Anyone else order from them whats with these worms in with my crickets there was about 10 or more in my box of 1000 not to mention a lot were dead? Favorite places to order crickets anyone? I'm in Ohio if that helps
ReptileAddiction":3oe6t974 said:You can feed them to your dragon if you wanted.
Matticus":3oe6t974 said:I was not too sure, so I flushed those suckers (the worms) down the toilet.
Burra":1c7tx8w0 said:Tossing any live animal outside is never a good idea if it isn't a species that already lives there. It will either die slowly, or you could be introducing a species that has no predators in your area that causes a problem. This is why you are not supposed to move firewood from place to place, you can move bad bugs with you.
Being that Flukers stated it was a "problem" with their feed, I also would have got rid of them. It sounds like they are not cleanup beetles or they would have told you as such. Freezing them would be humane, if you were looking for a humane way to do it.