You move one single thing on accident....


Sub-Adult Member
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Also thought about just painting it but that would really need a few days of her out of the enclosure.
The kind background I've made would not mean more than a day of her out of the enclosure (as it can be built completely outside of it, and then glued in with aquarium-grade silicone which I would allow one day to cure).

Buut, another idea: The back wall of your dragon's enclosure is not glass, but it is some MDF or wood? Then you could even add it without the aquarium-grade silicone and just screw it to the back (tightly, so no insects get behind it). Then you would be down to her only being out of the enclosure for let's say an hour at maximum. Also you could screw other things to the back, like a big branch that starts higher up on the wall.


Juvie Member
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Sorry, I meant that for the painting. The back is a bit thin, but I could add vertical supports to the backside to mount it. The cat climbing wall I'm looking at has one or two pieces I was actually thinking about using for her instead. A nice little cube cave and a hammock type wall shelf.


Juvie Member
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Juvie Member
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I keep saying they are smart 🤓
She used it once. Climbs over to get in or via the handicap ramp stick I guess lol Exit is full parkour off the top. lol
"Ramp? pfffffft I don't even need the stairs! Remove it!"

OW! Where did the handicap ramp go?

OMG she's actually just straight up jumping that bin side. It's gotta be 6 in vertical. Save the jokes, but I swear it's actually closer to 10 inches lol

My mind is a bit blown. Wife bought some house cameras so when she's away in MI she can check on her depressed husband. Set of four and I really want to put one in her cage.
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Juvie Member
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#DragginB&B now open!

So far no digging but she's loving climbing it. This is a much softer substrate this time. Last was dragon sand (literally a bag of dirt from Australia lol) Great stuff, even for aquarium keeping. My corydoras love it and probably going to get some for the Cichlids digging arena. But, I mixed that with punky Douglas fir wood and broken up dried bark, depleted organic potting soil from my cacti and lime tree repottings, moss and dry thimbleberry leaves. Figure it simulates a natural digging area under an old log with materials that are dragon safe (repti bark is Doug fir) Somewhere a girl might settle down and make a nest.

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