Who all has Leopard Geckos? *Stella Pics!! 10/17*

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Extreme Poster
I'm getting one soon! :D Just have a couple questions:

  • What are your feeding schedules? I'm going to use dubia, meal worms, and crickets. I'm going to see if I can get some Phoenix worms too.
  • What do you use for heat? I have a UTH I want to use, but IDK what dimmers/thermostats are good to use.
  • Do you like males or females better? Why?

And feel free to post pics of your setups! :mrgreen: I need some inspiration LOL!


I have two, they mainly eat crickets, occasionally a couple wax worms. We gave them some tiny meal worms once a while ago, and when they pooped the worms came out, undigested and clumped together o_O we feed them every other day.

We have a uth thing we only use on colder days or when the temperature is off for whatever reason. mainly we have a heat light for them.

I prefer my male to my female because my female is really really mean o_O' we're not totally sure why. Plus my male has better coloring in my opinion, and he's a sweetheart.


^^thats my male, Taquito :3


Their setup, though after sheds I take the rocks out of the middle and put in a humidity box thingy. And I don't use the sticky thermometer on the back :p ignore it.


Extreme Poster
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Aww, he's adorable!

Yeah, I'm kind leaning towards a male since I heard that the females lay eggs like beardies do. It's sucha hard decision though... If I get a female I could possibly adopt another at some point and have them live together, and I don't have any female pets right now! The males get a little bigger and don't lay eggs, but you can't keep them together at all. :|


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Most people seem to feed them crickets and mealies, but the caresheets I've been reading say that they can eat dubia too. I don't see why they wouldn't like dubia, and they are healthier than crickets anyways!

I emailed two CL adds for leos up for adoption! One had three tangerine/lavander babies, and the other had a free adult they were rehoming. :mrgreen:

By leo better eat dubia... Or else my colony is going to achieve world domination in no time, at the rate it's multiplying!


Hatchling Member
Good luck on getting your Leo.=3
I take care of my little sister's since she has school and whatnot,and I can safely say they are MUCH easier to take care of than Beardies.However,since they're nocturnal,you....probably won't see them much during the day.


Sub-Adult Member
I just got a leo, he's (only 3 weeks old so I dont know the gender, hoping for a he) great so far! I started feeding crickets and dubia's, but once he got a taste of dubia's he would not go back to the crickets. He's in a extra long critter keeper for now since he's so small, with a UTH on half and paper towel for substrate. They are so cute!


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I'm going to get her on Saturday! :D

Just wondering, what do you guys use for humid hides? I can't figure out what's best. :|
I was doing some more research and there's a lot of conflicting info on leos too. How do you guys feel about housing them together? I've seen people say to keep them seperate for the same reasons as beardies, and other who will keep groups or pairs together. I was sorta considering whether or not I could adopt one of here sisters, but IDK. I'll probably stick with one for now, but I had kind of wanted two eventually. I'll do whatever is best for them though. :)


Sub-Adult Member
Well I have never kept two together, so I have no input on that..

But for a humid hide, I just used a ziplock bread container (with the cover on) turned over with a hole cut in the front for them to get in and out. For now I have to use shredded, misted paper towels (changed daily) inside, but its best to use moss and mist it daily. I am going to the store this weekend to pick some up.


Extreme Poster
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I just picked her up last night! She is SO adorable! She is kind of shy though. I'll post some pictures of her when she emerges from her cave!


Extreme Poster
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Bringing her home:

Exploring her viv:




Humid hide pics! She just discovered it today, so I took it out to get some good pictures of her.






And here is her viv. You can't see it very well thanks to the lovely glare though.



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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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