whidby island dragon is here! (ROCKY)

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Extreme Poster
I still can't believe they want $100 freakin dollars for that poor beardie. That's about how much I paid for Dud, and he was fat and healthy. Send them a picture of Dudley, and say that's how a $100 beardie should look. Technically, it should only count as 1/4 of a beardie since it's probably weight 1/4 the weight of a healthy one. So $25 sounds MORE than fair to me.

Maybe if you explaint that that poor thing will cost HUNDREDS of dollars in vet care and hours of rehab, they will go down on the price.


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
iv tried but they refuse to answer...i hope that its because the officer got there but i know its just wishful thinking


Hatchling Member
I would of thought if he had any respect for his bearded dragon he would of let you have him knowing he's going to cost a lot of money and hopefully it'll lead to him getting better. Although he can't have respect for his beardie, anyone would look at him and know he isn't a normal looking bearded dragon. :(


Hatchling Member
How can they not admit it!? They're clearly a horrible, horrible person. I hope the beardie rescue happens


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
i wish i could just go take him.. but the guy wants money for a dragon that is going to cost 100s in vet bills


Hatchling Member
That's absolutely ridiculous, how can he be so selfish. I hate some human beings. Hopefully when he finally gets it into his thick head that no one will buy that clearly ill beardie then he'll drop the price so that he gets a sale and them maybe you can go get him. I hope :(


Juvie Member
Well guys, the police officer called me back. He said there's nothing they can do because they don't have anywhere to put a lizard. I could have gotten into it with him on the phone but I chose not to they obviously don't care enough to bring him to a local vet or adopt him out right away. He suggested to purchase the dragon and nurse it back to health ourselves. So yea protecting the law so much for that. Thanks for all the help Langley PD. *fumes*

Someone should contact those people and ask again if they can lower the price since he needs a vet to live. I'm so disappointed. :banghead:


Hatchling Member
That is really dissappointing, what a shame that they have no heart for beardies. I guess the only hope for this beardie is us to buy him now, how can we get him to lower the price :/


Hatchling Member
I would love to donate, unfortunately i can't for a couple more weeks. (getting stuff for kitten and taking animals to the vet and all this week and next) but i will donate as soon as i can. i would hope the officer atleast gave him a ticket or something...


Juvie Member
I only just looked at this thread......

BOY im amazed how cruel some people are :shock: :evil: :angry5: .The poor beardie he never did anything.
I hope someone takes him in ASAP


Extreme Poster
That's awful. Beardies are amazing, sweet, intelligent animals and they feel pain and suffering too! :banghead: If that was a dog or a cat, they wouldn't say "Oh, I guess we don't have a spare kennel, even though it is severely emaciated and might die any second. Too bad. I guess some other good Samaritan will have to cough up their own $100 and buy it."

I hate people. If I was close enough, I would just buy it myself. :(
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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