots of warm baths too


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Thanks Kalyn! I love his little bed. He loves the color orange (because he loves carrots) and the other day I went to go take his bed out (when he crawls out of his bed & onto his basking spot I take the bed out for the day) the corner of his sheet was wet and stretched! I was really confused, until I realized Fiz had bitten it! Nice try, Fiz! LOL

His arms and legs have been getting a bit bigger nowadays. I think he's getting little baby muscles! :D KD, on the other hand, is ripped when it comes to his arm and leg muscles! His arms and calves are sooo fat. In fact, all four legs just shed the other day! They're so chubby looking. It's probably because he runs around like a maniac before he goes into his cave to sleep haha. Fiz hasn't been shedding, really. The top half of his tail is in the early stages of preshed (only half, the other half where his tail was damaged at the end had shed & the top half didn't) and his lips & nostrils shed today. He got those all off by himself :D

Anyway, he used the bathroom. I skipped his salad & bugs this morning and just gave him applesauce with a few drops of oil. Well, the collards & mustards went bad and I ran out of crickets... so... I really had no choice but I would've done the same whether I had any or not. lol. He had two and a half syringe-fulls of that. He enjoyed it pretty well. I gave some to KD too, since I didn't have anything for breakfast for him. I later shredded up a carrot for KD and he enjoyed that. I just got back from the store a little while ago and we bought some more crickets. My parents said that they aren't buying any more small crickets, they're only buying the bigger ones. So if I want small crickets I'd have to pay for them myself. Well that's not really an option considering I'm close to broke. LOL. They seem to be taking to the crickets well. Fiz was constipated even before we gave him the crickets. So I don't think they're the problem. We'll see, soon, though.


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I sure hope you guys all love looking at Fiz, because here comes a haul of really strange pictures I took of him. LOL. Well, the reason for these strange pictures is that my mom was making me clean up my closet because it was a mess & i found this box of a bunch of doll stuff and I was like "Hmm... This would go with Fiz really well..." So, here I am with about 20 pictures of Fiz playing extreme dress up... well sort of... he just has a lot of props :D

Fiz & his 'girly' side :D I don't believe this is Fiz's favorite picture... LOL

Fiz likes to ride safari animals

Oh no! A vicious lion came into Fiz's tank! AND IT KNOCKED DOWN HIS HAMMOCK! :x

Fiz is not happy

He's not holding back!! Watch out lion!

Whoops he ate the lion...

Here's Fiz's winter attire. Plaid overcoat with included plaid tail-warmer :lol:

Hmm... Fiz seems to have made some pig friends...

Giving the piggies a ride


Oh no! The piggies fell off!

He ate the piggies! :shock: A goat came along and Fiz ate him too!

Mom pig is not happy about Fiz eating the piggies!

Whoops he ate her too

Santa is yelling at Fiz for eating the animals.

Fiz made it up to Santa by pretending to be his reindeer!

Just having a drink

Fiz likes his hat

Okay, enough with the pictures now...

Hope you enjoyed! :blob5:


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Did anyone see the new pictures yet? Let me know what you think of them! :D :blob8:

Anyway, today I went to the store and got some new foods for Fiz & KD. I bought some fresh collards & this time, I got turnip greens. I'm pretty sure turnip greens are a good staple, aren't they? I'll double check Beautiful Dragons nutrition list before I feed them to the little guys tomorrow. I also got blueberries for treats (they loved them before) and also raspberries (not sure if the raspberries were good as treats or not, but again I'll check Beautiful Dragons just to be sure). I also bought chicken baby food, sweet carrot baby food, and squash baby food. I figured that Fiz & KD need all the protein that they could get so the chicken baby food is a good idea. I got the sweet carrot & squash just for flavoring since I wasn't sure if they'd like the flavor of the chicken. Well, I mixed the sweet carrot with the chicken and filled it up in a syringe. I gave some to Fiz, he loved it. I gave some to KD and he loved it even more! :D So I can give them a little bit of that everyday just to give them a bit more to eat since they like it.

Fiz pooped today, and he pooped yesterday so I'm hoping that's a good sign. He hasn't been going regularly and I really don't know why. Both times were really messy and ugly but I would assume it would be that way after you haven't gone for a week, right? Hopefully he'll be more regular from now on :D
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