X ray of my beardie

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Beardie name(s)
So Thursday night I picked up my beardie and the tail was thrashing (her?) Mouth was open. Friday was spent in the net with maybe no food. We both work long hours with no one here to watch all the time. By Saturday both hind legs were dragging and there were these episodes on legs locked mouth wide open not breathing. Then would come out of it panting hard. X rays show mbd but we never had a conversation with a vet trained for bearded dragons. We've been given pain meds but no news of a break anywhere . If anyone knows of a vet in berks county or Leighton county that I can go to it would be greatly appreciated.


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Beardie name(s)
Flagging post to drache613 - she can read x-rays- please go over the uvb your using - coil or a long tube fixture - this is usually the cause of mbd- here is a website to find a reptile vet-- www.arav.org
If your in a small town type in a bigger cities zip code
We updated the uvb unit to a two bulb system. Mbd confirmed but I'm suspicious of a break.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
We updated the uvb unit to a two bulb system. Mbd confirmed but I'm suspicious of a break.
What is a two bulb system - if it's a coil it's no good- you want a long tube fixture like a zoo med or a Arcadia pro T 5 - what size tank?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
It's a ten gallon tank with a dual dome. One is the heat lamp the other is a 10.0 uvb bulb. Made by thrive that you find at PetSmart.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
It's a ten gallon tank with a dual dome. One is the heat lamp the other is a 10.0 uvb bulb. Made by thrive that you find at PetSmart.
Please get your dragon into a bigger tank- a 10 gallon tank is not even big enough for a baby and it is hard to keep temps in something that small- the uvb is a terrible uvb and needs to be replaced as soon as possible - how old is the dragon? I need to post links and info for you to get your dragon on the path to good health- but I need to know the age of the dragon + it needs to be moved to at least a 40 gallon for now


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
The the $900 vet bill we just paid up grading is going to be a bit. It's planned out just not affordable. We got our bearded 4/30 from PetSmart so we are unsure how old or age. We go have a 36 inch by 30 inch That can hold 45 gallons started to be built just waiting on. Things to cure before it's pet safe.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The the $900 vet bill we just paid up grading is going to be a bit. It's planned out just not affordable. We got our bearded 4/30 from PetSmart so we are unsure how old or age. We go have a 36 inch by 30 inch That can hold 45 gallons started to be built just waiting on. Things to cure before it's pet safe.
Please get a plastic tote and move the dragon in that- even a 20 will be do able-- I am sorry about the vet bill but that vet should of gone over the husbandry - he is way to big for the 10 gallon- please look on FB marketplace or craigslist for another tank - optimal tank for a full size dragon is 120 gallon - but he needs to be moved- I am guessing he's a juvenile now-- how big was he when you got him- do you have pics of him? Please post - I am going to post all kinds of info for you tomorrow morning for your dragon-- surface basking temps and uvb are the most important thing in your tank - it controls the overall health and behavior of your dragon


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
i went to Philly just to find a vet open. Their exotics team couldn't be bothered to respond from a call at 12 am till 8 am the next morning. I have been left with no answers other than mbd.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
View attachment 72709 i went to Philly just to find a vet open. Their exotics team couldn't be bothered to respond from a call at 12 am till 8 am the next morning. I have been left with no answers other than mbd.
We need Tracie to look at the x-rays- how are you getting surface basking temps-- I see only a stick on- what is the light bar on the back wall?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
The light bar is for at night so we can see if beardie rolls and needs intervention. I haven't been watching surface temps. Not sure how my fiance has he's the experienced owner.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
The light bar is for at night so we can see if beardie rolls and needs intervention. I haven't been watching surface temps. Not sure how my fiance has he's the experienced owner.
Dragons need cool temps and dark - any light will keep them awake all night - not good - temps in the tank at night should be 65-75 ambient - beardie roll? Is the dragon flipping on his back? The dragon is suffering from neurological issues which would be lack of uvb - they haft to have this to absorb/ synthesize the calcium they are eating - this is where a good uvb comes in and coils are inadequate -


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Pretty sure the rolling is from the pain meds and not being able to use back legs and tail for balance. Hence the x-ray.
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