whidby island dragon is here! (ROCKY)

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Gray-bearded Member
Let us know when you get him!!! And post pictures.. Dawn you are awesome!! I too am going to donate towards his rehab!


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im still waiting for his response...i probly wont hear from him till noon most teenagers dont wake up till noon.
puffpuff11 no i didnt get him to lower it...and i dont want to try and they decide not to sell


BD.org Addict
I agree... asking them to lower the price after all the comments they have received about the beardie is more than likely going to infuriate them more. Just give them what they want and be rid of them.


Extreme Poster
Tell them that turtles are even more expensive and high maintenance than beardies. I full grown RES would need a 100+ gallon aquarium (Or preferably a pond), UVB light, a REALLY good filter (Which can be ridiculously expensive) and LOTS of aquarium cleaning... And they would be paying for all of this for the next 50 years.


That is SO AWESOME! You really went above and beyond, Dawn. Lots of beardie hugs to you. :notworthy: Tastiger: try not to punch the guy or tell him about himself until after you have the dragon. Fingers crossed that the poor thing pulls through :blob5: GOOD LUCK!


Hatchling Member
Oh wow I can't believe Dawn donated $100 that's so kind! I'm soo glad the beardies going to be rescued! Have you heard from the guy yet?


Hatchling Member
Glad to hear someones taking him in! I'm holding my new (and my first) baby beardie right now and can't imagine him being neglected like that its so sad! Even if he does get put to sleep its better than him having to continue to suffer. I could donate a little too to the rehabilitation how do i donate? Prob only like 10 bucks im just a teenager but have a job and some extra money and helping this little guy seems like a good way to spend some of it :)
Also do we know how old the owner is? If its a teen like me tell the parents the dragon is in severe condition from neglect and that getting a turtle is a terrible idea.


Hatchling Member
YAY Dawn, that was very wonderful of you... I will donate some in a few weeks after my bills are paid i will donate the extra stuff... turtles are very messy and stinky as well... much rather have a beardie than a turtle (my neice wants an african sideneck turtle and i won't let her have one)... i agree on alerting the parents to how sick the dragon actually is... but only after you have the dragon in your posession...

Can't wait to hear about updates!


Juvie Member
Let us know Tas! And take all the stuff he offered with him as that's obviously the reason for the price. I still don't understand why animal services isn't paying him a visit to let him know that he could face charges for this kind of thing. Tas can you call back animal services and ask them to at least pay him a visit to scare a little knowledge into him? That's there job and they are public servants!


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i got to go ahead im getting on the 4:00 ferry. i dont plan on saying anything to him im just going to get this poor guy and leave. im not even going to bother with animal control they failed at doing their job


Hatchling Member
plain yougurt as well to build up flora in stomach - that way it can digest the food, at room temp., a friend of mine helps with rescues and told me to tell you. she said if it has not been eating he could have trouble digesting food...


BD.org Addict
SRT12141992":23etxf79 said:
I could donate a little too to the rehabilitation how do i donate? Prob only like 10 bucks im just a teenager but have a job and some extra money and helping this little guy seems like a good way to spend some of it :)
Morgan has set up a donation fund... it is on the first page of this thread. Just click on the link and donate. Please don't think of your donation as "only 10 bucks"... every little bit helps. Thank you for giving some of your hard earned money to the care of this beardie.


BD.org Addict
Morgan... I am literally in tears right now I am so happy. :blob5:
I commend you for taking on this job... and it is a job! This beardie is going to need alot of attention and I believe you are the right person for the job.
I cannot wait to hear the update later when you get him.
God Bless you! :D


Hatchling Member
I'm excited even though i'm not the one getting him haha, I hope he's going to survive. Take some pics when you get him home for us. 4:00 ferry? oh i'm in UK i might be in bed when you get him home depending on the time :(
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