Worried about our dragon not eating


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
So today during his feeding I noticed that for the first time he had saliva, his mouth has been so dry. Is this a good thing??
He also at times takes a deep breath in and exhales out of his open mouth. Is this normal?
Sounds like hes gaping and thats good - hes adjusting his body temp


BD.org Sicko
As long as he's not doing it repeatedly. But yes, gaping is fine but keep on the watch that he doesn't aspirate any of the C.C formula. Is his basking temp. around 100 ?


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As long as he's not doing it repeatedly. But yes, gaping is fine but keep on the watch that he doesn't aspirate any of the C.C formula. Is his basking temp. around 100 ?
Yes his temp is at around 100. Although we've noticed when he's basking he tends to go on his rock but under the his branch...or he stays on the lowest part of his branch.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
So today during his feeding I noticed that for the first time he had saliva, his mouth has been so dry. Is this a good thing??
He also at times takes a deep breath in and exhales out of his open mouth. Is this normal?
Saliva is normal, if it is stringy though, it's a sign of dehydration. Deep breaths are normal


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
PXL_20240904_233331803.TS~3 - Trim.mp4
Here is a link to a video of Hookfang. He has been gasping like this every 3-4 minutes for a while now. 😟
Yeah that isn't normal, you probably got some of the critical care down the wrong way.
If you are using a syringe, switch to an eyedropper. You can mix the critical care with just a little more water so it works in the eyedropper.
You have to be extremely careful with liquids to not aspirate them, and a syringe just doesn't offer the control an eyedropper does.
When administering any kind of liquid, go slow at their pace and NEVER force it. It's even more important with babies.
As far as little Hookfang, keep a close eye on him for stress marks, black bearding, or being lethargic. Also listen for any rasping or popping in his breathing. Or any kibd of mucus. If you see any of that, get him to a vet. Otherwise keep him a little warmer at night, just in case. If a respiratory infection sets in it may take a few days for symptoms to occur so just be diligent in watching him.
Oh and if you can find plastic eyedroppers it's better, they can bite hard enough to break the glass ones.
Keep us posted on the lil guy please.


Original Poster
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Yeah that isn't normal, you probably got some of the critical care down the wrong way.
If you are using a syringe, switch to an eyedropper. You can mix the critical care with just a little more water so it works in the eyedropper.
You have to be extremely careful with liquids to not aspirate them, and a syringe just doesn't offer the control an eyedropper does.
When administering any kind of liquid, go slow at their pace and NEVER force it. It's even more important with babies.
As far as little Hookfang, keep a close eye on him for stress marks, black bearding, or being lethargic. Also listen for any rasping or popping in his breathing. Or any kibd of mucus. If you see any of that, get him to a vet. Otherwise keep him a little warmer at night, just in case. If a respiratory infection sets in it may take a few days for symptoms to occur so just be diligent in watching him.
Oh and if you can find plastic eyedroppers it's better, they can bite hard enough to break the glass ones.
Keep us posted on the lil guy please.
yeah I think I might have gotten some in/on his nose today 😟
I will switch to an eye dropper immediately. Just when we were seeing progress...this makes is so sad. I've been staring at him and he seems to have calmed down enough to go to his sleeping spot. I will keep his lights on a bit longer tonight. Will keep you all posted.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
yeah I think I might have gotten some in/on his nose today 😟
I will switch to an eye dropper immediately. Just when we were seeing progress...this makes is so sad. I've been staring at him and he seems to have calmed down enough to go to his sleeping spot. I will keep his lights on a bit longer tonight. Will keep you all posted.
If you have a heat emitter, I'd probably run that at night for a few nights. Try to keep him up around 78 to 80 degrees.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

He should have a little bit of saliva, sure, but
not excessive.
When does he exhale deeply, when he is basking? They sometimes do forced exhalation when they are basking, simply to cool off & thermoregulate.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

He should have a little bit of saliva, sure, but
not excessive.
When does he exhale deeply, when he is basking? They sometimes do forced exhalation when they are basking, simply to cool off & thermoregulate.

Yes he does it when basking. He slept well and woke up alert and had 3 crickets. He is rubbing his face against his rock. He's still taking the deep breaths and he hasn't pooped in two days


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Yes he does it when basking. He slept well and woke up alert and had 3 crickets. He is rubbing his face against his rock. He's still taking the deep breaths and he hasn't pooped in two days
Are you offering salads? How is he getting water? He should be pooping once a day of not twice when this young-- did you get some BSFL for him to lure him to the salad bowl?


Original Poster
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Are you offering salads? How is he getting water? He should be pooping once a day of not twice when this young-- did you get some BSFL for him to lure him to the salad bowl?
yes, we offer him salads of mustard greens and butternut squash with the BSFL. He just wont go for it at all, but offer it every day. He's getting some water through his critical care and soaking.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
yes, we offer him salads of mustard greens and butternut squash with the BSFL. He just wont go for it at all, but offer it every day. He's getting some water through his critical care and soaking.
Ok so lets try some super worms they come in small medium and large --- try 1-3 on his salads - we want him to eat some of those salads -- most babies love BSFL this is disappointing -- if hes drinking during the soaking hes getting water - he has to actually drink it -- what does his poop and urate look like?

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