
  1. SarahNancy13

    Bearded dragon ate day old veggies

    Hi! I'm coming on here again to ask for advice for my little Ember. He's 1 year old now and I had a question about dried out greens. So, usually, I give him fresh greens every morning and let them sit in the tank until his lights go out. Usually he doesn't eat them but sometimes he does...
  2. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Possible impaction

    I was afraid of this happening because Swordtail has sand as his substrate and I did order a new substrate (Non adhesive shelf liner) but Swordtail hasn't pooped in a few days and I would like to know some symptoms of impaction so I can tell if he is impacted
  3. F

    Beardie getting a cut on face

    My beardie got a cut on her face is there anything we should do to ensure it is clean and safe. There was never blood coming out of the wound but she is shaken up. What should I do
  4. goosegoose

    Healthy poop? (pics)

    My beardie has some strange poops sometimes and I want to just be safe and make sure they look healthy. She poops about once every 5-7 days, typically when I give her a bath. The one picture where she used the bathroom on our carpet (unfortunate for me) was taken April 22nd, and the other...
  5. K

    Does this appear to be scale or mouth rot? I have an appointment scheduled and waiting on an email from his doctor in the interim.

    Please offer advice about my beardies mouth. I have a vet appointment scheduled and waiting on an email from his doctor with advice until the appointment, but can’t hurt to ask here too. My babe’s mouth just started looking like this. There’s bits of white, but I think that’s just from the...
  6. K.E.W.T

    Is my bearded dragon fat?

    My boyfriend says she’s fat! I think she is okay! Please help! Lol
  7. T

    Do you know what this is? Please help.

    Hello, I'm at my wits end so I'm hoping someone here has experienced a similar issue or seen this before. My bearded dragon has had some sort of infection in her vent for 6+ months now and I can't seem to get it to clear up. We have been to the vet 2 or 3 times now. The vet gave us antibiotics...
  8. I

    Black bump on my bearded dragon, is this normal?

    hi, I just saw today that my bearded dragon that I've had for around 6 years has a small weird black bump on his scales. it's not a scale-- is it a scar or something bad? I'm really worried about him
  9. Jordanbryant

    New beardie owner!

    I got my beardie from Pet Smart (I know don’t say it) about a little over a month ago. I’m pretty sure she is a girl and her name is Mango. This is my first beardie and I’ve down a ton of research but I want to know more. So I’m really just open to suggestions! I’m going to attach some pictures...
  10. A

    Shedding or Something else???

    I just want to double check, i think this is him shedding but i’m not sure if it’s something else
  11. SarahNancy13

    Possible gum disease?

    Hello! I have already gotten some great input for taking care of little Ember here and am so grateful for it! I’m asking if you can help calm some worries once again. I was taking some pictures of little ember basking and noticed that he has what looks like hardened gums and dirt between his...
  12. SarahNancy13

    6 month old beardie half-brumating but still active?

    Hi! I have a 6 month old (almost 7) beardie named Ember and he had a really long bout of coccidia. Went through 3 antibiotics and the last one finally worked (new vet) and he had a clean fecal (yay!!!). He's been more active when he's out of his enclosure, running around and exploring which I...
  13. D

    New to beardies is this normal

    My buddy orange has kind of gone off his salad, I can get him to eat a bit if I hand feed. He has been to the vet at the end of October the only report officially was an elevated white blood cell that’s linked to inflammation in bearded dragons . His poops have been brown and healthy looking...
  14. goosegoose

    Beardie poop

    Hi, I don't really think my beardies poop is healthy.. What should I do about this? She eats worms everyday, and I give her a mix of veggies (usually stuff like collard greens, peppers, romaine lettuce, zucchini, etc,) with occasional fruits. She's about 8 months old.
  15. K

    Red mites

    Hi, I have a male bearded dragon around 8 months old. Around 3 weeks ago I saw little red dots on him and was informed they was mites. Since then his been having warm baths and rubbed down with olive oil. I also bought a mite spray but that didn’t seem to do much. I religiously clean his viv and...
  16. goosegoose

    Does my beardie look healthy?

    Ive been having issues with keeping my beardie hydrated, but for awhile she seemed to be doing fine. Now I feel like her eyes look sunken in but I just don't know if shes ok or not. Can someone help?
  17. CassiTheNerd420

    Possible Impaction?

    Hi, I just received a beardie (Frankie) last week and this is my first pet. I've spent all week researching and spent hundreds on his setup. His last owner wasn't very attentive on temps, uv, or diet (he was only fed crickets and blueberries daily with no vitamins). His temps look good now, his...
  18. T

    Anybody know what this is?

    Hello, I noticed this on my Bearded Dragon a couple day ago and thought it was dried poo. After a couple of soaks, and gently rubbing with a soft toothbrush I'm not so sure. I stopped messing with it because I don't want to hurt her or cause more problems. It doesn't appear to be a prolapse...
  19. L

    How are these Pores?

    Hello, This beard is about 2 years old. What are your recommendation to take care of these pores? I plan on warm baths + using a soft brush moving forward. But how bad do you think they are?
  20. Monpetitchou

    What kind of infections are there for bearded dragons ?

    We're taking Falcon in tomorrow for more blood tests to see what kind of infection he may have. When we initially took him in for his a wellness checkup back at the end of Aug on his bday, we did a blood test just to make sure everything was okay. It came back with "elevation of some of his...
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