Why is my bearded dragon doing this?

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Ok so, my bearded laid eggs she did not like the lay box and she laid her eggs under her reptile mat, there are all slugs as she has never been in contact with a male, I am pretty sure she got them all out but is there any way just for safety to check if they are all out?


Original Poster
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Ok so, my bearded laid eggs she did not like the lay box and she laid her eggs under her reptile mat, there are all slugs as she has never been in contact with a male, I am pretty sure she got them all out but is there any way just for safety to check if they are all out?
Also looks like at least one burst as all the yolk is all over the floor of her cage


BD.org Sicko
How is she acting ? If she seems just a little tired or acting normal that's fine. If she's black bearding it could mean distress related to egg retention. How many eggs were there ?

A busted egg yoke is not uncommon because beardies use their feet to try + cover the egg even if there's no dirt so they sometimes scratch an egg open.


Original Poster
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How is she acting ? If she seems just a little tired or acting normal that's fine. If she's black bearding it could mean distress related to egg retention. How many eggs were there ?

A busted egg yoke is not uncommon because beardies use their feet to try + cover the egg even if there's no dirt so they sometimes scratch an egg open.
Her beard is good, all bright, however she has been black on her full body since around the time she laid her eggs, she laid around 14-15 eggs


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
How is she acting ? If she seems just a little tired or acting normal that's fine. If she's black bearding it could mean distress related to egg retention. How many eggs were there ?

A busted egg yoke is not uncommon because beardies use their feet to try + cover the egg even if there's no dirt so they sometimes scratch an egg open.
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