Won't eat anything other than mealworms

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Hatchling Member
Beardeddtagonlover":wp65pw85 said:
Right don't refridgerate will kill them care sheet that I follow it says to keep worms between 70 to 80 f not cooler then 70 oatmeal or wheatbran as substrate fruits and vegetables and water crystals is what give them so far no worms have died also as far as I know super worms won't pupilate unless there isolated and without food I had my worms for a,week now

so should I buy 50 or 100 small superworms for a trial run (with heating pack because it's winter)

beardie is only 9-10 inches after 6 months.


Hatchling Member
I bought that my beardie doesn't like it he likes dubias and super worms he don't eat that much like 10 to 15 Dubias a day give or take How many super worms I give him today I only gave him 3 super worms and,ate 10 Dubias and I left 20 more dubias and salad in case he gets hungry later


Hatchling Member
Beardeddtagonlover":hcs1i3xk said:
I bought that my beardie doesn't like it he likes dubias and super worms he don't eat that much like 10 to 15 Dubias a day give or take How many super worms I give him today I only gave him 3 super worms and,ate 10 Dubias and I left 20 more dubias and salad in case he gets hungry later

So better to start with something like 50 small ones then just in case she doesn't like them correct?


Hatchling Member
ordered one container of 50 butter worms off the mulberry farms ( i think that's the site) website as they currently had them in stock along with one of their heating packs. As my mailbox downstairs is inside i told them not to hold them at the post office since USPS has access to my condo's mailing facilities.

Going to try to feed a few of those to my girl when they get here as an alternative to the mealworms that she's been eating for protein as she won't eat crickets and roaches are a no no through my HOA. I don't know how easy it would be to control BSFL as they can't be refrigerated so i'm hesitant to go that route as well.

wish me luck as she's still undersized at six months being only 9-10 inches right now, however some of her skin is starting to turn grey so she may be going for another shed again hopefully.


Sub-Adult Member
Just to warn you butterworms are treats, but it would probably be good to have as a occasional treat.

I've personally found BSFL very easy to deal with, just feed the black/darker colored ones off first as those will be the ones about to turn into flys.
They tend to last quite a while, although they are a bit small so it takes a bit more to fully fill up a beardie. (When I mean small, I mean even the large ones are small, the medium ones I dont even want to imagine how tiny they are)

Some people say you don't have to feed them but I'm iffy on that, after all you should always gutload your food before hand right?


Hatchling Member
if your beardie is size deficient for their age that's probably a good Idea I agree. You probably wouldn't need to gut load them that MUCH but you're right it's still a good idea.

I also agree that these would probably be more treatworthy, instead of staple due to their cost. Hoping this will help get her some of her growth as some random beardie downed about 20-30 or more mealworms this morning as i placed them one by one in her enclosure on the ceramic tile section watching to ensure when she ate each of them before adding another.

there's also supposed to be a reptile expo about 30-45 minutes from me in April. I'm considering going but i don't like to drive to Cincinnati. A couple coworkers who I've found into reptiles at work, one owning two beardies (their uncle is also very knowledgeable about reptiles) and the friend of hers that is thinking about getting a ball python stated we might all carpool up there if schedules work out.

If it works out maybe i can get a deal on feeders there that would last me a bit.


Hatchling Member
my beardie goes through phases like this, what i do is feed her a worm and while she is chewing it i take kale or backchoy and slide it in her mouth, she eats it happily this way but it takes some effort. i also use green beans with calcium powder on them, they kinda look like a worm so maybe that's why but if she is on a hunger strike she mostly always eats green beans this way they need to be cooked, she wont eat the beans if they are raw, i boil them in a pot before feeding


Hatchling Member
I noticed my beardie's appetite changes he goes in phases of eating a lot and then not as much but just like us if you give him something he really likes he will eat it anyways just like us we always have room for dessert,beardie is probably not that hungry but will eat mealworms


Hatchling Member
I kept my superworms for 2 months until i threw out the ones i had left there kitin turns hard after a while i started with 500 i gave some away not that hard to take care of


Hatchling Member
ive been serving horned worms far more often. sindragosa will eat 6 large horned worms in each sitting and there are times she eats twice a day... they get expensive.


Hatchling Member
sorry for the reply so late superworms need to be 75 to 80 degrees no more then 80 and no less then 75 if its winter put it near a heater i bought 500 of them trough LLL reptile thats the minimum you can buy Flukers was out at the time they lasted me 2 months i gave some away as well all i did is i put them in a plastic container with some ventilation and use quick oats as the substrate and fed fruits and veggies i also gave them water crystals if you can buy 100 thats good you dont want to give your beardie to many.
Everything i`ve researched says to stay away from meal worms, i order superworms now and my beardie loves them, i just ordered dubia roaches since my little buddy has stoped eating his crickets, wish me luck on the roaches as i have a severe phobia of them from a child hood experience, i also feed draco horn worms a few times each month he absolutely loves them and black soldier fly larvie cause after extensive research ive learned they carry an acid in them which kills parasites that beardies can get in their digestive track
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