Worried about our dragon not eating


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

He is looking a lot better! That's wonderful his breathing has improved & he is eating crickets.
It sounds like he is on the road to recovery now, that is wonderful!



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Hey all...so we took Hookfang to the vet for his follow-up appt yesterday. He gained one gram and doc agrees he's looking better. But we are not out of the woods yet, he does have a respiratory infection so he's on antibiotics and we are dropping off a stool sample for other testing. Since he's eating crickets on his own, we can wean him off the critical care. He is still very little so doc said if all he can handle is 4-6 crickets a day that's good. He also suggested we keep up with soaking him as that's when he drinks water.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Hey all...so we took Hookfang to the vet for his follow-up appt yesterday. He gained one gram and doc agrees he's looking better. But we are not out of the woods yet, he does have a respiratory infection so he's on antibiotics and we are dropping off a stool sample for other testing. Since he's eating crickets on his own, we can wean him off the critical care. He is still very little so doc said if all he can handle is 4-6 crickets a day that's good. He also suggested we keep up with soaking him as that's when he drinks water.
I would continue with the critical care also. Antibiotics can kill their appetite. The critical care will keep him going if that happens. Also it's packed full of vitamins and minerals.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I would continue with the critical care also. Antibiotics can kill their appetite. The critical care will keep him going if that happens. Also it's packed full of vitamins and minerals.
Thank you....will do that since he has to be on this antibiotic for a month.


BD.org Sicko
Oh no, how did the vet determine that he has an R.I ? Was he hyperventilating at the vet's maybe ? One month of antibiotics is a lot for a baby that not eating well.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

I agree! A month of antibiotics for a baby is quite awhile. I feel that may be too long, & it really
messes with their immune system & appetite, too.
Which antibiotic did they prescribe?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

I agree! A month of antibiotics for a baby is quite awhile. I feel that may be too long, & it really
messes with their immune system & appetite, too.
Which antibiotic did they prescribe?

Unfortunately, I can't remember the antibiotic's name (I'm at work) but will post as soon as I get home. We are to give him .01 ml every 48 hrs. Agreed on his appetite suppressed with the antibiotic, the day after we gave it to him, he didn't eat much but today his appetite was back. He's due for another dose this evening.
The poop culture came back negative and we are still waiting for lab results.
I showed the vet videos I took of Hookfang gasping and he also looked at his mouth and saliva. We have a follow-up appt next week.


BD.org Sicko
You had mentioned that he stopped the gaping a few days ago. So if he was doing it then but not now it could have just been a passing thing. I'm afraid that increased vet visits and a powerful antibiotic will take away his appetite but hopefully won't. Was the a.b Baytril ] enrofloxacin ] or Amoxicillin ?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
You had mentioned that he stopped the gaping a few days ago. So if he was doing it then but not now it could have just been a passing thing. I'm afraid that increased vet visits and a powerful antibiotic will take away his appetite but hopefully won't. Was the a.b Baytril ] enrofloxacin ] or Amoxicillin ?
Unfortunately, he started doing it again and at one point we saw a bubble. I think it might be Trimethoprim sulfa...but not 100% sure.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Yes, that is very good he still has his appetite then, so hopefully he wont lose any weight.
The Trimethoprim Sulfa is a good medication but can be hard on the system so keep him well hydrated.
Hopefully his symptoms will dissipate soon!


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