Yoshi's Thread... RIP My Sweet Baby Boy *Necropsy Results*

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Ok, so here's the adoption story. I've wanted a lizard of some sort for YEARS. But my mom said no more pets, even though lizards are my favorite animal. So in 2010, as it was approaching my birthday, my good friend Mario (he's my old boss and one of my best friends) asked what I wanted. Originally I said a tattoo. :lol: But the more I thought about it, wanted a way to get a lizard. So I did some asking around and finally my best friend Anna and her husband Zach said I could keep one at their house, which was perfect as they lived three blocks from me and I don't drive. I told Mario I wanted a lizard instead and he agreed that would be his birthday present to me. So I decided on a beardie and started looking around for one. I decided I wanted one with a reddish tinge and my good friend Katie said her professor breeded beardies. She in turn asked about pricing and what I wanted to spend and talked to her prof. So he agreed and sent me some pictures of juvies in my price range. I saw this one reddish one and the rest, as they say, is history. That was in November of 2010.

Now here it is March. Anna and Zach got a house and I moved in with them to watch their kids while they work. So now I actually see Yoshi everyday and he is getting more used to me, although he still gets frightened if I startle him. :roll:

He has been eating around 15 small crix a day but after reading the boards here, I put him in a feeder box today and let him go to town with the crix and he ate about 30 before he lost interest.

I'd love to meet some new beardie lovers as Yoshi and I are new to the site.
:blob5: Ashley :blob8:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thanx guys! And I got his outfit from eBay. I really need to stay away though, cuz there's so much cool stuff! HAHA.

I love Z-Pak. It's the greatest sinus/strep medicine ever. LOL


Sub-Adult Member
I'm posting on the behalf of Sashee, Yoshi has gone to the rainbow bridge. She has no idea what happened. She went home to give him crickets and found him in the cool side of his viv. She is very understandably upset and would post herself but she has to be at work by 2. Yoshi will be very much missed!


Extreme Poster
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! :cry: This was so completely unexpected!

RIP little Yoshi. :( Have fun with Wink over the rainbow brigde.


Gray-bearded Member
I am so sorry! I know how important Yoshi's is to you. I hope you know that this is not your fault, somethings just come out of the blue or are impossible to see. Don't blame yourself. I don't think you know that Yoshi was always in the backs of our minds. We are all here to help you wtih your loss. I am so sorry


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thank you all for your kind words to me and my sweet Yoshi. I somehow managed to make it through work today and I have to go to bed soon because I open tomorrow as well. My manager let me have an extended lunch and i was able to run home and get Yoshi's body up to the vet. The Dr isn't in til Monday but I'm having them do a necropsy to see what happened. I feel awful cuz I wasn't there, his bed wasn't in his viv for him to lay in (the leg was broken) and I feel like I should have been there. This was far too soon for my sweet boy to go and hopefully they can tell me SOMETHING. So sudden and extremely upsetting and unexpected. He was and always will be my baby. Before I took him in to the vet, I held him and kissed his haed and told him I was sorry I couldn't keep this from happening. I never knew TRUE heartbreak til now and I did not get to spend enough time with him. I feel like this is my fault, like I am a bad mom. But I loved him more than I've ever loved anything and I don't think I have ever cried this hard. My head hurts and I am just babbling now so I'm going to go to bed. I should be online at some point tomorrow evening. Thank you all again, so much. It means alot. RIP, my sweet Yoshi. Your Mommy loves you SO much.


Sub-Adult Member
Oh hun it wasnt your fault. Im so sorry for your loss.

If there wasnt so many states between us Id come give you a hug


Hatchling Member
Ashley, I am so sorry you lost Yoshi. Don't feel like you are a bad mommy, its exactly what happened to my girl, Nova at 8 months. So unexpected. I don't even know what to say, but stay strong. I know you're gonna miss him alot, but let him live on in Bowser and your heart. Just because he's gone doesn't mean his memories are. Once again, so sorry. **hugs** :(


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Ok, I talked to the vet. Basically what happened is that Yoshi had perforations in his stomach that ruptured and that is what killed him. Dr. Schrock says he was fine otherwise, there was no way for me to know and there was nothing I could have done, nor was it something I caused. He said he has NEVER seen this before except in dogs, simply becasue they will eat anything and often eat something sharp that pokes a hole in their stomach. He said Yoshi hadn't eaten anything bad, he was impressed with his stomach contents (gross) and he was full of good food. He said Yoshi felt fine until it happened and he was even eating right up until it happened, since his stomach was completely full. He said since this is not common, his best guess is that he had some kind of bacterial infection that was eating away at his stomach lining. He compared it to perforating ulcers and Septocemia (sp?) in humans. It was not a birth defect, nor is it contagious, so I don't have to worry about Bowser. He says he has no idea how he got the bacteria, because it's not like parasites that are transmitted through crix or something. (My mom asked if it could have been cuz I took him to the water park and something was in the water. I'm like, "Thanx Mom. Now I feel ****ty again.") He told me that the only way to be 100% sure is to send off bloodwork but that is hella expensive and he's pretty certain it was a bacterial infection. The way he looked when I found him, I believe he had died Thursday night because by the time I got to him, he had clearly been gone a while. Dr. Shrock said this is just some freak thing that happened and he's never seen it before and will probably never see it again.


Extreme Poster
Soooooo sorry for your loss, I just buried my sweet girl Envy too. I know how hard it is to second guess everything and feel guilty but things happen beyond our control in humans and animals...hang in there...At least you got some answers, and as we know a full beardie is a happy one so hopefully you can find peace in that!
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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