What is the cheapest way to start a dubia colony?

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Hey whats up guys,
I was wondering what would be the cheapest way to start a dubia colony. I know the roach guy charges like $60 for starter colonies right. Can I get it any cheaper than that? I'm looking for a decent amount of dubia to start a colony and I also need the egg crates (no idea where to buy those).


Juvie Member
I've found that craigslist is the cheapest source of dubia, got mine for $0.50-$0.65 each.


Juvie Member
cheapest way is to buy babies for very cheap and wait months and months for them to grow into adults and breed. Dubia are not cheap if you plan on feeding out of them within a month or two.


Hatchling Member
get like 200 of the buggers, put them in a decently sized and semi warm bin with enough food and water. Let sit for a few months, and you should have quite a bit more.
I found my eggcrates on ebay got 12 of em for like 7 bucks. But now I get mine out of the navy galley at work. There is people on here and faunaclassifieds that sell dubias. I got 1000 nymphs for 40 bucks plus 6 shipping.


Juvie Member
For the eggcrates, I buy 5 dozen eggs at the store and use those.

Definitly try craigslist. I've sold a bunch for $.25 each. Watch out for the spammers.


you can get egg flats on ebay. google it. I would look at your local grocery store and ask the manager for some egg flats/crates that you can use, say for school project. I asked my local grocery store and they gave me the wtf look, lol, then said "no, we don't have any". Kinda embarassing haha.


Sub-Adult Member
the cheapest way is to buy smaller ones and leave them alone for about 6 months... i have 1k smalls going for 55 shipped.

check out

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you can also Pm with any questions that you have in regards to starting a colony.

Thank you,
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