
  1. G

    Is my bearded dragon trying to brumate?

    Hi. I have a 3 year old named Oslo. We recently moved in March, and he’s not taking it well. Since then he’s always hiding, refuses to bask, refuses to eat, and is constantly stressed. When I get him out of his enclosure he starts acting aggressive but has never bitten me. Super out of character...
  2. Shard

    Brumating with Pinworms?

    Hey so Xion stopped eating two days ago and won't leave her cave, she sleeps through the day (though sometimes she opens her eyes and gives me the stink eye) and I'm worried she's brumating. She's only 9 months old and her tank is nice and warm, but most concerningly she's currently being...
  3. M

    Disambiguation between Adenovirus and Brumation

    We have 2 bearded dragons with ADV, and it seems as though the symptoms of ADV often exactly mimic brumation: - Not eating - loss of energy - spending a lot of time in hide/not basking Because I would approach brumation and symptomatic ADV quite differently (and in some ways completely...
  4. Z

    Bearded dragon brumating again?

    My bearded dragon has been displaying unusual behavior lately. After a three-month brumation period that concluded about a month ago, today she dug a burrow and spent the entire day sleeping in it. Despite maintaining proper UVB and temperature levels, with an Arcadia T5 and basking spot...
  5. Z

    how long does brumation usually last?

    My bearded dragon has been in brumation for nearly 3 months, and this is her first brumation. She's almost 1 year old now. During this time, she appears to be in a deep sleep with her eyes closed, taking refuge in her cave. However, she does open her eyes when she hears noise. Despite her...
  6. C

    Strange Behavior and Dark Tail

    Hi all, In the past two months, my dragon (Khonshu), who is just over a year old, has definitely had some behavioral changes. He has been hiding in his cave a bit more since the spring, but as of a month or so ago he completely avoids basking almost entirely. The second his lights comes on, he...
  7. itsTigereye

    Constantly Attempting to Brumate?

    Hello! My bearded dragon started showing signs of wanting to brumate around November of this year. Not eating as much, digging in her caves, and not wanting to bask. She did one final poop and settled down. I left her alone, keeping her lights on a shorter cycle. I would offer her food...
  8. lincolnsmom

    Brumation in the Spring?

    Hi! I took my beardie to the vet for her yearly checkup back in February and she got the all-clear for her health. I also updated her Arcadia uv bulb in January. However, she is now starting to display signs of brumation. She is lazier, sleeping longer, staying in her hide, and has reduced her...
  9. CassiTheNerd420

    Brumation help

    Hey all been awhile, so I just got frankie back from the vet and what I thought was recent health issues is brumation. Now ive done reasearch on it and ive read he isnt supposed to eat, I have to make sure he uses the bathroom b4 fully in it, and during the next week or two slowly get his...
  10. Eddiebeardie


    Hi guys! I have had my little guy (Eddie) for about 10 months now, he is about 11 months old. I have been trying to get in contact with my original breeder but no response. As this is eddies first time brumating (I think) I am a little anxious. I have done a lot of research but has so specific...
  11. Liapera

    4-year old wants to brumate again 4 months out. Any concerns?

    Hi all, I'm a fairly experienced beardie keeper, but our lady is my first brumating dragon. She has a weird brumation pattern. She brumates a long time, but she always comes out of it better than before. She's 4 years old, no issues, healthy weight. 2020: came out 5th jan. 2021: started 21...
  12. NightRaysMoon

    False brumation or something?

    Kazoku for the two years he's been alive does something strange around November, December, and a bit of January. He'll refuse to eat once the cold winter days have taken hold of our city, however that's where that detail ends. Kaz is still as alert and active as any other season, maybe vibing...
  13. Z

    Post brumation behavior?

    Hello so my beardie zarra I believe is ending her first burmation...she was in a deep sleep for like 3 months then one day I look over and she's out and basking....she was out for a day or 2 then went back into her hide and was sleeping she seems in a partial brumation almost she's...
  14. rhendriks

    juvenile rankins dragon going into brumation?

    i have a 7-8 month old rankin's dragon that i believe is trying to brumate. he hasn't eaten anything in a few weeks. he's laying in one spot, half sleeping most of the day. i've given him a warm electrolyte bath which seemed to perk him back up for a day, but still no eating, and hes back to...
  15. L

    Failure to thrive, or ill-timed brumation?

    Hi, Montero is a 1.5-year-old female bearded dragon. Early November she tested positive for coccidia and received two rounds of oral antibiotics. A fecal sample after treatment tested negative for coccidia. I originally tested her for parasites because she was losing her appetite and sleeping...
  16. B

    Beardie Hiding All Day! Vet Says Too Much Calcium? Please Help!

    Hello, I took my Beardie in for a visit to the vet, as she's been spending more and more time in her hide, eating less and pooping less often, and it's really worrying me. She looks normal otherwise and does have better days here and there. The vet told me as follows (please forgive me if this...
  17. T

    Brumating, Gravid, Sick, Stressed?

    Hi! So my smol lady is brumating (I think?). Since early October she's been refusing food, chilling in her hide or on a warm rock under her hammock, and not pooping nearly as much. However, all of this is only *sometimes*. I'm nervous about it because this would be her first winter brumating...
  18. R

    What more can I do for my beardie’s bones.?

    Unfortunately this year his bones started getting worse again right when he started brumation, so I haven’t been able to help him as well as I did when it was hotter. Before, I would give him more calcium powder more often in his foods, take him outside in the sun safely for hours, and not feed...
  19. B


    I am pretty sure my beardie has went into brumation. He has stopped eating and is staying hidden and his bowel movements have decreased. He is 1 and this is the first time he has did this and i’m not really sure what i do. Should i keep his lights on all day like normal? Please tell me anything...
  20. Selkie1993

    Beardie Acting Wild After Brumation- Not Eating Much

    Hi Everyone! Drogon is now out of brumation for about 2 months and is acting like a black-bearding lunatic :) I expect this is normal since it's happened in the past. However, he's being annoyingly picky about his food!!! He'll only eat supers, sometimes has no interest at all and won't even...
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