Why beardies sleep in awkward positions

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Hatchling Member
I've read on many occasions about beardies sleeping in the most bizarre positions. Standing up, dangling from basking spots, squeezed into corners...

It's funny and all that, but I figured there'd be a reason why they do this.

First thing I could think off: they can't see in the dark!

In the wild, they'd see the sun setting, and head out for a good sleeping spot.
In their vivs however, its *click* lights out. Since they can't see in the dark, they don't have a clue where they are, where their sleeping spot is, or how to get there.So there's only one option left: sleep where you're standing.

Since most of them seem to wander around a bit, I'm guessing they do try to find their sleeping spot, but give up pretty fast...

What do you think?


Hatchling Member
mine has only found her hide 1 time in a year. i need to place her there after she falls asleap. she knows where it is, but she may just be lazy lol


Mine has fallen asleep vertically up against the glass doors.... :p

His back legs were holding on the to runners for the glass and he was stopping himself falling back by holding on the velcro strip on the side of the tank where the door slides up to. (i did this to stop the door slamming too hard and it also stops heat escaping the warm side.


Gray-bearded Member
i thought about the idea of them not being able to see so i made it a point to leave the living room lights on so there is some light when his lights go off and pretty much got the same results. The one thing i noticed is that he will position himself so that something blocks the light from hitting his face. It is pretty funny really. you will see a whole beardie body and tail but his head is wedged behind a rock or a branch. lol I think that they are just very good sleepers and as long as it's dark, they are quite content


Juvie Member
My light fixture has a glow in the dark coating. It acts like moonlight, Vinny can see her way around to where she wants to sleep even after I turn the lights out. And I still find her in odd places.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
beardlover":ea578 said:
My light fixture has a glow in the dark coating. It acts like moonlight, Vinny can see her way around to where she wants to sleep even after I turn the lights out. And I still find her in odd places.

Maybe I'll just have to conclude beardies just really are weird animals :D

that's why I really really want one! (5 more months until I have the time/space/money for one!)


Hatchling Member
when i sit in bed at night dino will run around the bed an crawl up onto my shoulder and behind my head an neck area so the light doesnt get to him. im always scared ill move an squish him though so i put him in my eye pro case an zip it up half way an he stays there for the night
ive been wondering this for a few weeks and finally came up with a good explanation.
i think its a natural defense mechanism because both of my dragons, if they can, will squeeze in somewhere that is covering there back or at least there head. i think they know its safer to sleep behind, under, or wedged against something because that way it is much harder for a predator to see them ya dig.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
colorourselves":3545d said:
ive been wondering this for a few weeks and finally came up with a good explanation.
i think its a natural defense mechanism because both of my dragons, if they can, will squeeze in somewhere that is covering there back or at least there head. i think they know its safer to sleep behind, under, or wedged against something because that way it is much harder for a predator to see them ya dig.

if that's the case, why would they sleep standing up in an open corner instead of under a decent log/in a decent cave?


Hatchling Member
I've concluded they're very weird species. Our dragon occasionally puts himself to bed..many times while his light is on..he'll fall asleep completely vertical. Once, he was hanging from the top of the cage..that's the weirdest position yet. haha.


Nappy has a routine. He's very OCD and if his sleeping arrangment isn't just right he'll let me know about it until it is :) I have a washcloth in one corner and it's half drapped around a 'hammock' and half on the ground so it makes like a little cavern. Every night Napoleon will walk his viv making sure of no harm :roll: and then scoops his way into the blanket covering him completely and then the top fold of the wash cloth falls ontop of him making him a burrito :p

But as for awkward positions...he used to fall asleep on his basking hammocks (not so much anymore) and every so often in the middle of the night one of the suction cups would come undone and he'd be hangin upside down like a bat. Passed out. Not having a clue. ADORABLE.


Juvie Member
Nappy":5b4ad said:
But as for awkward positions...he used to fall asleep on his basking hammocks (not so much anymore) and every so often in the middle of the night one of the suction cups would come undone and he'd be hangin upside down like a bat. Passed out. Not having a clue. ADORABLE.

Haha, that reminds me of Vinny...yesterday morning she was out cold in her tank, I picked her up and brought her to snuggle in bed with me. She didn't wake up until about 20 minutes later - so confused as to how she got where she was.....then she closed her eyes and snuggled up again haha


Sub-Adult Member
I know exactly why they do it.

They do it to make their slaves worry as to whether they've done everything right.

Tsam nearly always sleeps under his ledge, but I have occasionally found him screwed into a little ball in his daytime tunnel (it's too small to sleep in properly). Kyle on the other hand either sleeps in her tunnel or shoves her head under one of her climbing sticks.
I've also had both of them fall asleep with as little as a spare sock over their eyes - I once found her trying to sleep under the TV table - she could only wedge the end of her nose under...
Merlin goes to sleep as soon as it's lights out time. He's the best behaved "baby" that I've ever had in that respect. A friend of mine has pet chincilla's that keeps her up at night sometimes. She's a little jealous of Merlin's light off bed time behavior.


I don't know why but they sure do. It seems like they get themselves into the most uncomfortable positions ever to sleep, like mine had his back two legs on the bottom of his viv, and had his back at a 45 degree angle going up the glass, like damn that has to hurt.
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