What to do if your dragon is not interested in Repashy?


Gray-bearded Member
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I always try to diversify the menu for Foxy.
So, everything I write below does not mean that it should replace 100% of all food. It's just a small treat.
So, yesterday I received an order by mail - molds for making worms. And today I tested it.
This is what I bought:


I took 5 ml of Repashy GRUB PIE powder and added 15 ml of boiling water (this proportion is described in the instructions), mixed and poured into the molds. I got enough for two worms.

After 20 minutes, the worms solidified and began to look like this.

I offered them to Foxy, his pupils switched to "hunter mode" and he happily ate one worm and bit off a little from the second.
Considering that I had previously offered him Repashy, but cut into cubes, and he refused them, not understanding that this was also food, I consider this a victory.
And now I will sometimes prepare such a treat for him.


Sub-Adult Member
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Cool that he tried it in this way. (y)
My Taco likely won't as a worm that's not wiggling enough isn't worth eating - he's leaving them even when other ones in the bowl/ on my hand wiggle, he carefully picks out the active ones and that's it. Things that neither run or wiggle, he's eating them when they either look like plant leaves or are colorful.

I think Foxy eating "worms that don't wiggle" 🐛would make it ways easier to get insects into him if he can't eat live insects for whatever reason.
I'm wondering whether he now, having tried it once, would eat it also in other shapes (cubes? paste?) as he now knows the smell and taste?


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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I always try to diversify the menu for Foxy.
So, everything I write below does not mean that it should replace 100% of all food. It's just a small treat.
So, yesterday I received an order by mail - molds for making worms. And today I tested it.
This is what I bought:
View attachment 91739
View attachment 91740
I took 5 ml of Repashy GRUB PIE powder and added 15 ml of boiling water (this proportion is described in the instructions), mixed and poured into the molds. I got enough for two worms.
View attachment 91741
After 20 minutes, the worms solidified and began to look like this.
View attachment 91742
I offered them to Foxy, his pupils switched to "hunter mode" and he happily ate one worm and bit off a little from the second.
Considering that I had previously offered him Repashy, but cut into cubes, and he refused them, not understanding that this was also food, I consider this a victory.
And now I will sometimes prepare such a treat for him.
That's pretty awesome 👌
I never even thought to look for molds like that.


Gray-bearded Member
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Cool that he tried it in this way. (y)
My Taco likely won't as a worm that's not wiggling enough isn't worth eating - he's leaving them even when other ones in the bowl/ on my hand wiggle, he carefully picks out the active ones and that's it. Things that neither run or wiggle, he's eating them when they either look like plant leaves or are colorful.
The thing is that Foxy has already eaten motionless hornworms. Hornworms themselves are not very mobile, besides, I often freeze them when they grow very large and he knows that even if the worm is not active, it is still tasty.

I'm wondering whether he now, having tried it once, would eat it also in other shapes (cubes? paste?) as he now knows the smell and taste?
I don’t know, but it’s not difficult for me to pour the Repashy into the mold, otherwise I would still pour it, but into a glass bowl.


Sub-Adult Member
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xp29 said:
I never even thought to look for molds like that.

There are plenty such molds, usually for making gummy candy, molded chocolate. Also in the shape of bugs, roaches, realistic maggots...
To be ordered online, or, in the US it should be just the right season now (often sold for Halloween). I've seen them 2 years ago at Target and Michael's.
The thing is that Foxy has already eaten motionless hornworms. Hornworms themselves are not very mobile, besides, I often freeze them when they grow very large and he knows that even if the worm is not active, it is still tasty.
I know the hornworm's behavior well because as a small kid, I tended to pet them :D How biiiig they are for a toddler, and so soft. We have photos ;) A bit older, I always observed them curiously, how they munch on plants, how they grow. (There were plenty of them in my parent's garden.)
Never offered my dragon one, though, as here they aren't available. No idea whether he'd eat one but I doubt. He's not eating insects he really likes (superworms for example) in case they're not moving very much. He eats pupated larvae, but only if I make them wiggle first by touching them.
I'd guess it's an instinctive thing "bug, but not wiggling - bug is not healthy" that some dragons have more, some less and might make something not seeming appetizing.
I don’t know, but it’s not difficult for me to pour the repashi into the mold, otherwise I would still pour it, but into a glass bowl.
No, also hadn't thought it might be difficult (I've similar molds but another shape for making chocolate leaves for cakes - it pops out easily). I thought rather of when it's more practical for another reason, e.g. to convince him eating other food by smearing it on that.
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Gray-bearded Member
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No, also hadn't thought it might be difficult (I've similar molds but another shape for making chocolate leaves for cakes - it pops out easily). I thought rather of when it's more practical for another reason, e.g. to convince him eating other food by smearing it on that.
I get your idea. But I think that Foxy is not "crazy about repashy" to use the smell of repashy to attract to something else. But we'll see what happens next.

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