Why is my aprox 11 month old bearded dragon so small?


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Yeah that's understandable. How many insects per day would you say that he eats and what size ?
Pancake usually eats around 30+ per 10 mins 2 times a day. The mealworms are small-extra small, no bigger than the space between their eyes. Same with the roaches.


BD.org Sicko
That sounds like a good amount, the tiny mealworms aren't that great for beardies but as long as he gets more dubias that should balance things out. Are the dubia size the same you fed him as a 6" ? If so, you can move up a size since Pancake is bigger.


Original Poster
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That sounds like a good amount, the tiny mealworms aren't that great for beardies but as long as he gets more dubias that should balance things out. Are the dubia size the same you fed him as a 6" ? If so, you can move up a size since Pancake is bigger.
I breed mealworms so it’s nice to have my own stock for Pancake and my other reptiles etc. because Petsmart is the only store with feeders within 1 hour, one way from me. 😬

The dubias are a little bit bigger than the ones Pancake was getting when they were 6” but not by much. I’ll plan on getting bigger ones when and if Pancake gets bigger. 🤞


BD.org Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
It could be also that the breeder didn't provide enough food or correct environment for your baby. Their growth rate depends on it. Hopefully your beardie makes up for lost time now that it has a good home.(if that was yhe case).

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