Hello, we are new beardie parents. We adopted Hookfang on July 20th. They believe he was about 3 months old at that time. We feed him BSFL, kale, and butternut squash. We noticed he was just not eating. We initially had reptile bark in his enclosure but have since replaced it with paper towels. We thought he was eating his bugs, but they were escaping and hiding in the bark. He is really skinny and just won't eat. We are giving him Critical Care (about 3ML) a day and a soak for about 10 mins. He is reluctant to eat so we are force-feeding. Today he finally pooped but it was really watery. Can someone tell us if we are doing everything okay and/or if there is anything we should do? We're already so attached to him and we are so worried.
The first picture is when we got him in July. The second picture was taken on 8/25.
The first picture is when we got him in July. The second picture was taken on 8/25.