
  1. S

    Need Help! Don’t know if this is tail rot!

    Hey all. My beardie has been doing fine since I got him. I noticed discoloration in his tail and it looks withered and fragile. I do not know if this is tail rot, but I can make the appropriate decision once I know what is wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need any info...
  2. B

    Looking for any advice please…

    My beardie is extremely black under her chin and tip of tail, sunken eyes and weak - not eating or drinking or pooing. Have been feeding her morio worms and some veg but no calcium for a while. I have no idea what’s wrong, she’s in bad shape. Have just soaked her in a warm bath and put some...
  3. kenobisaber

    Watery poop but no parasites and temps are good?

    Hi y’all! Tigger had spotted his little brother (aka Kenobi - my new dragon) from across the room on accident. I don’t know if the stress from that has caused his watery stool or what. He was recently tested for parasites and i test quite frequently and he has none. He goes poop like 1x a week...
  4. rocko_the_beardie_bangs

    Large adult dragon hide and set up (need help)

    hey guys, So on Sunday I am adopting an adult male beardie, he’s pretty big, measured about 20-19in and I’m almost done setting his tank up but I would like to add another hide since his tank right now really only has one hide he can fit in, I attached 2 photos of his enclosure, (it’s 4x2x18 and...
  5. Jupitertheking

    How much to dust and how to teach it to eat salad?

    Hi, I have a bearded dragon who is named Jupiter. Jupiter is about 4 month old and he is doing really well and he is extremely healthy but he has not been eating he is salads much and sometimes I feel like he is scared of the greens because when I try to hand feed him the greens he runs always...
  6. D

    My baby dragon got a eye infection and I don’t know what to do

    She recently got crust in her eyes and cat open one of them but she keeps the other one open help pls what can I do/ use to help her
  7. M


    Hi. So i’ve had my beardie for about 3-4 months now and when i got her she had a toe hanging off. I brought her to the vet around two weeks after i got her. They amputated her toe and tip of her tail from it rotting. For the next couple months after that she was doing good. She started heaving...
  8. L

    Adult Dragon still hates being held

    We've had our female Dragon, Marzia, for almost 3 yrs now. She came from a very loud home, where she lived with a toddler in his room (I know, not the best). She's never liked being held, or taking baths,nothing. I'm not sure what else to try. I will admit I don't take her out as often as I...
  9. Gyrffinthedragon

    Jumped off my shoulder

    Hello, I am new to dragon keeping. I have an 8 to 9-inch bearded dragon I've had him for probably three months now. He just now had his first really big shed and I was planning on cleaning out his cage because it's full of shed and calcium dust. I got him out and put him on my shoulder because...
  10. xelexas

    Big dark circle on belly

    Recently I noticed a large circle on my beardie, Bowser's, belly. I was looking for some assistance on figuring out what this is. I am also currently looking for an exotic vet in my area, and as soon as I find a good one, I plan on giving them a call to set up an appointment. I'll attach an...
  11. V


    Hi, I’ve noticed this yellow color on my bearded dragon, I’m concerned that it might be yellow fungus I am not sure please help!
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