what I feed my beardie


Hatchling Member
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I got a bearded dragon a week ago and he is roughly 7 weeks old. I was just wondering what you guys think of his diet and if you have any recommendations. He is offered crickets around 4 times a day. they are 3/4 of an inch and he eats around 5 every feeding. I just offer him them until hes full. I dont do a timer because he doesnt eat a ton of them and stops when he feels like it. we recently had to get some 1/2 crickets but he hasnt tried them yet. i am a little worried about them being to big but I think he will be ok. I try to offer him dubias before I offer crickets most feedings but he doesnt seem to like them as much. I think its because they dont move as much as the crickets. he is also offered a salad in the morning that i leave in the tank all day and hydrate it every few hours to make sure it doesnt get gross. I put dubias in his salad to try and entice him to eat it but it doesn't seem to work. His salad contains yellow squash, turnip greens, and collard greens every day. I switch between frozen okra and green beans daily. Sometimes i give him bell pepper as well. He gets mango and parsley daily but that is only because he doesn't eat much. Once he starts eating his salad i wont be adding those every day. he also occasionally gets banana or strawberry but not that often. I sprinkle his salad in calcium and bee pollen. he sometimes takes a bite or two of the salad if i offer it by hand but very little. I'm not to worried about it while hes young but I might have to limit his bugs when hes older if he wont consume more salad. what age should i start becoming more concerned about his salad intake? any advice on this diet is appreciated


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
The sooner you can get him to eat salad the better, it becomes increasingly harder the longer you wait.


Hatchling Member
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The sooner you can get him to eat salad the better, it becomes increasingly harder the longer you wait.
im really just not sure how to get him to eat it though. ive even tried like touching his nose with it so he would lick some of the pollen but he still doesnt want to eat it. any ideas?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I got a bearded dragon a week ago and he is roughly 7 weeks old. I was just wondering what you guys think of his diet and if you have any recommendations. He is offered crickets around 4 times a day. they are 3/4 of an inch and he eats around 5 every feeding. I just offer him them until hes full. I dont do a timer because he doesnt eat a ton of them and stops when he feels like it. we recently had to get some 1/2 crickets but he hasnt tried them yet. i am a little worried about them being to big but I think he will be ok. I try to offer him dubias before I offer crickets most feedings but he doesnt seem to like them as much. I think its because they dont move as much as the crickets. he is also offered a salad in the morning that i leave in the tank all day and hydrate it every few hours to make sure it doesnt get gross. I put dubias in his salad to try and entice him to eat it but it doesn't seem to work. His salad contains yellow squash, turnip greens, and collard greens every day. I switch between frozen okra and green beans daily. Sometimes i give him bell pepper as well. He gets mango and parsley daily but that is only because he doesn't eat much. Once he starts eating his salad i wont be adding those every day. he also occasionally gets banana or strawberry but not that often. I sprinkle his salad in calcium and bee pollen. he sometimes takes a bite or two of the salad if i offer it by hand but very little. I'm not to worried about it while hes young but I might have to limit his bugs when hes older if he wont consume more salad. what age should i start becoming more concerned about his salad intake? any advice on this diet is appreciated
Get him some bsfl www.symtonbsf.com - they are a larvae - use them to lure him to the salad bowl- you will need one that they can't get out I can post a link for a bowl tomorrow - feed first thing in the morning - they are also a staple feeder- and a good compliment to your crickets it's too bad he's not liking the dubias-they are a better feeder- do not dust the bsfl but dust the crickets- his main diet is the protein but you want him eating some salad- you want him getting the calcium D 3 5 x per week ONCE per feeding - vitamins w beta carotene 2 x per week ONCE per feeding


Hatchling Member
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Get him some bsfl www.symtonbsf.com - they are a larvae - use them to lure him to the salad bowl- you will need one that they can't get out I can post a link for a bowl tomorrow - feed first thing in the morning - they are also a staple feeder- and a good compliment to your crickets it's too bad he's not liking the dubias-they are a better feeder- do not dust the bsfl but dust the crickets- his main diet is the protein but you want him eating some salad- you want him getting the calcium D 3 5 x per week ONCE per feeding - vitamins w beta carotene 2 x per week ONCE per feeding
I am currently ordering some bsfl. I use the zoo med repti calcium that contains d3. i dust all his insects in it but i wont with the bsfl. I also dust his salads in it.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I agree with Karrieree, they don't really like the powder, and putting it on the salad may keep him from even trying it.


Hatchling Member
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I agree with Karrieree, they don't really like the powder, and putting it on the salad may keep him from even trying it.
should i still continue with the pollen or stop since its not really helping?


BD.org Sicko
Hi there, it sounds like everything is very normal for a 7 week old that you just got recently . They don't always eat large amounts but yours is doing well on the amount it's eating. Give it time, and keep offering small amounts of leafy greens but don't be overly worried if he doesn't eat them right away. You can even feed a leafy green to your crickets or dubia the night before so when Reggie eats those insects they are " gut loaded. " You can also try just dropping small shredded pieces of greens near him, sometimes the movement will attract + cause a baby to pounce on them. You can lightly coat the insects with supplements but leave the greens without it.

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