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    Beware of vets giving enemas to your dragon

    I took my little beardie in 5 years ago because he had a some what of a black beard, I just asked for an x-ray to see if anything showed up, she said he was backed up, I told her no, he only goes once a week, she did the enema, she brought him back to me, black bearding and dying. I had to...
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    Help for Clementine

    Great news that your girl is doing good.
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    Help for Clementine

    Any news on your baby?
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    Help for Clementine

    I am sure she will do just fine, keep us posted.
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    Help for Clementine

    Can you email me at [email protected], my name is Becky. I am going to try and help you out as much as I can. I will also post your go fund on the beardie site I help run. I have been in your shoes and I had a ton of friends help me out.
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    Help for Clementine

    Back when Booger needed her surgery, there hadn't been a lot of those types of surgery done, but that was about 12 years ago, a lot has changed since then.
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    Help for Clementine

    She made it though the surgery just fine. Only thing was she also had a mass that they took out. Next year she was acting funny so I took her in and got an x-ray, well the tissues had grown back so they had to do emergency surgery again, eggs had burst and her liver was absorbing them, but...
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    Help for Clementine

    I have been in your shoes years ago and had a lot of friends help me so I pay it forward as much as I can. I pray you can get her in for surgery.
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    Help for Clementine

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    I took him to the vet, one nostril was plugged which they got it back open, x-ray showed nothing, best guess he is a mouth breather, no RI , nothing
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    I have a beardie who will be 7 this next month. I have had him since he was 6 weeks old. I have him in a 4x2x2 custom tank, he has his basking at 99 degrees. He has the Arcadia 12% UVB, will be changing it out this weekend, due next month. He has shelf liner in his tank. He gets live food...
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    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    My 2 beardie's eyes are the same. both about a year now. No one can answer me as to why they are big like they are. Everything with their lights and UVB are dead on, so I have no idea why they are like this. I will follow to see if you come up with anything. Only thing we both have in common...
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    eye problems

    The T-8 UVB is in the tank, I have wood tanks, they have a 75 basking bulb, zoo med one at 98 degrees. Munchkin is over his RI, he had meds for a week, doing great now, Humidity has been high, I have the dehumidifier on in the living room which is really helping all of them.
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    eye problems

    I have a few questions about both of boy's eyes. Both of their eyes seem to be getting bigger and bigger all the time with eye infections here and there. Munchkin is going to the vet tomorrow for possible RI. I have the T-8 Arcadia UVB 12 inches off their back. I have read about zucchini...
  15. Cassie, the little beardie.

    Cassie, the little beardie.

    I rescued Cassie Oct, 20,2013, she shouldn't have survived but she did and had a great 4 years and 1 week with me, she passed away at the vets on Oct 27, 2017. Her story went around the world and had well over 4,000 people follow her story from when I rescued her until the day she passed away.
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    I don't have any advice for you, but that would be scary for sure. I hope someone can help you.
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    inflamed kidneys

    Pictures that were on the ad before I picked her up. This a picture in the bath after I picked her up
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    inflamed kidneys

    I picked her up a couple weeks ago, and took her to the rescue, and she got vetted. I will be picking her back up today to foster her so I will have pictures today or tomorrow of her. I will find out more of what the vet said about her kidneys. She will be under a repti-sun 10 tube bulb when...
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    My baby has a large tumor. Help.

    My girl Booger last year had a big mass growing and had to have surgery to remove it, plus she was forming eggs, and if the surgery wasn't done it would have killed her, either the mass or the eggs not being able to pass. I would get another opinion and see what happens. You don't want to wait...
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    inflamed kidneys

    what would be good to give to a beardie with inflamed kidneys? It is a beardie I picked up a couple weeks ago and the rescue has now, but I will most likely be fostering her since the one foster beardie I had was adopted out yesterday. Black Cherry concentrate or Serrapeptase? She has MBD...
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