What should i clean my beardies rock with, after his poop,

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Boiling the rock should kill any parasites and if you haven't already you might want to get a fecal exam. Hope that helps.


Sub-Adult Member
*grins* Sounds like someone may have been enjoying a lot of lettuce, right?

Boiling, yes, but be careful to let it cool thoroughly. Use a nasty old pan that no-one else will want.

A personal favourite tactic of mine is to slow bake for things like wood. Pop em on a tray, whack the oven on high and bake for a couple of hours. Be VERY careful when removing, and leave to cool for at least 24 hours.

You can clean and sterilise big surfaces like second hand tanks and aquariums with thin bleach, but rinse VERY VERY well.

Windows and other glass, white vinegar. It cleans and makes it sparkle like new if you rub it with a dry clean cloth.

New toothbrushes are ideal for scrubbing ornaments, and I keep an unused panscrub sponge for scrubbing the waterbowls with.

A good reptile commercial cleaner I found is TRex Bio-Clean. Very versatile, you can clean nearly ANYTHING with it. It even makes glass shine up good! Smells yummy, is derived from citruses and yucca. Biodegradable, environment friendly and natural, just remember to rinse when done as you don't want your lizards licking the undiluted trace remains.


Sub-Adult Member
I use dawn dishwashing liquid on my beardie's soiled tiles. Back in the 90's, they used dawn to clean up animals caught in the oil spills, so I figure it's safe enough to use on my animals things (especially with a GOOD rinse). I use an antibacterial dawn, too. I think that it's mild enough to be safe, but again, be sure to rinse well if you use it.
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