whidby island dragon is here! (ROCKY)

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BD.org Addict
Okay, I couldn't take it any longer. I just donated $100 to the fund. Morgan, I am hoping you can go get this poor little guy.
I am also hoping that you have a caring vet that may possibly give you a break on the care this beardie is going to need. Explain the situation to your vet and ask if you can make payments. Maybe we can get Tracie to put this thread and the donation fund somewhere else on the boards for more exposure.


Hatchling Member
why can't someone go with the humane society over there and pick the poor thing up? did you tell the officer that you knew someone willing to take it in (i assume you probalby did, but....) to me that's animal control not doing their jobs... i wonder if they got a lot of complaints if they would change their tune?


Juvie Member
I haven't been getting notified of this topic anymore for some reason... Dawn that is such an amazing thing to do. Can someone update me on what's going on - has he been located - recovered? The police should not need a place to put him to force the man to hand him over to one of us? Rowen you think maybe you should suggest that to the officer you spoke to? I hope the vet that he can get taken to is knowledgable and not one of those oh sorry there nothing we can do vets.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Dawn, that was extremely generous of you.
When are you picking up the dragon (Tastiger?), soon?
I am going to try to get my hubby to put a general donate button on my site & I will post a link on this thread (if that is alright) to try & help out more.
You are a very kind soul, to this very sad dragon.



Extreme Poster
Original Poster
dawn i could just kiss you! thank you so much im txting him this moment and telling him im picking this guy up tomarrow


Juvie Member
Just donated towards his rehibalitation :mrgreen: I'll do more when I can!! Ps I love this site and all the big hearts!! :love10: :love5: :notworthy:


Extreme Poster
I can't wait until you get him home, Tastiger!! :love5: This is seriously the most amazing forum ever. Keep us updated, I'm SO happy for him!


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
so i totally cant sleep i still start crying when i think about how great you guys are the plan is (even if he doesnt text me back accepting the offer)to catch the farry around 4pm and drive up there. im debating if i should have animal control meet me to come see the dragon
argolupin":3vj54mzb said:
why can't someone go with the humane society over there and pick the poor thing up? did you tell the officer that you knew someone willing to take it in (i assume you probalby did, but....) to me that's animal control not doing their jobs... i wonder if they got a lot of complaints if they would change their tune?
as far as we know no officer has been in contact with them the dragon is still at their house. :banghead:


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
ill write a summary because i really cant sleep :blob5:
about a week ago i was on craigslist looking at bearded dragons :roll: i cant help it im addicted. anyway i came across the one on whidby island and started crying. hoping someone could help i created this thread. it has now snowballed into several calls to animal control and they have yet to do anything. someone mentioned putting a place to donate to help get this bearded dragon out of this horrible situation and now thanks to everyone that has donated this guy may now have a chance. of corse the one thing that sits in the back of my mind is what if hes to far gone?


BD.org Addict
Morgan, I am very excited to know that you might be picking him up today. If I were you I would not even involve animal control at this point. They obviously do not care, so it is up to you to take charge. I know you have been in contact with the owners... do they know the circumstances and how you feel about this beardie? Did you mention animal control or anything that would make them not sell the beardie to you? If not, to them you are just someone who wants to buy their beardie. Just go to the house and buy him and his belongings and leave it at that.
If you take him to the vet and they say he is too far gone and suffering too badly, then the kind thing to do would to have him put down. Yes, that would be sad, but the last thing you or anyone else wants is for this poor beardie to suffer any longer than he already has.
I am not worried about getting my money back, because I know it went to a good cause... saving a living creature from the h*** it has been living in. :(
Good luck sweetie and keep us updated.

P.S. Thank you Tracie(and James) for helping with another donation site. :D


Hatchling Member
Please update us today!!! I am so glad you are going to pick him up!! That poor baby.... bring water, baby food, pedialyte, he probably needs a good soak immediately.
Did you say in a previous post that you got them down to 20$? thats alot better than 100$
I am donating more now to help out with whatever vet bills are incurred or if you want to buy those bulbs it may help pay for shipping.
Could someone let us know how much total has been donated? Once you get him to the vet you could update us on how much more is needed?
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