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  1. dylanravenj

    Dying dragon, please help

    Hello all, I haven't had the time to frequent this forum anymore but I am now begging for your guys' help. For the last month or so my four year old male, Trey, has been eating much less than he usually does. I figured it was just brumation so I wasn't worried. However, now he has lost weight...
  2. dylanravenj

    Are dragons really beginner reptiles?

    I know when most of us first began looking into bearded dragons, we saw a lot of claims on how bearded dragons are a perfect beginner reptile. After owning dragons for a few years and seeing online how often their needs are sadly neglected, I have to disagree. Now, I'm not saying dragons are...
  3. dylanravenj

    New three legged beardie

    went to the long island reptile expo and saw this gorgeous leather, who is unfortunately in shed, with three legs! He was only 50$ so I couldn't resist. Still haven't decided on a name
  4. dylanravenj

    Why coil UVBs are bad! (pics)

    The nature center I volunteer at got in these two beautiful bearded dragons who are suffering from terrible eye problems due to the use of coil UVB bulbs. This poor leather couldn't even open his eyes at all. He couldnt see a thing His sister wasn't as bad but she had trouble seeing as well...
  5. dylanravenj

    New Bearded Dragon!!

    I'm going to an expo next Sunday and hoping to get a new beardie there as well, so exciting!! :mrgreen:
  6. dylanravenj

    No body shed for a long time

    Trey used to be a very beautiful color, like this But for quite some time his body has been a very dull brown and grey, it's looked like he's had to shed for months now but just hasn't. There's still traces of the orange in some spots like here He still sheds his head and beard frequently...
  7. dylanravenj

    Beardies sleeping in your bed?

    I let my two boys sleep in the bed with me at night and I was wondering if anyone else did too. People think I'm crazy for letting lizards sleep in my bed but oh well :roll:
  8. dylanravenj

    Trey's hot rod

    I took Trey upstate with me last weekend and before the car ride home he climbed up like this to look out the window. Thought it was hysterical
  9. dylanravenj

    Rafael, my rescue :) Pics!

    I bought Rafael from a disgustingly neglectful petstore. He was kept in horrible condition in a 20 gallon tank with either some kind of gross sand or crushed walnut, as seen here I was allowed to hold him and that's when I realized how thin he was, literally skin and bones. I told them I...
  10. dylanravenj

    Rescuing a beardie this week

    So on my quest to find super worms for Trey I came across a store called Pet Den. I went in there and noticed how disgustingly the animals there were kept. To give some examples there were three rabbits and about six guinea pigs in one small living area, a full grown blood python in a twenty...
  11. dylanravenj

    KISS shirt for Trey LOL

    Well I went to Petsmart the other day and noticed they were selling shirts for dogs. Well I couldn't resist, I bought an extra small shirt and put it on Trey. I thought it was so cute. It only stayed on for pictures by the way :lol:
  12. dylanravenj

    beardie size

    All beardies grow at different rates. Yours is a little on the small side but he still has time to hit his growth spurt. As long as the set up and diet are correct I wouldn't worry :)
  13. dylanravenj

    Roach chow

    Have you tried oranges? I heard roaches LOVE them.
  14. dylanravenj

    Trey jumped in my pool >:(

    So I am currently sitting in my yard with Trey so he can get some exploring time. He loves sitting on the concrete around my pool, but up until now has never gone near the pool itself. Well I guess he decided he wanted to check it out, he ran up to the pool and I immediately moved my hand...
  15. dylanravenj

    Colorful Petstore Dragon

    I bought Trey from Petsmart and he was pretty much all gray as a baby, so I never had many expectations as far as colors go. But he turned out to be gorgeous in my opinion. He's all orange with red markings and blue sidebars. :blob8...
  16. dylanravenj

    Fiona's a boy?!

    Since I figured Fiona is now large enough for me to actually sex her, I decided I might as well check to see if she is really a girl. Well when I lifted her tail this is what I found... Looks like a boy to me :banghead:
  17. dylanravenj

    Fiona's love for the keyboard

    Once Fiona found the keyboard, she never wanted to get off :lol: She kept trying to "dig" in the keys :roll:
  18. dylanravenj


    I'm no good with beardie morphs, and I know that it's impossible to know exactly what morph a beardie is without knowing it's lineage, but does anyone have a guess on what kind of morph Fiona is? I was thinking she might be a red tiger? :dontknow:
  19. dylanravenj

    Expert Villiage

    I came across this video and could not believe the conditions this woman was keeping her beardie in. And to think this video is supposed to teach people how to properly care for a dragon :banghead: Here's the link...
  20. dylanravenj

    Funny sleeping position

    Not sure how this is comfortable, but this is how Fiona sleeps every night :lol: She always gives me this grumpy look when I turn on her lights in the morning :lol:
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