
  1. D

    Probiotic recommendations

    I’ve been having on and off issues with Jasper’s digestion since I got him, and it looks like it’s starting to flare back up again. This morning he had diarrhea, and I’m really hoping it’s from the extra baths to help with shedding and giving him some squash, but I’m still concerned since it has...
  2. A

    Bearded dragon skin health

    I found out this today. What is this?
  3. E

    Bearded dragons and Air fresheners.

    Hi, i left to go to the store and came back to an apple cinnamon air freshener plugged near my bearded dragons enclosure because my brother isnt so knowledgeable on reptiles. Buddy is a rescue dragon (7-8 month old) i recently rescued. Hes in a small 20 gal quarantine enclosure kind of near...
  4. I

    My beardie is hissing

    My beardie is hissing and I don't know what to do. I went to pet her back yesterday and she hissed at me. She is only like nine months old. I feed her veggies in the morning and either crickets or mealworms after I get home from school. Her lights come on at 7 and go off at 8 30. I don't know...
  5. FootBump


    my yoshimi has a yellow bump on her foot and i’m wondering what it could be
  6. SherlockMommy

    Sherlocks back foot

    Hello! I am a new beardie mommy with a question. When I say new I mean 2 days, and I have a habit of over worrying about things, but your feedback would be appreciated. I have noticed that one of Sherlock's (their name) back feet is a bit darker than their others. I will attach some pictures. I...
  7. B

    Possible tail rot

    Hello! The above photo is a month of betadine solution. Ive seen many posts and pictures but cant tell if this is progressive tail rot or it healing? Part of me wants to say that white nub is calus forming as a new end of her tail and the tail rot is about to fall off, the rest of me wants to...
  8. B

    Possible tail rot?

    Hello! Meet my baby goosh Bert, shes 4 (almost) very active and otherwise very healthy. A month ago she needed to be spayed :(, they pointed out afterwards that she may need surgery on her tail (which took me by surprise as her tail has had this kink for about a yearish) they said it could...
  9. W

    Gout related questions

    Hello! My beardie willow has gout and I have a few questions. First of all, I saw somebody say alfalfa helps but could somebody give me more details on that? Currently her substrate is paper towels that I change whenever she poops which is very often, but is there any other substrate that would...
  10. M

    two beardies seeing eachother

    i have two beardies, one significantly younger than the other, the oldest, hades, is five years old, and the younger one, zeus, is around 8 months (i think?) they both have their own enclosures of course, but there will be times where i will look at the two and notice hades bobbing his head and...
  11. Juno

    My beardie stopped eating, should i worry?

    My little dragon has been eating voraciously for almost 3 weeks now, but he suddenly stopped eating. It has been around 3 days since he stopped, and I've periodically kept him hydrated just in case. I had a bearded dragon before that unfortunately passed away cause i realized she was sick too...
  12. A

    15 month old female rescue

    Hi all. I have a 15 month old female Beardie that I recently rescued. Took her in for bloodwork up, all was great. Fecal showed pinworms and coccidia. We began treatment immediately. It’s been a month, second fecal came back coccidia free with a continued low count of pinworms. So, treating...
  13. A

    Beardie Health and Weight - Advice

    Hello There, My bearded dragon has gained a significant amount of weight over the past few months and her activity has lessened. I took her to a vet but he said she was fine and could have eggs. I watched her and her bathroom sessions are normal, she eats, but no eggs. He said if she hasn't...
  14. T

    Semi-skinny bearded dragon

    Hi everybody, I am new on the site but I would like to ask a question. I adopted a bearded dragon about a year ago, she has always been healthy and has been getting leafy greens as well as dusted insect feeders. I am only 16 but the money part is no problem for me. But I've been noticing that...
  15. I

    Scale rot on the tail?

    Attached below is a photo of my Dragon's tail. Some of the scales seem softer, a little dry, and sometimes they flake off. We have tile for the enclosure and soil substrate for her dig box. Occasionally she will drag her body through her fecal matter. Obviously this gets cleaned off. To me it...
  16. Isrena

    Possible broken arm

    My baby was perfectly normal when I left for work, a couple hours later I came home and looked at him, noticed he wasn’t using his right leg and that it was swollen. It’s possible he fell from either his rock or he likes to climb on the front of the tank when he wants attention. I picked him up...
  17. E


    Hi, last post was about the inside color of Puffs throat. Turns out the black color is normal and we also ran a fungal culture on her skin because her head looked yellowish. We got results yesterday and shes fungal FREE! Were so happy. Were still trying to beat this respiratory infection though...
  18. H

    Irregular blotchy darker spots on head

    Hello, our dragon Haku has been developing some blotchy darker spots on his head. They started showing up about 2 months ago, but we assumed it was shed. He did shed the whole top of his head eventually but the splotches were still there. He also has lots of "freckles" (like individual black...
  19. C

    Can MBD cause early signs of aging?

    Hi all, thanks for reading. My boy is ~8 years old. He had no heat or UVB on him at purchase (~1 yr old) and was diagnosed with MBD by my vet. He had a crooked back and tail and couldn't walk at all. Overall in really poor shape :( I hand fed him for almost 8 months, he had finally started...
  20. goosegoose


    My beardie just pooped, but part of it is kind of weird and a brownish-red. Is it any concern? (picture below)
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