5wk Hatchling - Need Advice


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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, but have found through observing these past few weeks, that a lot of you are absolute legends - so thanks!

I understand that this may have been discussed before, but, I thought I'd ask specifically to my age and circumstances.
About 4 days ago on the 1/3/23 (AEST-Melb Time) I brought home a 5 wk old hatchling.

I have set it up with a basking spot that reaches temperature (I notice it frequently gaping) and the options for shade and cool spots - it is a 3ft enclosure.

I just have a few concerns since bringing it home: Feeding:
- Days 1 and 2 it ate about 6 medium crickets.
- Day 3 it ate 6, yesterday it ate 7.

I was told to feed medium crickets by the pet shop so that's what I have been doing.
I notice it's not the ferocious eater I was expecting.

Would this be a safe number of crickets? They seem quite large?

I have provided it a finely shredded/chopped salad every day since bringing it home; kale, carrot and zucchini, but it just looks at it and ignores it.

I have tried many different methods, cutting it even smaller, wetting it, trying a smaller container in the natural sun, moving it around, placing a small feeder insect under it to keep it moving, but nothing - not even a nibble - not even a lick of the tongue to taste.

Would it be safe to assume that it is still within its insectivore period? I am worried that if I do something wrong, it won't get the nutrition it needs and I'll end up devastated down the line.

I am also trying to make sure that salad is all I offer in the morning, leaving it in the enclosure all day every day, changing it daily, and then offering several small meals of crickets (whatever it'll eat - I stop when it runs away from the food).

The last concern I had is in regard to activity;

I made an artificial tree that it seems to absolutely love and feel secure in, but I notice that it never comes down from it. It doesn't roam the ground of the enclosure, nor does it ever inspect the food bowl - and since getting it, it has never gone near it's water bowl either.

Is this new home jitters?

I have given it a few baths this week to ensure hydration - and it has had a bowel movement 2/3 times I've done it, and seems to be okay with baths which is why I have done it near daily or daily.

I did so much research and prepared everything as much as I could before hand - but I am starting to feel a bit defeated at it's lack of appetite (though it could just be full) and activity.

It repositions and moves around the tree regularly, and when I sit in the sun with it, it readily climbs all over me - so lethargy isn't a concern.

Any advice is appreciated.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, but have found through observing these past few weeks, that a lot of you are absolute legends - so thanks!

I understand that this may have been discussed before, but, I thought I'd ask specifically to my age and circumstances.
About 4 days ago on the 1/3/23 (AEST-Melb Time) I brought home a 5 wk old hatchling.

I have set it up with a basking spot that reaches temperature (I notice it frequently gaping) and the options for shade and cool spots - it is a 3ft enclosure.

I just have a few concerns since bringing it home: Feeding:
- Days 1 and 2 it ate about 6 medium crickets.
- Day 3 it ate 6, yesterday it ate 7.

I was told to feed medium crickets by the pet shop so that's what I have been doing.
I notice it's not the ferocious eater I was expecting.

Would this be a safe number of crickets? They seem quite large?

I have provided it a finely shredded/chopped salad every day since bringing it home; kale, carrot and zucchini, but it just looks at it and ignores it.

I have tried many different methods, cutting it even smaller, wetting it, trying a smaller container in the natural sun, moving it around, placing a small feeder insect under it to keep it moving, but nothing - not even a nibble - not even a lick of the tongue to taste.

Would it be safe to assume that it is still within its insectivore period? I am worried that if I do something wrong, it won't get the nutrition it needs and I'll end up devastated down the line.

I am also trying to make sure that salad is all I offer in the morning, leaving it in the enclosure all day every day, changing it daily, and then offering several small meals of crickets (whatever it'll eat - I stop when it runs away from the food).

The last concern I had is in regard to activity;

I made an artificial tree that it seems to absolutely love and feel secure in, but I notice that it never comes down from it. It doesn't roam the ground of the enclosure, nor does it ever inspect the food bowl - and since getting it, it has never gone near it's water bowl either.

Is this new home jitters?

I have given it a few baths this week to ensure hydration - and it has had a bowel movement 2/3 times I've done it, and seems to be okay with baths which is why I have done it near daily or daily.

I did so much research and prepared everything as much as I could before hand - but I am starting to feel a bit defeated at it's lack of appetite (though it could just be full) and activity.

It repositions and moves around the tree regularly, and when I sit in the sun with it, it readily climbs all over me - so lethargy isn't a concern.

Any advice is appreciated.
I am going to have AHBD help you w/ this --- the surface basking temps should be 105-110 taken w/ a digital probe thermometer for the most accurate -- UVB should be a long tube fixture NO coils --- if you need help I can help w/ that -- we recommend 3 on this forum- please do not let your little one out to run outside -- he is too little very fast and you can lose him in a heartbeat --- in fact I would leave him in the tank till hes older like a few months so he has time to grow and get acclimated to his tank and surroundings - I would start w/ salads every morning this is how they get most of the hydration -- rinse the greens before serving get your self some BSFL they are a great staple feeder and great lure to the salad bowl -- too many baths will dry the scales out its best to drop water on his nose or from a eye dropper for now--- he will go thru relocation stress so his eating may be off -- if he stops eating all together there is a issue --


Original Poster
I am going to have AHBD help you w/ this --- the surface basking temps should be 105-110 taken w/ a digital probe thermometer for the most accurate -- UVB should be a long tube fixture NO coils --- if you need help I can help w/ that -- we recommend 3 on this forum- please do not let your little one out to run outside -- he is too little very fast and you can lose him in a heartbeat --- in fact I would leave him in the tank till hes older like a few months so he has time to grow and get acclimated to his tank and surroundings - I would start w/ salads every morning this is how they get most of the hydration -- rinse the greens before serving get your self some BSFL they are a great staple feeder and great lure to the salad bowl -- too many baths will dry the scales out its best to drop water on his nose or from a eye dropper for now--- he will go thru relocation stress so his eating may be off -- if he stops eating all together there is a issue --
Thanks for getting back to me KarrieRee,
It is a long tube UVB - I have never let it free roam outside - just sit in the sun with it in my hands, or in a small tub - he seems to like it, but I'll back it off a little bit - same with the baths - I have tried dropped water droplets on to its nose as well as the occasional mist, and I get no reaction - no licking - nothing. So not sure - it could be relocation stress that I haven't been helping with by being new owner jittery/worried.

I tried salad a couple of times today, but caved and gave it some medium crickets. Got him to eat 3 so far today, but I'll try again a couple of times throughout this afternoon.

I'll definitely try BSFL - but - can I also try small woodies too?



Original Poster
I'll also look at a digital thermometre and get one ASAP.

It is a thermostat controlled vivarium with a 30 degree celsius maximum temperature. I have it's tree I made with the highest point a few cm away from the heat light where he spends a lot of his time so I don't foresee temperature being a problem.

In the event it does become a problem or isn't warm enough, is there a way to boost temperature without buying a new vivarium or needing to completely re-wire the thermostat? Eg. different globes, other sources of heat etc.?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thanks for getting back to me KarrieRee,
It is a long tube UVB - I have never let it free roam outside - just sit in the sun with it in my hands, or in a small tub - he seems to like it, but I'll back it off a little bit - same with the baths - I have tried dropped water droplets on to its nose as well as the occasional mist, and I get no reaction - no licking - nothing. So not sure - it could be relocation stress that I haven't been helping with by being new owner jittery/worried.

I tried salad a couple of times today, but caved and gave it some medium crickets. Got him to eat 3 so far today, but I'll try again a couple of times throughout this afternoon.

I'll definitely try BSFL - but - can I also try small woodies too?

Woodies are small dubia roaches? The woodies are going to be better nutritional wise -- I want ahbd to help w/ the diet since hes so young -- he needs protein now more than salads -- let him eat as many as he can in a 10-15 minute time span--- what size tank do you have him in? and what bulb are you using T 5 or a T 8?


Original Poster
Woodies are small dubia roaches? The woodies are going to be better nutritional wise -- I want ahbd to help w/ the diet since hes so young -- he needs protein now more than salads -- let him eat as many as he can in a 10-15 minute time span--- what size tank do you have him in? and what bulb are you using T 5 or a T 8?
Yeah Woodies are small roaches (I forgot this is an international forum so not all terms are known to everyone - sorry!)
The UVB is a T8 and per my OP it is a 3ft tank - if anything, for the size it is, it's way too big, so that could also be why it doesn't free roam.

I'll supervise more frequent salad/woodie feedings to hopefully try to encourage at least some greens eating and I'll get the woodies this arvo when my partner gets home.

I've attached a couple of photos.


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  • tempImageDDe3Lh.jpg
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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Yeah Woodies are small roaches (I forgot this is an international forum so not all terms are known to everyone - sorry!)
The UVB is a T8 and per my OP it is a 3ft tank - if anything, for the size it is, it's way too big, so that could also be why it doesn't free roam.

I'll supervise more frequent salad/woodie feedings to hopefully try to encourage at least some greens eating and I'll get the woodies this arvo when my partner gets home.

I've attached a couple of photos.
Ok does that fixture have a reflector in it? And it being a T 8 its too high to do any good -- it needs to have a reflector in the fixture and it needs to be lowered to be directly over the basking decor 6-8 inches -- I would look at upgrading the UVB to a T 5 - your going to want to upgrade your tank to a 120 gallon for a adult dragon - he wont be in that tank very long -- are you using sand as a substrate -- I would get rid of that --- babies eat / lick everything and if its sand he can become impacted and that is not a good thing -- I would look at either using paper towels for now or get some textured NON adhesive shelf liner cut to the size of the tank -- insects cannot get under it and you can clean w/ vinegar / water 50/50 wipe clean w/ a wet dish rag -- I would look at getting more decor in the tank and one being a hide -- think big hes going to grow --


BD.org Sicko
Hi there, it sounds like everything is going well so far. What is the length of the baby ? Be careful that the insects aren't to large, so far he's handling them O.K but keep that in mind. It's fine that he's hanging out in the tree, they like to climb. :) He's closer to the uvb + heat which he needs to digest the crickets that are kind of big for him.
You might add a nice piece of driftwood for another climbing + basking option.


Original Poster
Hi there, it sounds like everything is going well so far. What is the length of the baby ? Be careful that the insects aren't to large, so far he's handling them O.K but keep that in mind. It's fine that he's hanging out in the tree, they like to climb. :) He's closer to the uvb + heat which he needs to digest the crickets that are kind of big for him.
You might add a nice piece of driftwood for another climbing + basking option.

Thanks! I did get a hide today as well as another piece of drift wood to perk up the other one and to give more points. I also moved it closer to the middle so that it’s higher to the lights and has more even coverage.

I added a bit of apple purée to my finger and then put it around his mouth and he licked that up quickly. I then dipped a piece of kale in it so it had a little and through perseverance it ate its first tiny leaf of kale in my care. I think I pushed my luck a bit cause after getting it to get a second leaf in his mouth (I only put it to his mouth - didn’t apply pressure or force feed) and took a little bit out of the leaf and spat the rest out).

I put him back in it’s basking spot to not push my luck more than I already had.

I think I’ll stick with kale for now? Keep doing what I did today?

Then I know he’s getting hydration and some greens.

When I get home I’ll also offer more crickets as a reward?


BD.org Sicko
You can offer kale every day in a small bowl and put a few insects on top to draw him to it. The apple puree is O.K once in a while but it's too sugary to be fed every day. It may take a while but they usually start picking at the greens if they are there. You can offer crickets for his meal if it's meal time, he needs insects every day.


Original Poster
You can offer kale every day in a small bowl and put a few insects on top to draw him to it. The apple puree is O.K once in a while but it's too sugary to be fed every day. It may take a while but they usually start picking at the greens if they are there. You can offer crickets for his meal if it's meal time, he needs insects every day.
Thanks! I’ll see how I go this week - I’m more using it to introduce him to the greens so he knows it’s food.

I’ll post an update with any progress asap.

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