Yellow mouth...what could it be?

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My beardie that is about 2 1/2 years old recently woke up for brumating about a month. Past few days he's back to his regular eating habits and has drank water and I've tubbed him.

I have noticed that his mouth is yellow now though. The upper as well as the gums. I don't know if this is mouth rot (from what I read mouth rot is whitish and cottage cheese like), but he hasn't sustained injury at all and seems to be eating fine. He does have alittle drool when he threatens me (only in his cage he's fine once he's out).

I can get some pictures if you need them but any info would be helpful, I'd take him to the vet but don't have the time I'm going to be out of town for a week with xmas coming up.


Original Poster
Yes it's the gums area, my friend thought it might be plaque but it didn't come off with q-tips and water. All my other beardies have pink gums and he never had yellow gums before he brumated.
I did take him to the vet tonight and the vet thinks it's nothing to worry about, but if anyone has any other ideas, just so I have more info if this happens to another of my beardies.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Well, it could be liver related, but unless a bloodtest is done, you wont know for sure just by looking at him.
Also, they do have pigmentation that can be anywhere from pink to yellowish in the mouth as they mature so it is most likely nothing to worry about.
A picture, would be helpful though. :D



Original Poster

This is the best picture I have of it. The vet mentioned possible liver failure but he didn't think it was likely because Drama is otherwise very healthy and not showing any other signs.
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