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  1. bambichik39

    Java wood?

    Has anyone ordered java wood from Bigappleherp? Is the wood good for a basking spot? I have a crossfire style enclosure I built and was looking at ordering the extra large. At $70 bc I have to pay for shipping and it not being returnable I want opinions before i order. Thank you
  2. bambichik39


    As posted under introductions Rinehart is my new beardie. I got him and his enclosure off of Craigslist. He couldn't be a better fit so far. He hasn't touched any salad yet but did eat about 10 crickets today! I just got him Friday night so seems like he's doing great so far. He's about 3-4...
  3. bambichik39

    New craigslist beardie

    So its been awhile since I've been active on here... back in November I was questioning if it was time to get another beardie after losing mine last March. Well a week or so ago I was at Petco and they had a "reptile rally" going on. Anyways this got me wanting to get another one. Enough that...
  4. bambichik39

    Is it time?

    So, I haven't been on this site for what feels like forever. I moved about a year ago down south from the midwest and brought my dogs and lizards along with me. Long story short my beardie, Pablo, died during an exploratory surgery performed by the only reptile vet down here in MT...
  5. bambichik39


    I've been on this website previously, but havent posted in a long time. I have a beardie named Pablo who was hatched in jan of 2009. Hes never really had any major health problems- until now. I noticed around Christmas he was holding his head to one side and just seemed "off" neurological...
  6. bambichik39

    glass scratch?

    I built Pablo his new tank and its great, except hes already scratched the plexi terribly. Does anyone here use glass? Is it more durable? The tracks stated it could hold 1/8 or 1/4 glass, i was thinking about using the 1/8 as I read some reviews the 1/4 was heavy and didnt slide easy...
  7. bambichik39

    lizard luxuries?

    Anyone ever buy from here before? I'm debating getting the lounger...
  8. bambichik39

    How much did you spend?

    This is more like a survey question, how much did everyone spend on their enclosures? Do you prefer natural, or does it matter if its natural looking or not? Background? Is plain better to you, or naturalistic features? Just curious, feel free to post pictures
  9. bambichik39

    pine safe in small amounts?

    I got the wood cut last night for my tracks for my crossfire enclosure, and didnt even think to ask what type of wood they were cutting it out of. I told them it didnt ahve to be pretty because it wasnt going to be visible, since I'll be putting trim on the front. Anyways, when I got it out...
  10. bambichik39

    help with tile

    I built a crossfire enclosure. I had planned on grouting the tiles in, as Pablo rarely poops in his tank and figure I could just vacuum and wipe clean once a week. Do I need to use a special sealant, or do most of them hold up to heat? non toxic? Another reason I want to grout them in is...
  11. bambichik39

    building a crossfire- DONE- lots of pics

    I started building a crossfire yesterday. I ordered tracks, so I'm kind of at a stand still until I get them in. I'm going to seal the outside of the tank this weekend after the stain dries, and screw in the electrical stuff once thats all done. I plan on drilling 2'' holes for the plugs, and...
  12. bambichik39

    this light fixture work? NEW question!

    Will this light fixture work for 24'' reptisun 10.0? I cant see anything about it being a T8 or not... After installing it I noticed the package says 17wt... and the reptisun is a 18wt... thoughts?
  13. bambichik39

    crossfire help

    I want to build Pablo a crossfire but have a few questions. I have looked on the viv pics only thread but its kind of annoying bc there are over 120 pages and most arent crossfires so its not really helping me. I want to build it out of Birch wood, is this alright? Do you have to have the...
  14. bambichik39

    petmountain cyber monday sale

    Reptisuns aren't marked down, but its free shipping over 25$ If you only have to buy one reptisun now is the time to do it. Code is CYBER if you are like me though, and have to buy more than one, its not really beneficial to buy tomorrow. I checked lllreptile, didnt see anything on reptisuns...
  15. bambichik39

    help me pick picture please!

    I always use Pablo on my Christmas cards. I'd love to do one with my dogs as well, but they just don't stay well enough for pictures. Here is what I have, hopefully one is worthy! Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6- My personal fav. And this is where he...
  16. bambichik39

    Too cold?

    The high tomorrow is only 70 degrees. It's my vets open house and they are having a lot of events, such as best costume and free pictures. I really want to take Pablo, but only some of the events are inside. I'd assume I could just spend most of my time inside and little outside. My question...
  17. bambichik39

    Pablos yearly checkup

    He did great! Doctor gave him an excellent bill of health, and actually used him as a model for another vet! They said they felt around his belly for lumps, checked his eyes, ears, nostrils, and looked in his mouth.. Apparently all went well! Although he did say that Pablo was the biggest...
  18. bambichik39


    I have probes on all my tanks, but want to get a temp gun. Would either of these work? Or this one...
  19. bambichik39

    cheap home depot dome lights?

    Can you use the cheaper clamp lamps from home depot to house your heating bulb? I ask because the base is plastic, and not ceramic, so I wasn't sure if it would melt or not... I only plan on putting a 45wt bulb in there as its not for my beardie, but a frog. I have the big ol' deep domes for...
  20. bambichik39

    Superworm container?

    Reptile show is next weekend and I want to get a few hundred to hopefully last for a few months. Pablo is starting to bruminate, so I doubt he'll eat a lot, but its still cheaper to buy from shows than petco. I bought the container, pictured below, as I figured it would work out. I was going...
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