You know you're living with beardies when...

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Just thought we could start identifying things around the house that indicate a house full of beardies, i.e. You know you're living with beardies when...
while barefoot, you step on a thorn. When you remove it, it's actually a shedded beardie scale!

You know you're living with beardies when...
Crickets sing from all corners WITHIN the house!

You know you're living with beardies when...
Your refrigerator is full of worms and this is a very good thing, not a sign for a serious cleaning job!

I know there are many more ways that show others we are doing things a little bit differently! So, how do you know you're living with beardies?
:blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Gray-bearded Member
You know you're living with beardies when.... you couldn't wait for your kids to take care of themselves and now you can't wait to get home to take care of those cute little spiky faces.

fresnowitte Sicko
dolcedragon":9dc3e said:
You know you're living with beardies when the terms pancake, beard, death glare, and sexy legs have a whole new meaning for you. :D :wink:
Don't forget glass dancing not to be confused with pole dancing. :shock: Though when you say it around someone that doesn't have beardies I'm sure that's kind of where their mind goes. :lol:
Or you hear or see the word lease and think of leese in Pointless and Sad. :lol:
Neromom39":9dc3e said:
You know you're living with beardies when.... you couldn't wait for your kids to take care of themselves and now you can't wait to get home to take care of those cute little spiky faces.
Or your kid wants something to eat an you tell them you have to wait I'm feeding the beardies. (shhh...because they come first.)


Gray-bearded Member
You know you're living with beardies when.... you get super excited because SOMEONE is gaining weight :blob5: and it's not you

fresnowitte Sicko
Neromom39":6ccb0 said:
You know you're living with beardies when.... you get super excited because SOMEONE is gaining weight :blob5: and it's not you
Hey wait a minute I always get excited when someone gains weight an it's not me...whether
it's a beardie or not. :lol:

You know your living with beardies when......all of the packages that you have ever tracked online were from,,, or


Gray-bearded Member
fresnowitte":8e00c said:
You know your living with beardies when......all of the packages that you have ever tracked online were from,,, or

... and when you're balancing your checkbook and just about all of the entries are identical to the above mentioned (oooh, did I see a receipt for gas in there? Nah I must be hallucinating :? )


Gray-bearded Member
dolcedragon":b7812 said:
You know you're living with beardies when the terms pancake, beard, death glare, and sexy legs have a whole new meaning for you. :D :wink:
:laughhard: Oh yes!


Gray-bearded Member
fresnowitte":b1597 said:
Or your kid wants something to eat an you tell them you have to wait I'm feeding the beardies. (shhh...because they come first.)

Oh, I've NEVER done this! :eek:

Well, unless you include this morning... and yesterday morning... the morning before that.... and... :oops:

Shhhh.... I won't tell if you won't tell, Barbara. :wink:



Juvie Member
...when the first thing you remember to order is that cup of hormworms or box of crickets, but try to remember to order a book you need for school and you end up happily in la la land trying to remember what else you were supposed to order.


Gray-bearded Member
You know you're living with beardies when..... you have absolutely no problem remembering to make enough beardie food to last a week, but wake yourself up out of a sound sleep in the morning before the alarm goes off because you have to rush downstairs to make your husbands lunch :shock:


Juvie Member
You know you are living with beardies when you engage in baby talk, but you don't have any kids or grandkids.

Tatty :blob8: :blob8: :blob8: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

"My beardies are my kids!"

fresnowitte Sicko
You know your living with beardies when..........
You are sitting here typing a reply to this thread...duh! as I'm typing I'm singing a little song I've made up as I wait with great excitement for my mulberryfarms treats to be delivered........
Hey Mr. UPS Man, can't you see.....see if there is a package...a package for babies are waiting so patiently...for their special yeah...please Mr. UPS man can't you see....


Extreme Poster
You know you're living with beardies when...

your hubby sends you pics of poop that was just deposited in the viv on your cellphone at work with a message that says "Digger left you a roadapple that you need to clean up when you get home" (and you're happy about it) and when you text back, the following message is "I can't finish the wash, Digger was running around and now's he sitting on my chest" and you get upset because you can't have Digger sitting on your chest! (and you don't give a hoot if he finishes doing the wash :lol: )!

fresnowitte Sicko
gulfbrzdawn":5f6db said:
Allright Barbara...that's it...what have I told you about drinking in the morning! Do I need to call Frank and have him come home?
Why? I'm not going to share with him. :lol:
No I've told you I spend way to much time alone with my beardies. I think I'm loosin' it!
They are all lookin at me like I'm nuts..... :lol: ...they are right I am.
Nuts about spoiling them...have over $100 worth of treats on the that's just treats cause I grow my own staple feeders.
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