Regular water can be given by eye dropper or dropped on his nose --- w/ the lighting and temps corrected he should start eating on his own - offer his food to him using the BSFL on the salads - rinse your salads before serving them --- he will get hydration thru them -- bathing is only going to stress him out -- you want him to start adjusting to his tank and surroundings -- the correct temps and UVB will help --- you should notice a difference in his behavior w/ the lighting being on par right away -- watch his poops the urate should be moist white and firm poop dark moist and firm - if the urate is dry and chalky looking hes dehydratedthank you so much! We will definitely upgrade soon.
Now that we have the light corrected, should I keep giving him critical care, 3ml a day? Was it also suggested that I give him scrambled eggs?
and soak with a little bit of Pedialyte??