You Would Think Pet Stores Would Improve...

but instead, I saw this...
there wasn't sand in there before. These poor babies- but they think they know best. The one in the front was most active, running back and forth and the one by it's butt (not the tail) but actual butt was yawning a few times. I made sure it wasn't gasping. I tried to share my concern but it fell on death's ears. I don't know why when I pass these stores, at times I decide to go in-
Rocky was not with me.
Beardie name(s)
That's a shame. We actually just got ours from a pet store (We went in for a beta fish...) and they had 4 bearded dragons but each in their own little tank. So at least it's not all commercial pet stores? One of them was just so active and social we fell in love and made the impulse buy then scrambled to get tank and everything setup that night lol

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
There is a very good chance the two larger beardies will injure or kill the smaller ones. What a shame 😔.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Our pet store improved at least it’s reptile carpet the last few times. They’re still not using a heat lamp just the dim strip light..I can’t say it’s a uvb because you know how it is.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
That's a shame. We actually just got ours from a pet store (We went in for a beta fish...) and they had 4 bearded dragons but each in their own little tank. So at least it's not all commercial pet stores? One of them was just so active and social we fell in love and made the impulse buy then scrambled to get tank and everything setup that night lol
Definitely not all pet stores. If you haven't followed the mayhem, I mean history of Rocky...I purchased him (who I was told was a her) from a pet store. I have learned so much since that time. I think it's safe to say that I wouldn't trade Rocky for anything in the world! Actually, we are coming up on a year since that exact day!
I have on a hero's cape trying to save or at least help where I can because I want all beardies to thrive. If beardies could cohabitate, I would buy all of them.

Side note: When did guinea pigs get the size of puppies, geez!

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Gus - he’s a rescue!
How much water should I be giving my bearded dragon? He will only drink from a dropper when I drop on his nose and I’m not sure if I should give it to him until he won’t drink anymore? Or should I stop after he’s had a certain amount?
Just want to check that if my beardie is ok I managed to get a video of him yawning today and screenshot him with his mouth open does he have mouth rot??? He is eating and drinking normally btw, the discoloration on his left of the mouth has been there for a month but the discoloration on his right side is new
Hello if you don't know about sperm plugs and have a male bearded dragon click this link to find out, I found it really helpful on explaining what they are and what to do about it

I found this in my bearded dragons tank help me identify it please

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