- Beardie name(s)
- Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Wow he has grown so much. In my experience my males have always hated changing their habitats way more than my females. Zen used to pout for a couple weeks when I moved anything. Your boy will adjust with a little time.Hey there...it doesn't seem like Hookfang was taking too well to his new tank/setup. So we moved things around and put his old familiar basking spot in. I know it's winter time and they become a bit lazy, and also a change in the tank and setup could cause him to be acting a bit "down". He also just had a big whole-body shed. And looks like his hind legs are about to shed again. He has explored but very little. He is mostly behind his basking spot or just pancaking in the middle of the tank or in the cooler part of the tank.
We got a new UVB light since we had the other one for over 6 months and upgraded the basking bulb to 150 watts. The lights are about 13 inches from the top of his basking spot and sit on top of the screen. This screen is much thicker than the one on his old tank. The digital temperature reading is basking 103 and the humidity 35. If we use the temp gun these are the readings we are getting, 76 in the shade, 79 in the light on the far right, 89 where he is sitting now, 93 about 4" above the basking rock, and 115 on the basking surface.
Since we've moved him, he's only pooped once every other day when he was usually pooping twice a day. His breathing seems to be a little faster than normal and his chin seems darker too. Not quite total black bearding but it's darker.
His diet is around 6-8 med/large crickets twice daily and around 20-22 larvae in his salad also twice daily. The salad is arugula and butternut squash. We dust with calcium daily and multivitamin 3x a week during the morning feeding. He eats mostly on his own, but we do end up hand-feeding him any remaining larvae before we take the bowl out for the evening. He also drinks water out of the pipet during feedings, but that seems to have slowed down too.
He is still very skittish about being held.This makes us sad, but we are being patient with him. He does recognize us and lets us pet him, but very little.
Do we monitor and give him more time to adjust?
Should we find a way to attach the UVB light inside the tank instead of mounting it on top?
Should we have a higher wattage for the basking light?
Should we add a ceramic heat emitter?
What else can we do to make him comfortable and happy?
As for a higher wattage bulb it just depends on your basking temp. If it's low you can raise the wattage. Otherwise it should be ok.
The tank looks like it's probably 18 inches tall, if so I'd leave the uvb above the screen. Without a solarmeter to measure with, the best we can do is guess on the uvb. I run Arcadia lights and at 7 or 8 inches the uv index reads up near 20, thats way to much. 4.5 to 5 is more what we need to aim for. So if you put it under the screen the light is an inch or so thick, your basking platform is 3 or 4 inches so if your tank is 18, you'll already be as close as 13 inches. With good bulbs you could already be getting into over exposure.
The meters are pricey but they can help you dial in the uvb.