Thanks for sharing
Today we had a somewhat similar situation:
It was "no bugs day" (for my adult dragon Taco; I don't feed insects daily anymore and I do the "no bug days" a bit randomly so he can't guess when they come). He was just basking and watching a construction site through the window, when my husband came in with a parcel. Suddenly, Taco's interest shifted
very much from the construction site to what's going on with the parcel my husband started to open at the kitchen table

Taco fully turned around, watching. Taco tilted his head even more as my husband had cut open the parcel, started taking out its content... A sweatshirt, a mouse pad (Christmas gifts from his employer)... Taco looked again, jumped down from where he was basking, looked (again) into his empty bug bowl very carefully, and there was clear disappointment. He then ate some of his live food plants.
Why the disappointment?
The parcel had the same size and color of those normally Taco's bugs arrive in

(Also, it is rare we get a parcel as ordering online isn't very much a thing here, so most of the parcels arriving are indeed feeders.) And there is a "no bug day" often right before the new bugs arrive.
Smart guy, but just this time you were not right