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  1. M

    A normally active beardy very lethargic

    Awww...good luck with him. Glad you took him to the vet. Keep us posted! What is his substrate?
  2. M

    eating ALOT

    It's fine. Babies eat mostly 'protein' for their first year. I think it's 80% protein 20% greens, but my % mightbe off a little. That's great your baby is eating! Keep offering the greens too....
  3. M

    my beardie cant poo properly

    I would be worried about her being egg bound if she is really struggling. Can you get her to a vet?
  4. M

    my beardie cant poo properly

    I would be worried about her being egg bound if she is really struggling. Can you get her to a vet?
  5. M

    not pooping

    I have a female that is the same way....she will go a week, sometimes 2 before she poops. But she it totally fine otherwise. I am not worrying about it anymore. When she does go, it's normal.
  6. M

    I think my dragon's eye is injured.

    Can he open his eye?
  7. M

    HELP! How long does it take to establish roach colony?

    Wasn't many. I believe 50...and I think 2 sets of breeders ( whatever the male/female) ratio is. But...we fed off too many too quick. If we wouldn't have used any to feed the beardies, it would have been enough. When do you want to be able to start feeding your beardie the dubia? I mean...
  8. M

    Grey patches on the underside of tail

    How does this happen? I mean, they don't just fall off without some kind of trauma, right?
  9. M

    Bearded Dragon 3 inches long.

    When you say your older dragon.....are they housed together?
  10. M

    HELP! How long does it take to establish roach colony?

    Took mine about 3 months to see some babies, at 4 months now..tons of babies. I also ordered more roaches to get it going more quickly. It you start too smalll, it takes to long...and having 3 beardies that love was a no brainer to invest another $30 in dubia to hopefully last...
  11. M

    Breeding Dubia Roaches

    I just started breeding mine. Finally getting a colony going....took about 4 months. Search on the topic, and you will get tons of info. I highly recommend giving them oranges,like everyone else says. Seems to be making them go at it! :blob5: :wink:
  12. M

    Zeppelin's Spine ??

    can we see a pic?
  13. M


    NO more sand. I would go to the vet.
  14. M

    not pooping

    Put some olive oil on his nose for him..that should help get things flowing. If not, I would go to the vet...
  15. M

    Hey guys iam new here (PICS)

    Gorgeous colors on the dragon! Do you have all the info you need on tank set up, lighting, food, etc?
  16. M

    beardie belly is hanging down!

    If anything, it sounds to me like your baby isn't eating ENOUGH. Babies should eat as much as they can in a 10 minute period. All 3 of mine will 'drop' their bellies they are all nice and relaxed
  17. M

    Buying dubia roaches in CANADA.

    I don't think they are illegal in canada.
  18. M


    If it's cold weather where you are, I am not surprised that she is still brumating.
  19. M

    puffed beard, but no black

    No reason for concern. Mine stretch out their beards like that every day...even a few times a day. Especially after they wake up.
  20. M

    Bruce Nose Banging

    I know when mine are in the middle of a shed, I will give them a bath every day to help ease the itchiness.
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